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Dawood Ibrahim aide Iqbal Mirchi, wanted by India, dies of heart attack.

Once Abraham Lincoln said that "It is a pleasure to be able to quote lines to fit any occasion" And I say everyone doesn't have this ability .

And once Winston Churchill said that "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."

And I say, quoting random quotes substitutes for coming up with original thoughts from ones' self, for people with mediocre abilities.

Once Abraham Lincoln said that "It is a pleasure to be able to quote lines to fit any occasion" And I say everyone doesn't have this ability .

And once Winston Churchill aid that "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."

And I say, that simply quoting somebody substitutes for coming up with original thought, for those with mediocre abilities.
War room leak case criminal also staying in uk.
Uk is one of the home for Traitors of India.
The Peddler of Death is finally Dead. May your soul rot in Hell!
The Indian govt will not release the Netaji Bose Secret papers saying it will ruin relations with a foreign power. While the same foreign power ....stabs us in the back and supports our enemies like Iqbal and does nothing. The UK knew of him flying in and out ......and did absolutely nothing to stop it.

The Indian govt is not scared of relations with the Uk going sour. Its afraid of the damage that Congress and Gandhi family will suffer as a result of public backlash. Nehru did more harm than we know of. The UK before leaving India entered into a secret agreement in which erstwhile Rajas, feudal lords and influential ppl would gain control of Indian democracy. If you do a bit of research and inquire a bit more, than reading a f-king newspaper, you will learn their progeny and kin are in power today in India, related to those scumbags....that's why India's progress is slow and fuked up. They make sure they get a cut in everything...
Good news !!!!

May his soul rot in Hell .
God has been merciful enough to this scumbag who deserved a bullet long ago.
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