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David Cameron: Britain Will Never Surrender The Falkland Islands

What an idiot. It seems that the only word you are familiar is bitching.

Let's see how long u.k. can hold onto the Malvinas Islands.

Enjoy the sunset and cold water, the so-called g.b.

I don't know why you believe in that Argentina will get back Malvinas Islands,maybe it's because your pathetic victim mindset.
GB still has the third biggest military budget,and Argentina is selling out her war industry.it just doesn't make sense at all.

What an idiot. It seems that the only word you are familiar is bitching.

Let's see how long u.k. can hold onto the Malvinas Islands.

Enjoy the sunset and cold water, the so-called g.b.

I don't know why you believe in that Argentina will get back Malvinas Islands,maybe it's because your pathetic victim mindset.
GB still has the third biggest military budget,and Argentina is selling out her war industry.it just doesn't make sense at all.
Morrissey: British know the Falklands belong to Argentina

The former Smiths frontman, never one to avoid controversy, said that British people shared his sentiment.

Performing at the Orfeo Arena in Cordoba, Argentina, Morrissey said: “You know, of course, the Malvinas Islands - everybody knows they belong to Argentina.

“So please do not blame the British people. We know the islands belong to you.”

His comments were met by loud cheers, before he launched into Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want.

Last month, Roger Waters of Pink Floyd dismissed Britain’s claim on the Falkland Islands, told Chilean television that he was “as ashamed as I possibly could be of our colonial past... when we were out raping and plundering and stealing”.
During a visit to Argentina, Penn criticised Prince William’s deployment to the Falklands as a search and rescue helicopter pilot, saying: “It’s unthinkable that the United Kingdom can make a conscious decision to deploy a prince within the military to the Malvinas, knowing the great emotional sensitivity both of mothers and fathers in the United Kingdom and in Argentina who lost sons and daughters in a war.”

Morrissey: British know the Falklands belong to Argentina - Telegraph
An ancestor-forgetting SOB even dare to support a yesterday evil empire that has colonized and ruined so many countries and caused so many conflicts that still can be felt today: e.g. China v.s. India, India v.s. Pakistan, Israel vs Mideast and thus so many African conflicts.

Maybe you can kiss your slave master's axx long enough so that it can take you in as a puppy. However, do not ever say again you are a Chinese since you SOB is on the opposite of Chinese people by supporting a evil colonist empire vs a victim which has suffered under that evil colonist empire.

You SOB has forgotten the suffer Chinese people have gone through the two opium wars and the ensuing exploitation by it. You do not deserve to be related to Chinese at all.

Third largest Military budget??? O.K. It can not even support its own A.C. and has to ship its nuclear weapons to France to save money. As I have said, let's see how long it can hold onto the Malvinas Islands.

BTW, "pathetic victim mindset"??? It is just the "pathetic victim mindset" that reminds Chinese people never again to fall under the prey of those evil powers and the only way to do so is to get strong by ourselves. I think that is too much for a SOB as you to understand.

I don't know why you believe in that Argentina will get back Malvinas Islands,maybe it's because your pathetic victim mindset.
GB still has the third biggest military budget,and Argentina is selling out her war industry.it just doesn't make sense at all.

I don't know why you believe in that Argentina will get back Malvinas Islands,maybe it's because your pathetic victim mindset.
GB still has the third biggest military budget,and Argentina is selling out her war industry.it just doesn't make sense at all.
An ancestor-forgetting SOB even dare to support a yesterday evil empire that has colonized and ruined so many countries and caused so many conflicts that still can be felt today: e.g. China v.s. India, India v.s. Pakistan, Israel vs Mideast and thus so many African conflicts.

Maybe you can kiss your slave master's axx long enough so that it can take you in as a puppy. However, do not ever say again you are a Chinese since you SOB is on the opposite of Chinese people by supporting a evil colonist empire vs a victim which has suffered under that evil colonist empire.

You SOB has forgotten the suffer Chinese people have gone through the two opium wars and the ensuing exploitation by it. You do not deserve to be related to Chinese at all.

Third largest Military budget??? O.K. It can not even support its own A.C. and has to ship its nuclear weapons to France to save money. As I have said, let's see how long it can hold onto the Malvinas Islands.

BTW, "pathetic victim mindset"??? It is just the "pathetic victim mindset" that reminds Chinese people never again to fall under the prey of those evil powers and the only way to do so is to get strong by ourselves. I think that is too much for a SOB as you to understand.
you have lost your mind.It's impossible to argue with you any more.I don't even bother to report you and I won't reply to you again.
... Morrissey definitely doesn't speak for all British people (don't know what gave him that impression...). An old rock star viewing his own views and thinking he speaks for around 60 million of us isn't the best way to gauge prevailing national opinions...
Roger Walters: is anyone proud of plundering and stealing being part of the national past? Of course not.

But this is history, we have to deal with the current context. The islanders have their own opinions, why do people in the Argentine government, Sean Penn, and various ageing rockstars think that they don't deserve to decide their own fate? The people who colonised the islands have been dead for generations, so it's hardly the current generations fault!
Why USA back up brits in this issue?

i said "if US backs Britain on this issue Falklands wont be under Argentinian rule. be sure"

US may back UK as UK is close ally of US and NATO member
Proverb, A golden cage is still a cage.... - A Bengal tiger in our Night Safari is well-fed, has its health checked regularly and is content as compared to the Bengal tiger out in the wild in the Sunderbans, where it faces the constant threat from poachers and a lack of prey. Your idiom here is of no use.

You are from Turkey - You have nowhere near the spending power of Singaporeans, nor do you have the dramatic economic development the Chinese have had due to their centralized and autocratic government. So you are not in a position to comment.

Compare Istanbul to Singapore? - Thats not even a comparison. So don't even start.

We are doing well, and we feel no desire to embrace wild Western fantasies of democracy and free speech. If it ain't broke, why fix it?

Bla bla bla....

We are not free but our stomach does not ache as it used to be.... What kind of logic is that?

Singapore GDP = $251.5 billion
Foreign investment = $298.7 billion..... Yea.. They are so successful bringing foreign investments but they are not that good at developing their own stuff... Please don't compere Singapore that only rich because of foreign invetments with Turkey...

What you call as western fantasies is what we free people call very essence of life....
... Morrissey definitely doesn't speak for all British people (don't know what gave him that impression...). An old rock star viewing his own views and thinking he speaks for around 60 million of us isn't the best way to gauge prevailing national opinions...
Roger Walters: is anyone proud of plundering and stealing being part of the national past? Of course not.

But this is history, we have to deal with the current context. The islanders have their own opinions, why do people in the Argentine government, Sean Penn, and various ageing rockstars think that they don't deserve to decide their own fate? The people who colonised the islands have been dead for generations, so it's hardly the current generations fault!

Most people on this forum comes from countries that has been colonised by Brits or Western nations... So they have a bit of hurt over their past and they think bashing UK and West is going to cure their hurt...

Past is past....

Islands people are English origin and they live on that islands for centuries... No one has the right to speak on their behalf and they want to stay with U.K
Past is not past.

If by your standard, China should never even ask HongKong back from U.K., Macau back from Portugal since the generations living there now are way different from the original generations.

Even during 1997 when China reclaimed HongKong, it is said more prefer to staying with u.k. and were afraid to be back to China. Then by your standard, u.k. should keep holding onto it.

And you know the reality.

The only reason Argentina failed to reclaim its Malvinas Island is that its weak economy and military development then.

However, I do see Argentina has much more potentials to grow stronger faster. On the other hand, u.k. is a sinking ship desperate to hold onto the last few pieces from its evil empire era.

Sooner or later, Argentina would get the Malvinas Islands back. I hope it will be peaceful. The worst is just another war and this time more british sailors would be at the bottom of the cold sea.

Most people on this forum comes from countries that has been colonised by Brits or Western nations... So they have a bit of hurt over their past and they think bashing UK and West is going to cure their hurt...

Past is past....

Islands people are English origin and they live on that islands for centuries... No one has the right to speak on their behalf and they want to stay with U.K
Most people on this forum comes from countries that has been colonised by Brits or Western nations... So they have a bit of hurt over their past and they think bashing UK and West is going to cure their hurt...

Past is past....

Islands people are English origin and they live on that islands for centuries... No one has the right to speak on their behalf and they want to stay with U.K

I think you're forgetting about the need for closure. However, I do agree that if one spends too much time thinking about past transgressions then one will never be able to move on. A perfect example would be Israel and their hunt for former Nazi officials.
If Israel ever forgets the past tragedy happened to its people, Israel's day on earth will be numbered.

I think you're forgetting about the need for closure. However, I do agree that if one spends too much time thinking about past transgressions then one will never be able to move on. A perfect example would be Israel and their hunt for former Nazi officials.
Past is not past.

If by your standard, China should never even ask HongKong back from U.K., Macau back from Portugal since the generations living there now are way different from the original generations.

Even during 1997 when China reclaimed HongKong, it is said more prefer to staying with u.k. and were afraid to be back to China. Then by your standard, u.k. should keep holding onto it.

And you know the reality.

The only reason Argentina failed to reclaim its Malvinas Island is that its weak economy and military development then.

However, I do see Argentina has much more potentials to grow stronger faster. On the other hand, u.k. is a sinking ship desperate to hold onto the last few pieces from its evil empire era.

Sooner or later, Argentina would get the Malvinas Islands back. I hope it will be peaceful. The worst is just another war and this time more british sailors would be at the bottom of the cold sea.

HK and Macau are very different cases... HK and Macau always had Chinese majority while Falkand has British majority...
When does Chinese majority play the decisive role here? What a weird excuse. Singapore also has Chinese majority as well.

BTW, majority can be erased into minority. You do not remember what happen to those poor indians in North America???

Your so-called british majority can be easily changed since as soon as Argentina reclaims the Malvinas Islands, it will move tens of thousands Argentinians over just like what u.k. did years ago.

HK and Macau are very different cases... HK and Macau always had Chinese majority while Falkand has British majority...
This is maddening. How many times are we going to revisit the Falklands on PDF?

The facts are simple. The Falklands were totally uninhabited rocks in the ocean until GB began colonization. Ever since man set sail, finder's keepers on uninhabited islands. Just because they are physically close to Argentina means jack. Geographic proximity is NOT a key to ownership.

The island of Cuba is MUCH closer to the USA than the Falklands are to Argentina. So are numerous Caribbean Islands. Should they be ours? Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire are Dutch islands very close to Venezuela. They too were uninhabited rocks when the Dutch found them. Yet Venezuela, for some odd reason, thinks they should own them. Why?

By what measure should Argentina have the Falklands?

- The British colonized first
- The People are descendants of British settlers
- The people WANT to remain part of Great Britain

This last point trumps everything else. Take a vote. Find out what the people want.
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