Fleeting good news

Fleeting good news
Indeed, there is no other option to get out of the economic mess we have created in the last few years.
The operating paragraphs are:
The gap between Islamabad and the lender over fiscal slippages continues to widen as the Fund has strong reservations over the finance ministry’s revenue and expenditure — especially flood-related spending — estimates. Consequently, other multilateral and bilateral donors are reluctant to disburse the promised dollars. We have tried to delude the IMF multiple times in the last three years. Each time it has responded with more painful conditions. Now, unless we implement the required governance and financial reforms, sustainable economic stability will remain a pipe dream. |
Can someone elaborate on the highlighted parts? Is it just a lot of big words to describe corruption? That IMF funds are leaking away? I can't believe GOP is too stupid to maintain account books that are up to international standards. If Dar is willing to wreck the economy instead of providing an accounting that IMF can trust, something big must be wrong. I am wondering if a huge part of IMF loan is leaking away to military big bosses' foreign accounts and IMF wants no part of that.