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Dancing with the Taliban

Now you trying to paint it blue?
Since when PAK-army told you they are talking with TTp?
Any ISPR news , you can put now?
Yes army was expecting,from the politicians that after the succsessfull opreation in sawat, they could hve restored the law of land with devlopment & progress?so army can move forward to clear more places?
Bt our politicians were more bzy to use TTp threat just to hve a check on powerfull & really diciplined army?
That was the time ,when they all left IK,after using him against musharaf led army in 2007 & 8?
After that IK is dancing with talibans, to gather more funds & social popularity in west?

Sir they are trying to talk to them for past one year Sir Army can't remain in those areas for ever they have to pull out that is the reason after Swat operation they asked government to talk to the people and also Taliban but they didn't bothered to listen but they did nothing so now the Army is trying to talk and do other things on its own sir No Army can fight its own people and survive for long Sir Anger among Army is growing against Armed Forces policies towards tribal people and that can lead to chaos in the Army
Sir they are trying to talk to them for past one year Sir Army can't remain in those areas for ever they have to pull out that is the reason after Swat operation they asked government to talk to the people and also Taliban but they didn't bothered to listen but they did nothing so now the Army is trying to talk and do other things on its own sir No Army can fight its own people and survive for long Sir Anger among Army is growing against Armed Forces policies towards tribal people and that can lead to chaos in the Army

Plz stop IK,s funny self created theories of PAKARMY can't stay long in FATA & anger is growing in FATA against army,its called the soft extermist prapoganda, which no body buys?lol
If PAKARMY can stay in every major city of pakistan ,why can't in FATA?
As you don't know, even there was a garrison planned , which this croupt govt displled just because they want to put this money in their swiss accounts?
PAKARMY never has asked the civillian govt to talk with terrorists, if it did ,plz come up with official statement? Which you will never can?lol
Only thing army allways was intersted is devlopment of the cleared area,which this govt was never intersted in dam 5 years ?even in the whole country ? No devlopment? Right?

Don't be shy as a supporter of IK to accept, that he doesn't hve any clue of the problem?
On this issue PTI,PMLn,JI,JuIf, they all hve nothing concerte ,execpt surrender to terror!
Better to be true, to at least get the respect?
On economics & social devlopment of pakistan , I still like what PTI has to offer!
Plz stop IK,s funny self created theories of PAKARMY can't stay long in FATA & anger is growing in FATA against army,its called the soft extermist prapoganda, which no body buys?lol
If PAKARMY can stay in every major city of pakistan ,why can't in FATA?
As you don't know, even there was a garrison planned , which this croupt govt displled just because they want to put this money in their swiss accounts?
PAKARMY never has asked the civillian govt to talk with terrorists, if it did ,plz come up with official statement? Which you will never can?lol
Only thing army allways was intersted is devlopment of the cleared area,which this govt was never intersted in dam 5 years ?even in the whole country ? No devlopment? Right?

Don't be shy as a supporter of IK to accept, that he doesn't hve any clue of the problem?
On this issue PTI,PMLn,JI,JuIf, they all hve nothing concerte ,execpt surrender to terror!
Better to be true, to at least get the respect?
On economics & social devlopment of pakistan , I still like what PTI has to offer!

They are not self created theories these are things which Army even said in APC which was called by government Kiyani clearly said we can't win this war through Military operations we can only push them back and provide some time for talks which government has to do but they are not doing it so year back Army is trying to to that on their own but the problem is TTP no longer trust Army they have always asked government to talk Imran Khan has given the best solution no other party and Army has any solution for the problem and no development can decrease militancy in these areas Sir they are different from the rest of the world as long as Army is there they will keep fighting and attacking Pakistani Forces Sir you guys don't have any solution and have destroyed Pakistan
They are not self created theories these are things which Army even said in APC which was called by government Kiyani clearly said we can't win this war through Military operations we can only push them back and provide some time for talks which government has to do but they are not doing it so year back Army is trying to to that on their own but the problem is TTP no longer trust Army they have always asked government to talk Imran Khan has given the best solution no other party and Army has any solution for the problem and no development can decrease militancy in these areas Sir they are different from the rest of the world as long as Army is there they will keep fighting and attacking Pakistani Forces Sir you guys don't have any solution and have destroyed Pakistan

Plz put a official statment of COAS or ISPR demanding talks with terrorists fighting in FATA & in any part of pakistan or just stop spreading false prapoganda of JI, who was the brain behind IK on this particullar issue?
Plz put a official statment of COAS or ISPR demanding talks with terrorists fighting in FATA & in any part of pakistan or just stop spreading false prapoganda of JI, who was the brain behind IK on this particullar issue?
Sir he has said it many times Sir one speech was in I think abottabad Sir and I am not spreading false propaganda of JI and IK is the brain behind the solution he has given because he is from that area and he knows better than others about the people of those area Sir no one has won in these areas no superpower you will have to talk to them and also accept their demands other wise this war will never end and Pakistan will loose more than those who are in Tribal Areas
They are not self created theories these are things which Army even said in APC which was called by government Kiyani clearly said we can't win this war through Military operations we can only push them back and provide some time for talks which government has to do but they are not doing it so year back Army is trying to to that on their own but the problem is TTP no longer trust Army they have always asked government to talk Imran Khan has given the best solution no other party and Army has any solution for the problem and no development can decrease militancy in these areas Sir they are different from the rest of the world as long as Army is there they will keep fighting and attacking Pakistani Forces Sir you guys don't have any solution and have destroyed Pakistan

i had read some where that a group of powerful people will rise from afghanistan or within pakistan (but they will be from tribal areas ) and will kill the infidels like TTP and also will teach the lesson to our politians at the same time our army will be busy in kasmire with indians.......:what: wat do u say??
@Zarvan TTPs are the khawaji people zarvan........
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i had read some where that a group of powerful people will rise from afghanistan or within pakistan (but they will be from tribal areas ) and will kill the infidels like TTP and also will teach the lesson to our politians at the same time our army will be busy in kasmire with indians.......:what:

What are you talking about if I am right you just mixed by things here Sir Sir TTP is surviving Tribal areas because most of the tribes are now supporting TTP because they consider Pakistan Amry american slaves who attacked them in 2003 on American orders which is correct and kept on attacking them for 4 years and than in 2007 some people in Tribal areas formed TTP and by this day they have got support of majority of tribes some completely tribes are with and others start from 70 to 90 %

i had read some where that a group of powerful people will rise from afghanistan or within pakistan (but they will be from tribal areas ) and will kill the infidels like TTP and also will teach the lesson to our politians at the same time our army will be busy in kasmire with indians.......:what: wat do u say??
@Zarvan TTPs are the khawaji people zarvan........
Sir don't come up with this debate we all know it was Army led by Musharraf which attacked its own people first on American orders in 2003 and entered Tribal areas started operations which for years did hell of damage to people in Tribal areas thousands of them got killed and in 2007 the formed TTP so now who is the kharji who became tout of kufr who started this trash and trouble for people in Tribal areas we all know that
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@Zarvan now TTPs are using tribal people for their purpose to go against pakistan army ....im not against of tribal people but TTPs are different people ...u know there is a hathis about khawaji peoples ?and wat were the components and elements of the khawaji people doing in lal masjid and sawat .....lal masjid operation was right and legal operation of musharaf .........TTPs and uzbeks are working for foriengn peoples.....
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@Zarvan now TTPs are using tribal people for their purpose to go against pakistan army ....im not against of tribal people but TTPs are different people ...u know there is a hathis about khawaji peoples ?and wat were the components and elements of the khawaji people doing in lal masjid and sawat .....lal masjid operation was right and legal operation of musharaf .........TTPs and uzbeks are working for foriengn peoples.....
Sir Tribal area people are not that dumb and TTP guys are mostly those who belong to different tribes Sir TTP are same people Sir and they are not getting support of all the tribes and Lal Masjid operation was completely wrong and blunder which resulted in disaster of Pakistan and that was the triggering point which led to creation of TTP that was the final blow
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Terrorism is a major menace and must be defeated with conviction. It is a duty to ensure that the people are caught and brought to justice. There are people who do not understand the threat we face. We must fix this issue once and for all. Get LEJ and finish this militant organization off-the only real solution.

Imran Khan's idea is not great in this regard (peace deals)... but lets keep in mind that we haven't dealt with a major blow yet as no commander has been killed or captured. I believe an operation is necessary right after the clearing of Waziristan.
Sir Tribal area people are not that dumb and TTP guys are mostly those who belong to different tribes Sir TTP are same people Sir and they are not getting support of all the tribes and Lal Masjid operation was completely wrong and blunder which resulted in disaster of Pakistan and that was the triggering point which led to creation of TTP that was the final blow

who are the lashkar-e -jangviss?
Sir they belong to same tribes some people in TTP may be like that but not all Sir secondly you can't afford to win because most tirbals are now supporting these TTP guys and as long you will keep doing operations and killing them they will have this support you will have to end operation talk to them bring Ulemas in and hope Mullah Omar also supports you when USA runs away other wise you are doomed
o yar khuda ka khauf kar zarvan. TTP is not taliban. they are not fighting for islam. they are fighting against islam. because of them pakistan and islam got bad name. ok tell me what is khawarij. ???
Afghan taliban do not support attack against pakistan and pakistan army but TTP supports.
o yar khuda ka khauf kar zarvan. TTP is not taliban. they are not fighting for islam. they are fighting against islam. because of them pakistan and islam got bad name. ok tell me what is khawarij. ???
Afghan taliban do not support attack against pakistan and pakistan army but TTP supports.
Sir your Army was the one who first attacke people in Tribal areas and those were Muslims and your Army led by Musharraf attacked them on America orders Sir

who are the lashkar-e -jangviss?

They were other groups who before Pakistan Army entered Tribal areas and killed our own people were never their and never got support their they were based in cities one group was based in Jhang other Multan and Shia were in Karachi our Army attacked our own people and mixed up every thing these can be only taken out if we talk to our own people break support of TTP shoot down drones and taken on USA and than ask Tribal people to kick the *** of those who don't want to listen to us
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