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Dancing in presence of PM Gillani

Thread reopened. Childish bickering, crude insults, personal swipes are demeaning to this forum and its members.
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how can you remove dance and music out of a man's life?
surely it can't be unislamic to dance and sing and feel happy about life?
Any 'outrage' at such events is indicative of extremist and intolerable attitudes that have permeated sections of society.

The Talibanisation of thought has long been underway.
With an advanced apology (if my words disturb you), allow me to say that any condemnation of 'outrage' on such un-Islamic and immoral events is an indicative of anti-Islam, liberal fascism and deprivation of moral values that have permeated sections of the Pakistani society.

The liberal fascism of thoughts has long been underway which has resulted in a reaction in form of religious extremism from certain sections of our society.
how can you remove dance and music out of a man's life?
surely it can't be unislamic to dance and sing and feel happy about life?
There are other much better ways of deriving happiness such as helping people who are less-privileged. Take care of someone's daughter's wedding who can not afford that. Pay for some one's medical bills etc. etc. In Islam (and other religions as well) it is all about society, to prefer the interest of society over one's own.
There are other much better ways of deriving happiness such as helping people who are less-privileged. Take care of someone's daughter's wedding who can not afford that. Pay for some one's medical bills etc. etc. In Islam (and other religions as well) it is all about society, to prefer the interest of society over one's own.

so you don't celebrate b'days?you've never gone to a party?
haven't you ever danced with a beautiful girl in a ball?
it's sad if you havn't.

you say:
You have already moved to UK, is it not enough? Mujra is haram, period. don't try to re-invent Islam

So now we are to believe Islam has been left to the likes of you??

My position has nothing to do with islam - Dance is part of the culture of Pakistan, you live in the US I take it? Is that right? is there dance in the US?? If it is OK in US why do you oppose it in Pakistan?

About your affinity for religious extremism, since you find liberal thought so offensive why is it that you continue to live in the US and if you don't live in the US, where do you live that there is no dance??
after seeing replies from many educated members here led me to belief that soon Pakistan will have upsurge in mild talibinisation in mind set of people.
extremism will be on rise and intolerance in the society will increase.

they are on the path of Saudi Arabia instead turkey. it wont be good in the future for common people.

A PM also deserves a good time after day of hard work. i don't prescribe 24 hour mourning for refugee problem instead do something for them for that given day and deserves rest of time for him.
Sure public opinion is a factor - however; the thread was been presented as national disgrace with call sfor his ouster and of course the islamist 5th column chose to add it's own unique take on events.

If female dancing is all allowed why he disapproved later? Why did he lower his gaze? Why did he felt ashamed? There is a difference between freedom & vulgarity, modesty & liberal fascism.

I didn’t call for the ouster of PM rather those who arranged such event. What iota of ‘common sense’ is required to understand what our country is going through?

In fact:
It’s a disgrace when millions of swat IDPs rendered homeless and counting their days on pennies.

It’s cynical to attend such parties when our brave sons are losing their lives in battlefield.

It’s humiliation to entire nation when majority of population is living under poverty line and bearing the brunt of load shedding

It’s scornful when even middle and lower middle class finding hard to live just another day

It’s criminal to arrange such events when whole economy is running on IMF loans

So, it’s NOT disgrace......weird. Why not take PRIDE in it as a whole nation? Why not show the world ‘enlighten moderation’ to beg more dollars?

Why are islamist so emotional? Your entire position is that our government must exercise the hypocracy of the Islamist - on the one hand our government is fighting an Islamist insurgency and our fith column seeks to enforce on the rest of us, their notions of appropriate behavior.
Why parties, Why dancing, why fun why frivolity -- easy briltek - You, I and all of us know that there will continue to be parties, there will continue to be joy and frivolity -- but like in your Arabia, we will have hypocracy in public - and that does not work for those of us who are sick of the hyprocracy and just want to be what we are, free.
after seeing replies from many educated members here led me to belief that soon Pakistan will have upsurge in mild talibinisation in mind set of people.
extremism will be on rise and intolerance in the society will increase.

they are on the path of Saudi Arabia instead turkey. it wont be good in the future for common people.

A PM also deserves a good time after day of hard work. i don't prescribe 24 hour mourning for refugee problem instead do something for them for that given day and deserves rest of time for him.

Did you say the same thing about Bharat, when the dancing bar girls of Mumbai were banned, when the likes of Bal Thackeray and his Shiv Sena attack women drinkers, or couples buying Valentine's day flowers.

Even extremists have never attacked Valentines' Day card/flower/teddy sellers in Pakistani towns/cities.

It's easy to make such statements and accuse others, but more difficult to think if the same accusations can be levelled upon ones self.


you say:

So now we are to believe Islam has been left to the likes of you??

My position has nothing to do with islam - Dance is part of the culture of Pakistan, you live in the US I take it? Is that right? is there dance in the US?? If it is OK in US why do you oppose it in Pakistan?

About your affinity for religious extremism, since you find liberal thought so offensive why is it that you continue to live in the US and if you don't live in the US, where do you live that there is no dance??

United states of america allows dance. Good. It's their culture. Dance is not appropriate in Pakistan because it is ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan. And Yousuf Raza Gillani is the head of ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan.
And this reaction is not due to misogyny, Islam condemns any form of dance, male or female.
Just been to one yesterday...:cheers:

When they were banned, was that a sign of Talibanisation of India? When Gujarat is a dry state meaning lots of people have to drink bootlegged liquor and die, is that a sign of Talibanisation?
United states of america allows dance. Good. It's their culture. Dance is not appropriate in Pakistan because it is ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan. And Yousuf Raza Gillani is the head of ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan.
And this reaction is not due to misogyny, Islam condemns any form of dance, male or female.

spurdozer...islam doesn't condemn dance...where did you get this from?

In fact, the Prophet Muhammad watched the dance of the Abyssinians in Madinah, and even picked up his wife Ayesha, so that she could see the dance from a higher vantage point herself. This is mentioned in Sahih al Bukhari. Other occurunces are also mentioned in books of HAdeeth and Tareekh/Sirah.

Last week I even saw a picture of the Taliban dancing during one of their training sessions.

Dancing is not banned, or Haram in Islam. However, immodest dressing and seduction of others is, whether in the form of a dance or not.

Islam may condemn dancing in Masajids and it would be inappropriate.

For our Islamists we find it necessary that they were against the very creation of Pakistan, refering to it as Napakistan and it is inappropriate that you imagine that today you will tell us what Pakistan is about. It is inappropriate for the those who referred to the Quaid e Azam as the Kafir e Azam to imagine that they have anything to tell Pakistanis about what Pakistan is and will be.

Dance is part of the culture of Pakistan, no one is sugesting that dancing in masajid is Ok and do remember Mr. Gilani is Premier, not Mufti, not the Wahabi viceroy in Pakistan.

Thank you sharing your outlook.
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