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Dam Construction in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, (SANA): Minister for Water and Power Syed Naveed Qamar has said that the Kalabagh dam project would be started after taking into confidence the whole nation, adding that the 3600 MW electricity would be produced from the project and it would have the capacity to reserve 6.1 million acre water.

This he said while answering questions in National Assembly on Thursday, adding that the government has devised a two-pronged strategy focusing on electricity generation and conservation to control load-shedding during the upcoming months.

Syed Naveed Qamar said that under this strategy 1184 megawatt will shortly be added into the system to boost generation capacity. He said that conservation measures such as replacement of bulbs with energy savers and elimination of alternate street lights and non-supply of powers to
billboards neon signs.

He said under this policy closure of market and shops at 8.00 pm will be ensured. He said these steps will help save one thousand to eleven thousand megawatt of electricity.
He said that a project for installation of 1000 megawatt of electricity from Thar coal has been started which will be completed with public-private partnership. This project at an advance stage and efforts are being made to raise adequate funds for this important

Responding to a supplementary question the Minister said that the present government has initiated unprecedented number of hydel power projects which include construction of both big and small water reservoirs. He said that an agreement has been signed with the Chinese government for the construction of five small and medium
irrigation dams.

The Minister said rising of Mangla Dam has almost been completed while capacity of Tarbela Dam will also be enhanced to generate additional electricity.

Federal Minister Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah said that a poverty survey is underway to expand the scope of Wasila-e-Haq Programme and make it more transparent.
He said that under the programme interest-free loan of three hundred thousand rupees has been disbursed to six hundred and fifty-five deserving persons while another 535 cases are ready for disbursement in the next few days.

Federal Minister Mian Manzoor Ahmed Wattoo said that a number of projects have been planned for the welfare of Pakistani expatriates. He said that these projects include OPF housing schemes in Rawalpindi and Lahore and construction of schools in Islamabad and Gujrat.

Federal Minister Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah said that the government is committed to implement the “Aghaz-e-Haqooq Balochistan” and give due rights to the people of the province. He said that out of sixty-one proposals, eighteen have been implemented while thirteen are at advance stages of implementation.

Minister for Water and Power Syed Naveed Qamar said that construction work on Kurram Tangi Dam will be started in July this year and will be completed by June 2015.
Minister for Information and Broadcasting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan informed the House that PEMRA has devised a Code of Conduct for programmes and advertisements for the electronic media and action is taken against the channels violating the Code.

She said that fifty-two advertising agencies have been suspended for violating rules and regulations, adding that the code of ethics for issuing of advertisements and programmes of TV channels is present.
She said that whichever TV channel was imposed fine it had knocked the door of the court against the government decision.

She demanded of the judiciary to speed up the pace of proceedings of case related to the public importance.
Kalabagh is a political issue now.Our politician can not make any consences over it so the best option are Diamerbasha,Munda Dams.
Diamer-Bhasha Dam: ADB asks govt to focus on people, not just water, power

By Shahbaz Rana
Published: December 14, 2011


While Pakistan frets over megawatts generated and million acre feet of water stored, the lead financer of the Diamer-Bhasha Dam says the country should focus on social aspects of the affected population and address issues of environmental degradation and revenue sharing between contesting territories.

With an estimated price tag of $11.2 billion, the project is planned to be completed in 12 years. It will generate 4,500 megawatts of electricity, besides storing 8.5 million-acre-feet of water for agriculture purposes.
Satisfactory resettlement

“Pakistan has not been focusing on social aspects of the project as much as one could hope,” said Rune Stroem, the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Head of Energy Division on Tuesday.

“The resettlement work has been done but there are still gaps where the government needs to bring in improvement as per international standards,” Stroem said while speaking to journalists along with the bank’s country director to Pakistan, Werner Liepach, after conclusion of a visit aimed at ‘critically reviewing the mega project’.

Stroem said the project’s success hangs on local people’s satisfaction with resettlement activities.

Stroem said the legal dispute over sharing of revenues between Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber-Pakthunkhwa has to be worked through and “no sufficient work has been done yet” on environment.

“The ADB is fully aware that there will be strong debate on revenue sharing and we can give advice but at the end the issue will have to be decided by the Council of Common Interest,” Stroem said.

The K-P and G-B governments are disputing over the ownership of an 18-kilometre-long belt, in a bid to receive a share in income from power generation.

The G-B Legislative Assembly has passed a resolution against the K-P government’s claim and intends to take the matter to the Supreme Court if it is not amicably resolved.

Stroem also said that there was a need to ensure minimum water flows, during the storage period, to offset negative impact on the environment. No water flows at the time of construction and storage will have adverse effects, he added.

Bank’s role

An unwritten agreement has been arrived at between the bank and the government, according to which the ADB will be a senior lender, co-financer and the financial adviser on the project, Stroem said.

Next week, both parties will review the draft of the Memorandum of Understanding that clearly defines the bank’s role in project execution, he added.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 14th, 2011.

Kalabagh is a political issue now.Our politician can not make any consences over it so the best option are Diamerbasha,Munda Dams.
even though kalabagh will cost twice merely due to transport issues..how ironic politics is costing us so much...
kisi project ko politics ki nazar nahi hona chahye kalabagh dam Pakistan k mafad me tha
‘Politicising Kalabagh Dam costs Rs132 billion annually’
By Shahram Haq
Published: May 22, 2012

COST-EFFECTIVE: Rs1.2 per unit is to be the cost of generating electricity from the Kalabagh Dam.

Those who disagree with the construction of the Kalabagh Dam are actually hurting the federation, former chief minister Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Shamsul Mulk has said. “The project is safe, and yet the country is suffering a loss of Rs132 billion annually due to the government’s silence over the issue,” he claimed.

Mulk was speaking at a debate on the Kalabagh Dam issue arranged by the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industries (LCCI) on Monday. Speakers at the moot advocated the early construction of Kalabagh Dam, and said building the dam is necessary for the survival of Pakistan. If the government fails to take practical steps, poverty and hunger may lead the country to disaster from which it may not recover, they claimed. The experts agreed that those opposing construction of the Kalabagh Dam were enemies of the state and were playing with the country‘s future.

Shamsul Mulk said that, contrary to belief, there is no flood threat to Nowshera city from the Kalabagh Dam, as the former is 150 feet above water level. “Nowshehra was inundated during the 2010 floods, despite the fact that Kalabagh hasn’t been built. This fact is enough to silence detractors.”

Mulk, who is also a former chairman of the Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda), dismissed the incumbent provincial government of K-P; saying they do not represent the majority of the indigenous population. He said he could not understand why a project which will bring prosperity, economic growth and water availability for crops in K-P and Pakistan was being opposed by it.

The Kalabagh Dam was planned with an annual generation capacity of 12 billion units of electricity, costing of Rs1.2 per unit, he sain. Due incessant delays in the construction of the dam, Wapda fulfils demand by generating electricity using expensive fuel, which costs the nation Rs132 billion annually, he maintained. Taxpayers from Punjab pay Rs66 billion; from Sindh Rs30 billion; from K-P Rs18 billion; and from Balochistan pay Rs6 billion additionally. These costs have arisen due to the politicising of the construction of the dam, he said. “No one talks about this issue, which contributes significantly to circular debt each year,” he complained.

He said the Kalabagh Dam will not be beneficial to Punjab alone, but will also help erase poverty from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa as it will bring 800,000 acres of cultivable land located 100-150 feet above the Indus river level under irrigation. He said this land can only be cultivated if the river level is raised – which is possible only if Kalabagh Dam is built. Credible studies indicate that pumping water for cultivating land in that area will cost farmers Rs5,000 per acre ever year; while irrigation using canal water after the construction of Kalabagh Dam will cost only Rs400 per acre, Mulk maintained.

He said the issue has been politicised to a degree that a consensus seems impossible. The political leadership is manipulating the issue for their personal gains, he accused. “Pakistan’s problems are not really the problems of Pakistani rulers; so they never make concrete projects for the country,” he said. Civil society will have to play a crucial role in creating a larger consensus, as larger water reservoirs will benefit every Pakistani, he concluded.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 22nd, 2012.

katzara dam will actually sink most of the lands in gilgat balistan area so its not very feasible
250KV Kalash Hydropower Project Construction Work Inaugurated

The construction work on 250KV Kalash hydro power project was inaugurated in Kalash valley for electrification the entire valley. A function was held in this connection where District Co-ordination Officer (DCO) Chitral Rahmatullah Wazir was the chief guest.

Addressing the occasion Engineer Temour Shah, co-ordinator of Rural Community Development Programme (RCDP) informed that new Kalash hydro power project will bring revolutionary change in Kalash valley. He thanked the USAID and National Rural Support Programme for providing financial assistance for the power house.

He said the district administration was encouraged all those organizations and donors who donate and invest in Chitral for uplift of this backward district. He said Chitral has the potential to generate 10,000MW electricity, adding, the provincial government had also kicked of a number of hydro power projects in the entire district. He said these projects on completion will bring a bright future for Chitral.

The city of Chitral which is blessed with huge reserves of black and white marble of fine quality. According to experts, the quality of Chtiral`s marble is comparable to that of Italian marble.

Development of marble reserves is essential for the socio-economic uplift of the people of Chitral. Preferably, some of the marble reserves in Chitral should be leased out to an inland or a foreign company of repute to set up factories within Chitral to make marble tiles and fancy products for sale within the country as well as for export purposes.

It is expected that the under-construction Lowari Tunnel will be ready in three to four years time and this will provide an all-weather road between Chitral and Dir for the easy carriage of marble products from Chitral, round the year.
Although 250kv or 0.25 megawatt is not too much but it is good to hear these small projects running within the village/district/town. Qatray-qatray se darya banta hai and if people are coming forward to solve their problems within their minor capacities - it will ultimately make a big difference for the country
It saves line losses as well, when a small village uses local energy, like around 5 MW.

Takes pressure off the grid as well.


Gomal Zam Dam Project:

Gomal Zam Dam site (Khajuri Kach), is located on Gomal River in South Waziristan Agency, west of Tank and D.I.Khan Districts of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa (KPK) Province. The site is accessible from Tank by and all weather road. About a couple of miles downstream of its confluence with Zhob River and Wana Toi, the Gomal River cuts through a narrow gorge, only 24.4m (80 ft.) wide at bottom, and about 183m (600 ft.) wide at top, offering and ideal site for high dam.
PRESENT STATUS Completed on 11 June 2007

Mirani Dam Project
1) Location:
Present Status / Progress: Completed July 2007

Mangla Dam Raising Project

Location Mangla District Mirpur A.K.
Substantially Completion Date December 26, 2009

Sabakzai Dam Project
Sabakzai Dam is constructed across Sawar Rud, about 68 Km South West of
Zhob. Sawar Rud is a tributary of River Zhob. The Project area is located about 288
Km North-East of Quetta.

9. The main objectives of the project include:
a. 21.5 Km of metalled access road upto Sabakzai.
b. Extension of 11 KV line upto dam site.
c. Irrigation supply of about 33 Cusecs to over 6875 acres of land, round the year with
average cropping intensity of 123%. (Present copping intensity 20.41%).
d. The stored water will also meet the drinking requirements of local population of
over 15000 persons.
e. Flood mitigation and reduction in annual losses to property.
f. It will facilitate production of 80 Tons of fish besides boosting production of
fruit, live stock and forestry.
g. Development of Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation systems.
h. Generation of about 250 employments annually.

Satpara Dam Project
The Project is located on Satpara Nullah downstream of Satpara Lake which is about 6 km south of Skardu Town.
Present Status / Progress Completed on Nov 2011


Rainee Canal Project

Off-takes from Left Bank of River Indus up-stream of Guddu Barrage, the project
located in Ghotki Sukkur and Khairpur Districts of Sindh Province.
The length of Main Canal is 175 Km with capacity of 5,155 cusecs. About 609
Km. of Distributaries will also be constructed. All the distributaries will be lined. 304
major structures and 1318 minor structures are under construction.
Date of Completion : June, 2013





Kachhi Canal Project
Districts: Muzaffargarh, D.G. Khan & Rajanpur of Punjab
Districts: Dera Bugti, Naseerabad, Bolan and Jhal Magsi of Balochistan.
Construction of Head Regulator at Taunsa Barrage on Indus River Main Canal about 500 km (300 km lined canal in Punjab and 200 km unlined canal in Balochistan) Distribution system 1500 km.
Date of Completion June 30, 2007 (as per PC-I)
Dec 31, 2013 (Phase-I) Revised
Dec 31, 2014 (Phase-II)
June 30, 2015 (Phase-III)

Greater Thal Canal Project
Eastern part of Thal Doab within the boundaries of Bhakkar, Layyah, Khushab and Jhang Districts of Punjab.
Main Canal Length 35 KM (Whole in Phase-I)
Off take Point RD 180 of Chashma Jehlum Link Canal near AdhiKot.
Canal Capacity 8500 Cusecs
Branch Canals 344 KM (Phase-I Mankera Branch 65 KM
Area to benefit 1.976 Million Acres (Phase-I, 0.405 Million Acres)
Approved PC-I Cost Rs.30,467 Million
Commencement 16.08.2001
Completion 31.12.2008 (Phase-I)
30.06.2013 (Whole Project)
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