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Dalai Lama visit blocked by South Africa to please China, says opposition

Dalai Lama wanted an apple from Obama, but finally he could not even get a piece of bread because he is no longer useful as a playing card. He is not fighting for freedom, not fighting for human rights, even not fighting for his kingdom, actually, he is fighting for asking funds for the Tibetan exile government which runs by a few corrupt officials. This so-called Tibetan exile government did nothing except stealing money from the funds collected from the world by name of freedom, human rights, independence and whatever. But the truth is that, being an agent of India or any other anti-China organizations, Dalai Lama should understand that it is an impossible task for him to build an independent state for Tibetans. He could not even properly run a small town Dharamsala with his huge funds collected from the world, how could he run the entire Tibet and what he could give to Tibetans? Come to China to see Tibet, you will know how backward Dharamsala is comparing to Tibet. Now he has not more than ten years alive in this world, he should try to find a proper way his followers to go, and that way is in China. He lives in this world as a so-called freedom fighter or a Nobel Prize Laureate almsgived by some anti-China politicos, but actually he is a professional “beggar�. Begging is not a life, no matter what beautiful names they use.
Here is Dalai Lama with his peaceful, non-violent, innocent monks, just going about their day:


Images of the shugdensociety the very group the Dalai Lama said was against the interests of Buddhisim and Tibet, lol

At least try

And please try not to be offensive or ignorant, im not sure which, in comparing a mass murderer to a Buddhist Priest.
Images of the shugdensociety the very group the Dalai Lama said was against the interests of Buddhisim and Tibet, lol

At least try

And please try not to be offensive or ignorant, im not sure which, in comparing a mass murderer to a Buddhist Priest.

Yes I mean all china did was overthrow the backward traditions and introduced secular education, Water and jobs, the Tibetans are useless other then praising the Lama they have no skills, I actually thank China for trying to bring these backward people into the 21 century by teaching them skills.
Images of the shugdensociety the very group the Dalai Lama said was against the interests of Buddhisim and Tibet, lol

At least try

And please try not to be offensive or ignorant, im not sure which, in comparing a mass murderer to a Buddhist Priest.
Do you deny the authenticity of the pictures? Do you deny he was clearly in those photos inspecting militants? Yet you still act as if he's some harmless old monk, while calling Bin Laden a mass murder.

I don't know which is more pathetic. Your double standards, your blindness to facts or Dalai Lama claiming he's peaceful. Therefore I will save some consideration and say you are all equally pathetic.
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