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Dalai Lama holds mass gathering

Will the indians let the Dalai Lama have Tawang where they can set a country called tibet and then maybe the chinese might take more notice of indians clames of wanting a free tibet and might follow the indian lead?

First of all, India has made public statements acknowledging that, it accepts the current territory of China.

It has made no efforts towards the Free Tibet movement
No country has.

Tibet it self has become a country on the internet.
If you want to keep Tibet you better worry about the Tibetans and not the Indians.
and lastly lets face it. Even if India denies its asylum to the Dalia lama And other European or North American country will take its place.
Please do care to look at these maps...

Communist Countries before USSR Break Up:

Communist Countries Now:

Comments: Each and every Communist country has till now disintegrated buy itself...without any external help.

Lets see who gets fractured...and when.

Let's see who's stomach gets disintegrated --

today, 2009.

Last year, 2008

For India we have lot of Forex reserve .:cheers:

You are responding to a Pakistani who is hiding behind 2 American flags :rofl::rofl: Knowing the poster he or she or it most probably sat up for 8 nights painting a pic of the globe to satisfy his craving to highlight India in a negative way. Some people exhibit strange ways of satisfying themselves dude :rofl:
I wonder how long India can still play with this old fool DL's card ?

He is close to 80 years old, hell will be his only destination very soon.

Those play with fire will surely get burn at the end. :smitten:

Buddy Chinese worst fear is that Dalai lama will announce new lama in tawang before his death and he will continue the freedom fight against China. :cheers:
There is no use blaming india or even the Dalai lama. Dalai lama and the tibetans were provided shelter for the reason that they needed it. If Dalai lama was not from Tibet and from some remote island in some distant ocean facing natural calamity seeking shelter, India will give him. Firstly he is a holy leader who protects traditional way of buddhist thinking and deserves respect and not circustic remarks from evil depriving him of his own land. Secondly in india everyone is welcome even though when indians may not have had enough to eat at home at times. It has allowed the zews to settle in , tha Parsis who were victims of massacres and had no place to go other than India.

There are not many places on earth where a lot of communities have felt safe in india when they were butchered in so called civilized countries now. For india knows the roots of civilized values, i.e treat all human beings as ur brother.
You are responding to a Pakistani who is hiding behind 2 American flags :rofl::rofl: Knowing the poster he or she or it most probably sat up for 8 nights painting a pic of the globe to satisfy his craving to highlight India in a negative way. Some people exhibit strange ways of satisfying themselves dude :rofl:

You can't seriously talk to Gpit that way, he's 100% neutral in this argument and he is a very credible person to refer to, he's very respected. See what I mean, Indians...When the truth is presented and hits them in the face, they don't realize it. They only look at what they want to...Failed population, failed nation, end of story...

Btw, Gambit is 100% Yankee for all you haters out there
You can't seriously talk to Gpit that way, he's 100% neutral in this argument and he is a very credible person to refer to, he's very respected. See what I mean, Indians...When the truth is presented and hits them in the face, they don't realize it. They only look at what they want to...Failed population, failed nation, end of story...

Btw, Gambit is 100% Yankee for all you haters out there

Gambit is as neutral as Highly concentrated sulfuric acid.
In all his time here he has not made one positive comment towards India.

How can you fail population :what:

Failed nations are not, the ones which have flags on the moon
they are not the ones researching Fusion technology
they are not the one that China cant do anything about.

End of story , means an end to something a conclusion.
India is still here, The earth is still here, the f'n Universe is here.
The story of India is sill being written and as i see it, it has no end in sight yet.

Unless we mess up on global warming.
So everyone pressure your leaders to reach an outcome at Copenhagen.
The chances that tibet becomes an indepent country is even less the chance that an indian sets foots on Jupiter.
the mighty Dragon is fearing a man who has a thin coat of flesh on skeliton.

wow the world is so amazing.

Dalai Lama gives me hope that even a mighty force (like china) fears Non violence.

If DL is just one another person why china has to care about him; they can just ignore him right...

Nope. they cant as British couldnt do anything for Gandhi; the Chinese cant touch him , becuase he is shielded by a magic weapon called peace and Nonviolence.

Long live peace....

and followers of Gandhi...

The Children Of Gandhi - TIME

I am not scared to see DL; but a man of piece gives sleepless nights for worlds largest standing army..... proves .."god is Love, and Love is powerful"
The chances that tibet becomes an indepent country is even less the chance that an indian sets foots on Jupiter.

But,I thought that Jupiter was a ball of gases.And if it was, then how could even Chinese set foot on Jupiter.:lol::lol:
You are responding to a Pakistani who is hiding behind 2 American flags :rofl::rofl: Knowing the poster he or she or it most probably sat up for 8 nights painting a pic of the globe to satisfy his craving to highlight India in a negative way. Some people exhibit strange ways of satisfying themselves dude :rofl:


Stop being incredible, start being credible!

Will ya?

The whole world knows the fact except you! How incredible...
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