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Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

you think india media will report the news of your frist threat without any bias?
your media got the original news from china,then twist it with their imagination ,like their are living in Urumqi.check out the original news i posted,then compare with your copy one
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Also to remember that BBC is calling worse than Tienanmen square.

And the number of dead are only the official figures.

We all know how Chinese official figures work.!

You need to give up your obsession with Indians, dude.

hey man ,I dont want to call your names ,but what you provocation words make me feel indignant. you take BBC ,CCN news to bring shame on china? all chinese know that BBC and CNN are anti-china media! if you said that, i can also said , the fact of Bombay explode affair is the indian muslem revolting against the indian goverment's persecuting . and the death of 195 was the indian official figures work, and slander,frame pakistan goverment!!
you think india media will report the news of your frist threat without any bias?
your media got the original news from china,then twist it with their imagination ,like their are living in Urumqi.

ok ,but how?.....you show me an article my indian by and where it contradicts with the truth.......if you cant,stop your hollow trolling......
What are you talking about dude?We should support China.Next time you will say We love our Balochistan and it should be Independent.East Turkistan will always remain under China .People like you should take up guns and fight for your muslims brothers instead of blabbing here.We only have few friends and China is one of them..you want Pakistan to be a Banana Republic.
Had something of this nature had happened in India ..then there would be 100 and 1000 of thread on this forum bad mouthing India and telling how facist or how Hindu India is killing poor Muslims.

Now that this has happened in China..who is supposedly their best friend they want to turn a blind eye to them.
In spite of the ethnic cleansing done by the Chinese in that Xinjiang province

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Scores killed in China protests

Its not hypocrisy ...its opportunism.
What say ?
and i was very disappointed and angry! when chinese official media and other news on chinese internect media show their sympathize on the death during the bombay's explode. and no chinese media twist and doubt 195 people were dead during that explode! but why some indian in this forum said"(And the number of dead are only the official figures.We all know how Chinese official figures work.!)" ???????
and i was very disappointed and angry! when chinese official media and other news on chinese internect media show their sympathize on the death during the bombay's explode. and no chinese media twist and doubt 195 people were dead during that explode! but why some indian in this forum said"(And the number of dead are only the official figures.We all know how Chinese official figures work.!)" ???????

ignore the flame baits........thnx
You all should keep in mind that China is our ally and friend and we will have to support them in anything they do, in anything!Do you think the BBC , CNN and the western world give a damn about the Uighurs? Boys, they were only searching for a reason to bash China , it doesn't matter if they are uighurs or Tibetians, the aim is to make China look bad. I am sure that the Pakistani people are with China and I am sure this case will soon be investigated. No doubt there is maybe some human rights violation but I can say without doubt that China still has better human rights record than many many other Asian countries or even America! God bless China and its people:china:
BSF / Joshi,

Making such comments does not help. Yes, there's double standard, but those Pakistanis who understand the difficulties in running huge diverse countries like India / China / Russia surely would now understand India's challenges better and maybe appreciate India's democratic model better compared to China / Russia's. See we have only access to official chinese media, reasonable people will understand what that means.

And then there are those who see RAW and Mossad and the wiley Hindooo everywhere, dudes you can't convince them, trust me :)
@Joshi & BSF

Wait to talk about ethnic cleasing. Chinese authority have confirmed 140 death, but have not metioned which etnicity. Since this riot started as a retaliation against Han etnicity, I expect much more deads on the han side.
hey man ,I dont want to call your names ,but what you provocation words make me feel indignant. you take BBC ,CCN news to bring shame on china? all chinese know that BBC and CNN are anti-china media! if you said that, i can also said , the fact of Bombay explode affair is the indian muslem revolting against the indian goverment's persecuting . and the death of 195 was the indian official figures work, and slander,frame pakistan goverment!!
I'll tell you what, You give me names of any neutral media according to you.

Please do not give me the cctv and that English version of sohu or something like that.

Any news agency that you think is neutral and reliable.Untill then I will continue using BBC/CNN/ABC/Al Jazera :D
Al Jazeera English - Asia-Pacific - Scores dead in Xinjiang riot
Some of its Uighur population of about eight million want to break away from China and its majority Han Chinese population.
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An Uighur beaten by Chinese police

You all should keep in mind that China is our ally and friend and we will have to support them in anything they do, in anything!Do you think the BBC , CNN and the western world give a damn about the Uighurs? Boys, they were only searching for a reason to bash China , it doesn't matter if they are uighurs or Tibetians, the aim is to make China look bad. I am sure that the Pakistani people are with China and I am sure this case will soon be investigated. No doubt there is maybe some human rights violation but I can say without doubt that China still has better human rights record than many many other Asian countries or even America! God bless China and its people

But what about Muslim discrimination ?
You seem to be very vocal for your support to Indian Muslims,Godhra riots and Azad Kashmir ...then why not these Ughir Muslims ?

Hypocrisy ?
You all should keep in mind that China is our ally and friend and we will have to support them in anything they do, in anything!Do you think the BBC , CNN and the western world give a damn about the Uighurs? Boys, they were only searching for a reason to bash China , it doesn't matter if they are uighurs or Tibetians, the aim is to make China look bad. I am sure that the Pakistani people are with China and I am sure this case will soon be investigated. No doubt there is maybe some human rights violation but I can say without doubt that China still has better human rights record than many many other Asian countries or even America! God bless China and its people:china:

thank you sir!! only our pakistan friend can understand us. some western media like BBC,CNN, they dont like communism,muslem,and some other arabia country . BBC ,CNN usually bash and bring shame on those country ,bias and twist the reality!! by the way, BBC and CNN have a reclame in china (man should not be lying likeCNN ) anyway ,CNN ,BBC are the anti-china media, because they dont like the communism, everything happened in china are all evilness!!!:pakistan:

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