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Crazy East Asian lady starts to hurl racist abuse and attack others.

LOL! If we could only be so lucky as to get paid by the CIA.

I (and LeveragedBuyout) have posted here before that if the CIA wants to hire us we will happily take the job..and not at the cheap rate of 50cents a post...we want $100/post.

Unfortunately no takers.
50c.... i thought it was 25c; inflation kicked in?

for 50c; not even our street vagrants or night ladies will take this kind of job. i guess that is why it attracts all the lowest IQ who the propaganda ministry must pay to avoid doing this on local social media.
Hu Zhen was indeed the first person to use the word "汉奸" in the Yuan Dynasty. But he is a historical record official, "汉奸" in the Yuan Dynasty refers to the traitor ministers who betrayed the emperor in the Han Dynasty, not the Chinese who betrayed China. The original text is as follows:

"汉奸" here refers to Liang Ji, a general of the Han Dynasty.

Please note that it refers to the treacherous Minister of the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

The yuan and Qing Dynasties were certainly one of China's dynasties.

First of all, the capital of the two dynasties was Beijing, the traditional territory of the Han nationality. Most of the officials of the two dynasties were Han Chinese.

Secondly, the Mongols and Manchus are now one of the 56 ethnic groups in China, especially the Manchus. Their ancestors were the Dongyi people(东夷), and they were originally a branch of the HuaXia people. As I said earlier, three of the eight ancestors of China(三皇五帝) are not Han people, but Jiuli people(九黎) and Dongyi people(东夷).
In that phrase, 汉奸 means a Han betrayer, because 奸 itself has meaning of illegal, evil way before Liang Ji ever exists. This is where context comes in, the meaning can either be Li Gu wants to find the Han (ethnic) traitor, or he wants to find the traitor of the Han dynasty, either stands.

Also, the comparison stands, Beijing only starts as the capital of China after the Jurchen occupies North of China, the OG capital of China were Xi'an, Luoyang and Chang'an belong somewhere in the middle of China, while Beijing is slightly to the North. Meanwhile, Nam Việt occupies Guangdong and north of present Vietnam, which is where the Việt people originally live.
And Hoa people are now considered an ethnic group in Vietnam as well.
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In that phrase, 汉奸 means a Han betrayer, because 奸 itself has meaning of illegal, evil way before Liang Ji ever exists. This is where context comes in, the meaning can either be Li Gu wants to find the Han (ethnic) traitor, or he wants to find the traitor of the Han dynasty, either stands.

Also, the comparison stands, Beijing only starts as the capital of China after the Jurchen occupies North of China, the OG capital of China were Xi'an, Luoyang and Chang'an belong somewhere in the middle of China, while Beijing is slightly to the North. Meanwhile, Nam Việt occupies Guangdong and north of present Vietnam, which is where the Việt people originally live.
And Hoa people are now considered an ethnic group in Vietnam as well.

In the Yuan Dynasty, the word "汉" of "汉奸" refers to the emperor of the Han Dynasty, not to the entire Han nationality. Liang Ji was only a treacherous minister, but he did not betray the country.

As early as the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period(770 BC to 221 BC), Beijing was the capital of the state of Yan. After that, Beijing was one of the important cities of all dynasties. In the yuan and Ming Dynasties, Beijing became the capital again. After that, the capital of the Qing Dynasty was also in Beijing.
@Yaoudelizard English doesn't work as accurate as Vietnamese due to the amount of latin, germanic and french loanwords, the a in some English word is pronounced differently than the a in other English words.
Now you’re trying to convince me Vietnamese works better than English with the latin alphabet because English loans words from similar languages? Vietnamese vocabulary has over 60% Chinese loan words. You have to translate those first into viet (what’s your point about pronunciation, it’s the same thing in viet, is only in Chinese that the writing doesn’t change even if the sounds change), then translate the viet sounds into Latin script. You’re trying to argue this broken telephone game with languages foreign to Latin is more efficient than English that’s at least in the same language family as Latin.
In the Yuan Dynasty, the word "汉" of "汉奸" refers to the emperor of the Han Dynasty, not to the entire Han nationality. Liang Ji was only a treacherous minister, but he did not betray the country.
Also, Beijing was first the capital of China under the Jurchen-rule Jin dynasty, the Yuan just take over that. Before it's a city, but through Qin, Han, Tang, Song, it's not the capital.
Now you’re trying to convince me Vietnamese works better than English with the latin alphabet because English loans words from similar languages? Vietnamese vocabulary has over 60% Chinese loan words.
Uh, yes?
We are based on latin script and follow romance latin pronunciation, a in Vietnamese is the same as the a in French or Spanish, it's the same a thorough, even the chinese loan words are perfectly brought over.
It's not like English where the a of apple is different than a of hamburger.
You don't understand chinese, now you don't understand English either, shame.
Uh, yes?
We are based on latin script and follow romance latin pronunciation, a in Vietnamese is the same as the a in French or Spanish, it's the same a thorough, even the chinese loan words are perfectly brought over.
It's not like English where the a of apple is different than a of hamburger.
You don't understand chinese, now you don't understand English either, shame.

Vietnamese is Austroasiatic, not anywhere related to Latin. You talk like Vietnamese is more related to Latin than Indo-European languages. You obviously have some sort of complex where you desperately want to be related to something you’re not.
Vietnamese is Austroasiatic, not anywhere related to Latin. You talk like Vietnamese is more related to Latin than Indo-European languages. You obviously have some sort of complex where you desperately want to be related to something you’re not.
Vietnamese can be pronounced in latin alphabet. The a in Vietnamese is the same as a in French and Spanish.
And no, we are talking about pronunciation, not grammar. Grammatically, vietnamese and Latin language have nothing to do with each other.
Btw, France, Spanish and Latin are Romance language, not Indo-european, while English is a germanic/indo-european language that is mixed with French and Latin due to Norman occupation.
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Listen clown I did not vote for Trump and I have never been registered as a Republican nor have I ever voted for a Republican. In fact I have been to many Democratic candidates election night gatherings..including some of Ted Kennedy's (the ultimate left winger) at the Park Plaza.

Guess what..there's usually tons of left-wing mixed couples there who are quite comfortable with themselves. In fact I'm 100% positive that there are at least 10 times as many white/asian mixed couples at the Democratic gatherings than there are at these right wing Republican gatherings.

You seem to be quite an angry person. I'm just explaining why the Republican MAGA people may be thinking a certain way and then suddenly you turn around and assume I'm some Republican MAGA member. You have all these preconceived notions cluttering you judgement.

You are also a clear racist because you can't help yourself into trying to drag my family into PDF discussions. You have tried 3 times now in this thread. You are just one of those staunch racist militant racial purity people (both white and Chinese..and are usually very single BTW) who are driven completely insane everytime they walk down the street alone and see some happy mixed couple walking by in the other direction.

You just can't let it go. It just has to nag you raw to the f@ckin core and you have to spin it around and around and around in your head. You make up sad excuses that you mutter to yourself like "oh this must have been some forced thing"...or "they can't be happy"..or "there has to be something wrong" just to make your pitiful self feel better. Like the "Fox and the grapes" saying the grapes must be sour.

You should learn to worry about your own situation instead of obsessing over the mixed couples you see. You are just as bad as those white race nationalists that you continually complain about!

..and you aren't the only Chinese person here like this...look at the words out of this racist "racial purity obsessed" guy's mouth:

What a wonderful human being this guy is. :rolleyes1:
Again more strawmen arguments.

I never said you were a Republican. I already know you’re not. I’m saying that many right wing white maga types are proponents of white nativist and white nationalist rhetoric and this Chinese lady who is a proven Maga supporter is obviously committed to that ideology which is pro white nativist.

Secondly, I don’t give a **** about racial purity or interracial dating. I have mentioned many times on here that I preferred dating non Asian women and am in a relationship with someone who isn’t even Asian. So I would be the last to be a proponent of racial purity. I’ve also gotten into plenty of arguments with native Chinese members here who espouse that racial purity bullshit.

I just keep bringing up the fact that you’re married to a Chinese woman because I just find it very ironic that you are married to someone whose culture and country or origin you hate and you malign on a daily basis. That would be like me being married to someone who was Black and every day I went on the internet to put down Black people.

If you don’t get how toxic what you are doing is, then there really isn’t anything more to say. Take a step back and get a clue brah.
Vietnamese can be pronounced in latin alphabet. The a in Vietnamese is the same as a in French and Spanish.
And no, we are talking about pronunciation, not grammar. Grammatically, vietnamese and Latin language have nothing to do with each other.
Btw, France, Spanish and Latin are Mediterranean language, not Indo-european, while English is a germanic/indo-european language that is mixed with French and Latin due to Norman occupation.

You can probably make the Arabic script sound out Vietnamese words if you really tried. The alphabet wasn’t designed for a single syllabic tonal language, you can make it work it will just never be as efficient as the languages the alphabet was designed for. That chip on your shoulder will never let you admit that, to the point where you’re arguing Vietnamese works better the languages that the alphabet came from.

Latin based languages are a part of the indo European language family. You might want to check your facts before you continue your argument.
You can probably make the Arabic script sound out Vietnamese words if you really tried. The alphabet wasn’t designed for a single syllabic tonal language, you can make it work it will just never be as efficient as the languages the alphabet was designed for. That chip on your shoulder will never let you admit that, to the point where you’re arguing Vietnamese works better the languages that the alphabet came from.

Latin based languages are a part of the indo European language family. You might want to check your facts before you continue your argument.
Sure, we can and we did. Like thánh Allah or chúa Giê-su. And efficient my ***, considering the word isn't necessarily longer than English, and it actually says what it says instead of relying on soft rules like English. The reason why Vietnamese romanization is accurate like this is because the modern Chữ Quốc Ngữ is co-developed by a portugese who knew latin: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Alexandre_de_Rhodes

And wtf? English is where the alphabet come from? The Latin Alphabet come from the Pheonician alphabet, who is med/north african. You know what the indo-european (germans, goths) were using before the alphabet? Rune.

And no, I know my fact, you can cry but you yourself lack history knowledge to deal with it.
Sure, we can and we did. Like thánh Allah or chúa Giê-su. And efficient my ***, considering the word isn't necessarily longer than English, and it actually says what it says instead of relying on soft rules like English. The reason why Vietnamese romanization is accurate like this is because the modern Chữ Quốc Ngữ is co-developed by a portugese who knew latin: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Alexandre_de_Rhodes

And wtf? English is where the alphabet come from? The Latin Alphabet come from the Pheonician alphabet, who is med/north african. You know what the indo-european (germans, goths) were using before the alphabet? Rune.

And no, I know my fact, you can cry but you yourself lack history knowledge to deal with it.
It’s clear you have no idea what the indo Europeans language family is. You also don’t understand the different tonal languages and non tonal language. And why phonetic alphabets designed for non tonal languages work better for non tonal languages. You can pronounce English a lot better with with Arabic letters than you can with Vietnamese because both languages have more in common than Vietnamese, neither of them were designed with tones for with words that only have 1 syllable. Both are multi syllabic and don’t have to deal to any tones.
It’s clear you have no idea what the indo Europeans language family is. You can pronounce English a lot better with with Arabic letters than you can with Vietnamese because both languages have more in common than Vietnamese, neither of them were designed with tones you with words that’d only have 1 syllable.

You yourself don't know the difference between a Romance language and a Germanic language. The germanic adapt latin alphabet much later and have different pronounciation.
And no, we weren't trying to pronounce English, we are trying to pronounce Vietnamese with latin alphabet, and why the Vietnamese Chữ Quốc Ngữ pronounces the latin a correctly, unlike English.
I don't think you get it at all, and are just trying to argue for the sake for arguing.
You yourself don't know the difference between a Romance language and a Germanic language. The germanic adapt latin alphabet much later and have different pronounciation.
And no, we weren't trying to pronounce English, we are trying to pronounce Vietnamese with latin alphabet, and why the Vietnamese Chữ Quốc Ngữ pronounces the latin a correctly, unlike English.
I don't think you get it at all, and are just trying to argue for the sake for arguing.
They are a part of the same language family with enough similar features that are shared that allows them to easily borrow from each other. You didn’t even know they were both indo European languages for god sakes.
They are a part of the same language family with enough similar features that are shared that allows them to easily borrow from each other. You didn’t even know they were both indo European languages for god sakes.
No, they aren't? One is Romance, one is Germanic.
Try to speak French to an Englishman and see how they understand each other?
English borrows French loan words, but it lacks the grammar of French, even the same word are pronounced differently in both languages.
No, they aren't? One is Romance, one is Germanic.
Try to speak French to an Englishman and see how they understand each other?
English borrows French loan words, but it lacks the grammar of French, even the same word are pronounced differently in both languages.

Please you’re embarrassing yourself.

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