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Crackdown on staff abuse!

correct me if i am wrong..
seems most indian member getting wrong side of line
as this is international forum then why not indian mod

I don't think there's a need for another Indian mod to be honest.
Pakistani mods serve the purpose of intervening in all Indo-Pak affairs threads.

I personally wouldn't mind one just for your section, but that's my personal opinion. I still however feel there isn't the need.

i know dear ..
privileged in terms of action.. sometime i too not happy with mod decision or silence
but i have to belive in mod ..that it..

Mods aren't always right, we're not robots, we are biased, we are humans and we make mistakes, which is why our decisions can be called out at the GHQ.

But randomly criticising them in a random thread, when I see a member doing that, it makes me angry.
Yes I think I read that....and congratulated you on that...Just didnt remember the details as usual :D

Well, all your kids married so what do you do? I dont mean it in a rude way just curious how people pass their time? Or do you have grandkids to play with?

After 12 years of the steel industry, and 26 years in the software services industry, I should have been sitting pretty at home, retired and content. Instead, having spent all my savings on getting the family out of trouble due to some pretty innocuous mistakes committed by a parent, I have gone back to work. Now I'm a temporary head of the school of business at a private university, instead of teaching history as I ought to have been doing, and doing a difficult job with great difficulty. Some days are worse than others; they are all pretty bad. I live - alone - on a 400 acre campus, which is more like a construction site, that chewed up my best handmade shoes. No TV, no Internet, except through a mobile phone connection, no civilisation closer than Dehra Dun, but educating kids, some of them first generation literates. That last bit makes much of the torture bearable. Just bearable.
After 12 years of the steel industry, and 26 years in the software services industry, I should have been sitting pretty at home, retired and content. Instead, having spent all my savings on getting the family out of trouble due to some pretty innocuous mistakes committed by a parent, I have gone back to work. Now I'm a temporary head of the school of business at a private university, instead of teaching history as I ought to have been doing, and doing a difficult job with great difficulty. Some days are worse than others; they are all pretty bad. I live - alone - on a 400 acre campus, which is more like a construction site, that chewed up my best handmade shoes. No TV, no Internet, except through a mobile phone connection, no civilisation closer than Dehra Dun, but educating kids, some of them first generation literates. That last bit makes much of the torture bearable. Just bearable.
one word..
Respect !:yahoo:
After 12 years of the steel industry, and 26 years in the software services industry, I should have been sitting pretty at home, retired and content. Instead, having spent all my savings on getting the family out of trouble due to some pretty innocuous mistakes committed by a parent, I have gone back to work. Now I'm a temporary head of the school of business at a private university, instead of teaching history as I ought to have been doing, and doing a difficult job with great difficulty. Some days are worse than others; they are all pretty bad. I live - alone - on a 400 acre campus, which is more like a construction site, that chewed up my best handmade shoes. No TV, no Internet, except through a mobile phone connection, no civilisation closer than Dehra Dun, but educating kids, some of them first generation literates. That last bit makes much of the torture bearable. Just bearable.
Sorry to have touched such a topic...
Let me also be frank as frankness seems to be the general trend.you are not doing us a favor by allowing us here , the same way any business is not doing any favor to its customers by providing them their services.A great no of indians visit this form regularly and it benefits the forum owner in ad revenue and trafic.So, again providing a good service...Yes, doing a favour....No.

Thank you for pointing that out. I personally am not inclined to do what I do as a moderator and some of the things I do and have done here, really are not and don't have to be part of my job description.

Please don't be fooled, a mod team of about 10 running a forum of 50k plus is no joke.
And I'm not doing it for the money either, I like this forum, I like it's members and I gain form it in the same way as you do.

You should really see my inbox sometime and then ask yourself whether what I'm doing is for personal benefit.

The second point i would like to make is that your observations seem to be tinted with bias, it is but natural.Ask any indian member, those who you hold in high caliber and they will say the same thing about pakistani, more often than not it is the pakistanis who use hateful words.A clear example is their incomprehension to separate india from hindus, i see no indian member ever saying "Listen muslim.....", but most pakistani members even while debating point not related to hinduism or religion will frequently state things like "listen hindu" and other shit.More than that , the no of anti-muhammad post is far far less than anti-hindu gods posts.Again it is but natural, as having a sizeable muslim population indians are ar more sensitive to muslims than pakistani to hindus(where they constitute an insignificant minority).

There are many idiot Pakistanis, many whom I ban.
The problem however is, that there are little to no suicide trolls from our end.
95% are Indian and come here witht he sole intend to provoke, completely disregard rules and say what they wnt and get banned.

Am I biased? Of course I am, I'm only human.

Am I unfair? I don't think so, you can ask your own countrymen who've inboxed me, who've dealt with me whether I've been fair, whether I've listened to them and helped them.

These are my observation, as i too am a normal human , they may be tinted with bias, although i have tried to keep them as neutral as i humanely can.

I agree my dear, give us poor moderators a break.
Thank you for pointing that out. I personally am not inclined to do what I do as a moderator and some of the things I do and have done here, really are not and don't have to be art of my job description.

Please don't be fooled, a mod team of about 10 running a forum of 50k plus is no joke.
And I'm not doing it for the money either, I like this forum, I like it's members and I gain form it in the same way as you do.

You should really see my inbox sometime and then ask yourself whether what I'm doing is for personal benefit.

There are many idiot Pakistanis, many whom I ban.
The problem however is, that there are little to no suicide trolls from our end.
95% are Indian and come here witht he sole intend to provoke, completely disregard rules and say what they wnt and get banned.

Am I biased? Of course I am, I'm only human.

Am I unfair? I don't think so, you can ask your own countrymen who've inboxed me, who've dealt with me whether I've been fair, whether I've listened to them and helped them.

I agree my dear, give us poor moderators a break.

From my point of view, the number of Indian suicide trolls to Pakistani is about 10:1. This is crazy. I remember an imitation RazPak recently, also a Talon Pig, but those could both have been agents provocateur from the other side. OTOH, there are always a large number of Indian trolls who are clearly there to make mischief, and the maximal mischief, before being thrown out, and re-registering from some other cyber centre.
Thank you for pointing that out. I personally am not inclined to do what I do as a moderator and some of the things I do and have done here, really are not and don't have to be art of my job description.

Please don't be fooled, a mod team of about 10 running a forum of 50k plus is no joke.
And I'm not doing it for the money either, I like this forum, I like it's members and I gain form it in the same way as you do.

You should really see my inbox sometime and then ask yourself whether what I'm doing is for personal benefit.

There are many idiot Pakistanis, many whom I ban.
The problem however is, that there are little to no suicide trolls from our end.
95% are Indian and come here witht he sole intend to provoke, completely disregard rules and say what they wnt and get banned.

Am I biased? Of course I am, I'm only human.

Am I unfair? I don't think so, you can ask your own countrymen who've inboxed me, who've dealt with me whether I've been fair, whether I've listened to them and helped them.

I agree my dear, give us poor moderators a break.

Man, ask Webby to increase the number of Mods. Due to MODs living in different timezones, i guess, there are some times when no one in online and trolling by Indian members is at its peak.
how does a history lecturer end up teaching business? :unsure:

Oh that!

I read history for my Bachelors, then took a PGDM from IIM Calcutta, so I have a post-grad in business, but only a graduate degree in history. Actually, I've been asking around how to get a quick MA in history, because a famous historian has promised to take me under her wing and guide my PhD. She can't do anything for me unless I have a post-grad in history. Or archaeology, or anthropology, which offer equally good intellectual scope. I think.
Dont worry, the day will come in your lifetime when we will see an indian mod. The problem is when the time is conducive to it. Till then lets work on appreciating that there is a "Pakistani" forum where all are welcome, especially Indians. Or you could direct me to an Indian forum where I as a "Pakistani" am welcome with a side order of little bit of disrespect. It wont hurt me.

Lol. Boring. I don't care if the mods are Indian, Pakistani, or alien. Just be fair, and not have double standards. Try team-bhp.com for starters... you didn't say what kind of forum.
Lol. Boring. I don't care if the mods are Indian, Pakistani, or alien. Just be fair, and not have double standards. Try team-bhp.com for starters... you didn't say what kind of forum.

Team-BHP is very classy. I love it. Incidentally, AFAIK, there are very warmly welcome Pakistani members there too.

Lol. Boring. I don't care if the mods are Indian, Pakistani, or alien. Just be fair, and not have double standards. Try team-bhp.com for starters... you didn't say what kind of forum.

But @Bombaywalla , I'm sure you'll agree that 75% of the posts here would die there. And the posters offered as burnt sacrifices by the mods there.
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