So what will Pakistan manufacture due to CPEC?
This is a loaded question and the answer would be like writing a book as the impact is far beyond manufacturing.But here:
1) China has a population issue in their manufacturing towns, older labor and non-English speaking. They plan on sharing that business with Pakistan where they can assemble Cell Phones, TV's Home Electronics, Home Goods in Pakistan (stuff that says "Made in China" and that's everything), to ship to the ME, Africa and Central Russian states. Gawader is very close to all these places, so shipping along makes it much cheaper, vs. shipping from the other side of China (much longer distance to the port and through ships).
2) For this, there will be over 2 dozen trade free zones built across the CPEC. These new zones will have their own new Residential Cities, with thousands of new Homes (new jobs for construction), Hospitals (new jobs for medical staff, Schools, Colleges, Universities (new jobs for teachers, etc), local Restaurants, Hotels, Bakeries, Coffee Shops (businesses and new jobs), Roads, Parks, Rail Stations, Airports (new jobs), Shopping Malls (people buying food, cars, trucks, clothes, toys and majority of them made in Pakistan at that point due to local manufacturing), Water Dams, Power Plants, etc. Take a look at California's market, what IT has done there in 2 decades!! Take a look at Texas from Austin to the end of North Texas before Oklahoma, what bringing in new business offices has done there, three of the top 10 cities to move to, are neighboring cities outside of Dallas with the highest growth. Same goes for Virginia, Kansas, St. Louis, and other places. It will be the same for Pakistan too.
3) For electronics related industry (Haeir and Huwaei already started initial production in Pakistan), Pakistan engineers will be employed. And soon after having some experience, Pakistan will offer manufacturing capability to Samsung, LG, etc, as well (same model like China). You have the assembly line and technology, offer it to others for cheaper produce manufacturing and assembly. Audi wants to assemble cars in Pakistan, so does VW and Volvo and Renault (you and I had debated that too). So that would grow the auto sector too.
4) BPO/IT offshore: once you start having an electronics related manufacturing capability, your IT talent will be used a lot to provide Software integration capability as from the TV to a Laptop to a Car, all use software. Naturally, you'll start to offer IT / BPO offshore services like India and due to being much cheaper, you'll get plenty of business.
5) Having the above capability and associated expansion in jobs, and taxation and have labor trained on electronics, software, manufacturing, you'd also enhance, re-design and create defensive technologies and advance towards the military front also.
6) Every year post 2018, you'd have many public companies being created through IPO's, which then bring in more and more investments into your stock market and provide more $$$$ to investors, resulting in growth in the economic sector.
So however you look at it, Pakistan is going up and rapidly, almost at an unimaginable speed, and there is no stopping to it. This is a true definition of extremely rapid transformation of an entire country
The current government has truly re-created a new Pakistan. From a "terrorist supporting country and a failed state in 2013" to "one of the Fastest Growing Economies in 2016"!!