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CPA in Islamabad canceled by 27/28 Majority vote lead by Bangladesh Speaker

I don't know what is indian inferiority complex with it. We took a stand. Stick with it. This is what independent nations do. What is decisive hit in it ?

Fine but nobody agreed with your stand
And you lost an important event ; which could have helped in improving your image
in the world community

And the slamming was LED by Bangladesh Speaker
Fine but nobody agreed with your stand
And you lost an important event ; which could have helped in improving your image
in the world community

And the slamming was LED by Bangladesh Speaker

Ah clutches to the straw? Quote specific news item which says So called slamming was done in real instead of in your wet dream.

He said that the speaker of the Bangladesh assembly, who is also the CPA chairperson, had also requested him to review the decision. “However, I categorically told her that it was next to impossible for Pakistan to change its principled stand on Kashmir,” he said.

Also read: Pakistan says will not invite occupied Kashmir speaker to commonwealth conference

In addition to the chairperson, Pakistan’s stance was also conveyed to the CPA’s 35 members of the executive during a video-conference, Mr Sadiq said.

He said it was not appropriate to host the CPC while compromising on the Kashmir cause, adding that the CPA had insisted that Pakistan invite the IOK assembly speaker. “I tried my best to convince them otherwise, but finally decided to cancel the upcoming conference instead of changing our earlier stance,” he explained.

Pakistan cancels C’wealth conference after pressure to invite held Kashmir’s speaker - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
I don't know what is indian inferiority complex with it. We took a stand. Stick with it. This is what independent nations do. What is decisive hit in it ?
Its good thing to take a stand and standing by it.

But 27 of 28 votes went for india. I am guessing that single vote came from pakistan itself ? So no support for pakistani stand at all ? Then comes the moment to reanalyse the stand taken.
I don't know what is indian inferiority complex with it. We took a stand. Stick with it. This is what independent nations do. What is decisive hit in it ?

wants to remember u some something.........
first it was us who boycott the commonwealth meeting ,not inviting jk legislators. which was condemned by many countries.

then came ur sataz aziz said If India wants to boycott Commonwealth Conference, it’s their problem. meeting will take place.

then india said they will be some consequences .

after all this came the news,tht pakistan will not host cpa meeting bcos of kashmir issue.

thing was, they were intimated by many commonwealth countries tht they are also boycott the meeting bcos india is boycotting so just to save their face in international arena they cancelled the meeting ,thts how we roll man :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:
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I don't know what is indian inferiority complex with it. We took a stand. Stick with it. This is what independent nations do. What is decisive hit in it ?

Taking a stand is fine. But it has to work out in your favour too.
If we take a look at the chain of events, then what do we see ?

1. Pakistan decides not allow the Indian representative from Kashmir in CPC, which is weird to begin with, since Pakistan is playing only the host for an International conference. It is not an event initiated by Pakistan. Every commonwealth country gets a chance to host the event in round-robin fashion. India hosted the 53rd CPC in 2007, if I recall properly and that time India did not stop any Pakistani representative from entering Delhi.

2. India stages a protest, says it will boycott the meeting, Pakistan says go ahead.

3. In a sudden turn of events, we see Pakistan cancelling the entire event. Question - What went wrong now ? Pakistan already got what it wanted, unless there is some diplomatic pressure that forced Pakistan to cancel the conference altogether. It will go in favour of India because it will be seen as Pakistan had cancel a conference hosting so many nations because India decided not to join. 27 out of 28 votes were in favour of changing the venue due to the current crisis. You understand what that means ? It means only Pakistan voted in favour, rest voted against it, meaning for India.
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I don't know what is indian inferiority complex with it. We took a stand. Stick with it. This is what independent nations do. What is decisive hit in it ?
You are just hosting a conference, so you should abide by the rules of conference. Just you are hosting it does not give you the power to change the rules of conference. Stay in your limit or your blind anti-India stand lead you to Isolation. Still there is a time.

Joining US (NATA) in early days
Joining China now
Infiltrating Bangladesh, Nepal, Srilanka with extremists to disintegration India
Inflamating anti-hindu riots in Kashmir and rest of India.
Doing everything to block India's move

are some of the examples of your hatred towards Hindu's and India. No country survives long with such hatred.
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