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(Coward)Indian forces kill 11-year-old boy in Kashmir


Feb 16, 2016
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SRINAGAR, India — Indian security forces killed five militants and

an 11-year-old hostage in three separate clashes in the
Indian-controlled portion of Kashmir, police and the army said Friday.

Army spokesman Rajesh Kalia said security forces found the bodies of two insurgents and the boy after an exchange of gunfire that started in northern Bandipora district on Thursday.

Police said the insurgents had taken two civilians hostage, apparently for use as human shields. One was rescued, police said in a tweet.

Separately, two insurgents were killed in western Baramulla district and another in southern Shopian area during search operations by security forces, Kalia and police said.

A grenade attack by insurgents wounded three police officers in Sopore area on Thursday, police said.

Insurgents have been fighting for Kashmir’s independence from India or its merger with neighboring Pakistan since 1989. India and Pakistan each administer part of Kashmir, but both claim the region in its entirety.

India accuses Pakistan of arming and training the insurgents, a charge Islamabad denies. Pakistan says it provides only diplomatic and moral support to the rebels fighting Indian rule.

Tensions escalated last month after India launched an airstrike inside Pakistan, targeting militants blamed for a Feb. 14 suicide bombing in Indian-controlled Kashmir that killed 40 troops.

Pakistan retaliated by shooting down two Indian planes and capturing a pilot, who was later returned to India. International pressure has helped prevent the situation from worsening between the two countries.


This story has been corrected to show that age of boy killed is 11 instead of 12.

Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

No one among those 1.5 million cowards had balls to go inside the building to secure hostage so they burn down entire house along with innocent boy such a coward these Indian hanumans are and their braindead janta believes these eunuchs did surgical strike inside Pak against armed men

ignore the mindless rant about Pakistani militant
SRINAGAR, India — Indian security forces killed five militants and

an 11-year-old hostage in three separate clashes in the
Indian-controlled portion of Kashmir, police and the army said Friday.

Army spokesman Rajesh Kalia said security forces found the bodies of two insurgents and the boy after an exchange of gunfire that started in northern Bandipora district on Thursday.

Police said the insurgents had taken two civilians hostage, apparently for use as human shields. One was rescued, police said in a tweet.

Separately, two insurgents were killed in western Baramulla district and another in southern Shopian area during search operations by security forces, Kalia and police said.

A grenade attack by insurgents wounded three police officers in Sopore area on Thursday, police said.

Insurgents have been fighting for Kashmir’s independence from India or its merger with neighboring Pakistan since 1989. India and Pakistan each administer part of Kashmir, but both claim the region in its entirety.

India accuses Pakistan of arming and training the insurgents, a charge Islamabad denies. Pakistan says it provides only diplomatic and moral support to the rebels fighting Indian rule.

Tensions escalated last month after India launched an airstrike inside Pakistan, targeting militants blamed for a Feb. 14 suicide bombing in Indian-controlled Kashmir that killed 40 troops.

Pakistan retaliated by shooting down two Indian planes and capturing a pilot, who was later returned to India. International pressure has helped prevent the situation from worsening between the two countries.


This story has been corrected to show that age of boy killed is 11 instead of 12.

Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

No one among those 1.5 million cowards had balls to go inside the building to secure hostage so they burn down entire house along with innocent boy such a coward these Indian hanumans are and their braindead janta believes these eunuchs did surgical strike inside Pak against armed men

ignore the mindless rant about Pakistani militant
[/QUOTThat kid was killed by the terrorist,who was keeping him captive in the first place. Several request were made by the security forces, and the mother of the kid to release him. Finally forces stormed the building and this unfortunate event occurre. Anyway RIP

why not you stop producing & exporting terrorist which abduct children & use them as human shield.

Its high time that you guys stop this false narrative , and get in your sense .. such incidents fuel extremism , check how Syrian Civil war started for the reference .
both countries can't afford War , peace is only solution and it will happen if we look into our own problems instead of blaming others .
That is Indian propaganda. Tell me something new.

What is propaganda in that video. That kid along with his uncle was kidnapped by the terrorist in the first place.
That is not a problem?? Even if the kid was helping the security forces( i am not sure about the cause for abducation). Still security forces are the bad guys. RIP to that kid and RIP Logic.
It's a Hindu terrorism perpetrated by occupation forces on innocent children. Inshallah favour will be returned by Kashmiri Mujahdeen. It has now become an indigenous movement.

What is propaganda in that video. That kid along with his uncle was kidnapped by the terrorist in the first place.
That is not a problem?? Even if the kid was helping the security forces( i am not sure about the cause for abducation). Still security forces are the bad guys. RIP to that kid and RIP Logic.

This is also propaganda? Gangoo
SRINAGAR, India — Indian security forces killed five militants and

an 11-year-old hostage in three separate clashes in the
Indian-controlled portion of Kashmir, police and the army said Friday.

Army spokesman Rajesh Kalia said security forces found the bodies of two insurgents and the boy after an exchange of gunfire that started in northern Bandipora district on Thursday.

Police said the insurgents had taken two civilians hostage, apparently for use as human shields. One was rescued, police said in a tweet.

Separately, two insurgents were killed in western Baramulla district and another in southern Shopian area during search operations by security forces, Kalia and police said.

A grenade attack by insurgents wounded three police officers in Sopore area on Thursday, police said.

Insurgents have been fighting for Kashmir’s independence from India or its merger with neighboring Pakistan since 1989. India and Pakistan each administer part of Kashmir, but both claim the region in its entirety.

India accuses Pakistan of arming and training the insurgents, a charge Islamabad denies. Pakistan says it provides only diplomatic and moral support to the rebels fighting Indian rule.

Tensions escalated last month after India launched an airstrike inside Pakistan, targeting militants blamed for a Feb. 14 suicide bombing in Indian-controlled Kashmir that killed 40 troops.

Pakistan retaliated by shooting down two Indian planes and capturing a pilot, who was later returned to India. International pressure has helped prevent the situation from worsening between the two countries.


This story has been corrected to show that age of boy killed is 11 instead of 12.

Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

No one among those 1.5 million cowards had balls to go inside the building to secure hostage so they burn down entire house along with innocent boy such a coward these Indian hanumans are and their braindead janta believes these eunuchs did surgical strike inside Pak against armed men

ignore the mindless rant about Pakistani militant

Anyway Indian agencies are Devil in Kashmir....But did any from Pakistan asked why the militants who are pronpeople has to take an 11 year old as an hostage???
This story has been corrected to show that age of boy killed is 11 instead of 12.

Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

No one among those 1.5 million cowards had balls to go inside the building to secure hostage so they burn down entire house along with innocent boy such a coward these Indian hanumans are and their braindead janta believes these eunuchs did surgical strike inside Pak against armed men

ignore the mindless rant about Pakistani militant

It's never about bravery/cowardice.

Why the heck should Indian soldiers risk their life for a Kashmiri boy ??? Let the entire Kashmir and the world see what the so called "Freedom Fighters" (aka militants) do with their own people to save their petty miserable life from the military and use a small kid as a Human Shield. So much so for Freedom. :azn::azn::azn:

The entire operation tool long 48 Hours during which the boys parents, especially his mother, relatives and the local politicians appealed to the terrorists to release him. That's the living proof. We don't want to convenience anyone else. Let the Kashmirs see and learn for themselves.

finally someone said it

Yes, Mr. The militants were hiding inside the house for the last three days, and none of the family members didn't cared to even inform the Police about their presence it seems. Ever thought why ???

It was only after the Intel that a CASO was initiated by the forces. If you are a sympathizer, you should expect a collateral damage. Sad, really sad but true.
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