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Covid-19 Origins, Control Over World and Silent Forces - Was it all Coincidence?


Sep 8, 2009
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Covid-19 Origins, Control Over World and Silent Forces - Was it all Coincidence?
By AzadPakistan2009 , January 16th 2021

The crowd look up at the ball as it dropped , and loud cheers of Joy went up in air , New Years 2020 had arrived. Countless people were opening up new Years cards , or greeting their friends on various social media or in person. The confetti rained down on the crowd standing in the streets, no one around the world knew that the same Year 2020 would hold a massive dark secret which would impact Human Lives world Wide. Of course now we know what that Dark Secret or Ominous arrival was for 2020. However was it a mere act of nature , or was it a none Natural event forged in some Labs by certain global entities which want a greater control over the overall wealth of the world and who have been demanding reduction in Global Human Population so that their control can be easily implemented. Let us examine the claims, Let us examine the silent hints and suggestions that Covid-19 may just not have been a natural event.

The first evidence is Population Overgrowth. Most scientist who follow the two figures of World Population growth and Food Supply know that the world's food production rate is much much much slower then the rate at which world population for humans is growing. Now if we imagine a global control was required over the world , controlling a small population is much easier vs controlling billions and billions of people. Having less humans would be considered as a prime need for Global Entity which sought control over the affairs of the world. This ambition for population reduction has not been hidden various celebrities' have been influenced by the hidden group to speak on behalf of population reduction. The controlling entity really does not needs massive population in Africa , much of Asia and may be even South America, these view people of the region as merely as hindrance which prevents them access to much of the raw resources on that land , the raw lumber , raw food and raw minerals. Have a very low population of humans in the region would enable them to go in and easily extract necessary raw material for fueling their ambitious corporations or other ventures.

The Second evidence is Development of financing of Technology , which just 1 year ago was useless and now it is essential technology globally. Let us step back and let me draw this picture a bit if 1-2 years ago you reviewed these specialized technology , you would say to yourself , well I would never ever want to use it. What are these technologies ?

a) Home Delivery Services for Groceries
b) Automated cashier less counters (Self Checking)
c) Driverless Vehicles
d) Robots for Medicine dispensing
e) Online Streaming Solutions for Movies (.Netflix , Disney ......)
f) Online Learning
g) Driverless Taxies

Now I want you to take a step back , and imagine a world 2-3 years ago and you would likely say to me , that you really don't watch that much Netflix , or you would never use a Cashier less counter or may be you would like to go do your own Groceries. If you or your child was going to University they would go attend live lectures and have a jolly good experience with other Youth attending University. Going to University is a experience specially if you resided on your own.

What if I stated all these Technologies and Companies which created these technologies were financed from outside , it would be very easy for some entity to pour in funding for various technologies which had no purpose or need 4-5 years ago and now these technologies are essential service.

Now comes the interesting 3rd part , creation of vaccines which do not cure you but gives you immunity perhaps even will require a renewal without killing the virus. Do you think the entity would have ultimate control over who lives or who dies ?

Now every thing I stated was very hypothetical , but is it all a coincidence or may be the members of the entities are all already vaccinated and Covid-19 free , using their massive network of data gathering reviewing the chaos in world , and racking in Trillions from their investments in online companies like Amazon while small business go down. AI bots are constantly listening for what you talk about or chatter on social media to construct a massive data collection on you , your family and every activities you do

Mass People dont die because of covid , deaths due to covid are comparable to that of other types of flu, covid is "not a pandemic"
depopulation through covid can not be achieved
"Only a hoax is created to achieve other objectives", this point makes more sence.

-Enforcement of nonsence regulations and ensuring sheep herd behaviour of people through mass global/worldwide media campaign of projecting a certain opinion- consent manufacturing
-making people afraid and vulnerable and financially dependable on government ,and makinh governments dependant on biotech pharma WHO gates etc
-making masses comply to the dictation of WHO , preparing mentally for one world order/compliance/regulation
-limiting freedom of people
-dictating what is right for people and what is not
-twitter would remove any antivaccine comment (limiting freedom of speech)
A possibility I have been thinking is if this Vaccine is suppose to be renewed every 1-2 years , what a massive power these hidden groups will hold over population of the world

They manufactured a medicine which does not kills the virus but merely it neutralizes the virus so all new born require to have a Jab in order to survive

For now it is not stated just how long is the Vaccine impactful for

It bothers me to see how the Super Massive Companies are making Billion in Dollar of Profit while many people who owned small businesses are struggling
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