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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

The help has to go thru India government first and you can trust management of Modi?

See the amount of Indian troll infested here. I have no pity for most Indians. Let Heaven will do the wonder! :enjoy:
Although I understand where you are coming from “they are not our teachers.” Our teacher is the prophet SAWS. I hate Indian trolls as much as anyone else. I hate the Indian government who is behind terrorism in our country, including Quetta a few days ago. But this is a human tragedy. If we can help, we should offer help to other humans. If they take it and don’t reciprocate- Alhumdulillah- we should do the right thing. Our reward is not in this life anyways.
A second wave and a third wave is inevitable in most places - you can manage the scale of the wave by smart lockdown and administering vaccines. There is no other silver bullet.
before all of that people have to wear masks which no one does probably less than 1% of the population
Pakistan should offer help india by anymean possible also there nothing much Indian Govt can do over this pendemic especially when papulation don't care both in india and Pakistan

Pakistan should focus on helping Pakistani people. We are far closer to seeing these scenes than we want to accept. I watched a BBC report and it showed people dying in hospital carparks, waiting to get seen in Delhi. COVID is pretty treatable, the problem is when the resources to treat it become overwhelmed, then there is nothing that can be done.

wow why people wear masks and follow SOPs when prime minister having election rallies of millions ? did gov imposed it and showed it first place ?

even when he was in rallies he did not wearing mask

When politicians get COVID they get priority treatment, when awam gets it, they have to wait in the queue, if they can even afford to get in the queue in the first place. This is why i reccomend people ignore the double standard of politicians and instead think about taking precautions for their own sake.
yeah its good time in hands we should learn from mistakes and correct them sir
This Covid wave is also a good chance for us to invest heavily within our healthcare system and make robust infectious disease departments in each province. Also set up a freaking vaccine manufacturing facility. Decades of corruption has left each important institution in our country frail. I just hope the noonies and peepliyes dont come back.
india is in deep shit. with daily infections running into hundreds of thousands & daily deaths running into tens of thousands, they can kiss their gdp good bye, will probably be bigger into negative double digits...

whatever happened to the supposedly biggest vaccine production industry in the world? were they just making placebos?
What's happening in India is a human tragedy? Both GOI and People of India are to be blamed for it. GOP needs to learn from Indian mistake vaccination program should move at a faster pace and force the public to follow SOPs with an Iron fist. Meanwhile, people need to take COVID-19 seriously so far we have been lucky, but our luck may run out any time.
I barely post on this forum anymore but for those who wished well, you have my thanks. Yes, it's a complete failure of the Modi Govt. It's not surprising - those of us who always opposed him knew the man was mostly about optics and little substance. This wave has not even begun in Bengal. It's going to get worse there.
Good luck man if you are in India, keep yourself and your family safe.
I watched a BBC report and it showed people dying in hospital carparks, waiting to get seen in Delhi
That would break anyone's heart, seeing that helpless lady watching her husband die unattended out in the open. May God protect us from such calamity.
I firmly believe if elections were held today, Modi would sweep once again. Society is screwed up and beyond repair.
Society not screwed up beyond repair but I think Modi got one more win in him. It a weak opposition and a party with no brains or balls they continue to be a problem when they not even in power. Need political party that secular but can support good economic policy that will also get middle-class votes. Can I ask what you want from your government or have you just given up on india

There is shortage in Oxygen Supplies in India

#IndiaNeedsOxygen is trending in India on 23-04-2021

India needs oxygen trend.PNG

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Hi, does anyone remembers the name of Indian member who was saying coronavirus is a hoax?
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Modi has proved to be a bad Omen for India, don't know.

His political career risen exponentially after the Gujarat massacre.

And about covid-19 pandemic, the govt is hiding the figure, the deaths as seen here with mass cremations can easily be twenty times higher.

You're thinking of a Pakistani member bro. His name is Imran Khan Niazi. He apparently thinks COVID will go away if you do nothing.
G**nd phatay to phatay lekin nawabi na ghatay, eh?

I'm pretty sure the person I'm talking about was an Indian i just don't seem to recall his username.
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