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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Many of the deaths in Delhi are from upper middle class families, as can be seen in the videos, yes there are many lower class as well.
Maybe the videos you saw showcased people from upper middle class but it's actually the poor who are facing the brunt of it

India posted a record daily rise of 401,993 new coronavirus cases on Saturday.

It was the first time India's daily case count had topped 400,000 after 10 consecutive days over 300,000. Deaths from Covid-19 jumped by 3,523 over the past 24 hours.

Some experts blame mass religious gatherings and political rallies for the severity of India's second wave, which caught the government unprepared.

India posted a record daily rise of 401,993 new coronavirus cases on Saturday as the country opened up its massive vaccination drive to all adults, although several states warned of acute shortages.

It was the first time India's daily case count had topped 400,000 after 10 consecutive days over 300,000. Deaths from Covid-19 jumped by 3,523 over the past 24 hours, taking the total toll in India to 211,853, according to official data.

The world's biggest producer of Covid-19 vaccines has a limited number of shots available, worsening a grim second wave of infections that has overwhelmed hospitals and morgues while families scramble for scarce medicines and oxygen.

Hundreds of people were seen queuing to be vaccinated across Ahmedabad, the main commercial city in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat, on Saturday.

The chief minister of the hard-hit state of Delhi on Friday implored people not to queue at vaccination centers, promising more vaccines would arrive "tomorrow or the day after".

India's eastern Odisha state said on Friday it had received a consignment of 150,000 shots but would only allow a few people to get shots due to lockdown restrictions preventing movement.

A fire in a hospital about 190 km (115 miles) south of Ahmedabad killed 16 coronavirus patients and two staff, the latest in a series of deadly accidents at hospitals.

Modi offered his condolences to the families of the hospital fire victims on Twitter, hours after he posted pictures of himself praying at a Sikh temple in capital New Delhi.

Some experts blame mass religious gatherings and political rallies for the severity of India's second wave, which caught the government unprepared.

A forum of scientific advisers set up by Modi administration warned Indian officials in early March of a new and more contagious variant of the coronavirus taking hold in the country, five scientists who are part of the forum told Reuters.

Despite the warning, four of the scientists said the federal government did not seek to impose major restrictions to contain the spread of the virus.

Millions, largely unmasked, attended religious gatherings and election rallies that were held by Modi, leaders of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and opposition politicians.

The total number of Covid cases in India has topped 19 million. As the second wave has picked up steam, India has added about 7.7 million cases since the end of February, according to a Reuters tally. In contrast, it took India nearly six months to add the previous 7.7 million cases.

The surge in cases led U.S. President Joe Biden to impose new travel restrictions on India on Friday, barring most non-U.S. citizens from entering the United States.

Australian officials said residents and citizens who have been in India within 14 days of the date they plan to return home will be banned from entering Australia as of Monday, and those who disobey will face fines and jail.

Other countries and territories have also imposed similar travel restrictions on India, including Britain, Germany, Italy and Singapore, while Canada, Hong Kong and New Zealand have suspended all commercial travel with India.

What a transformation. From Pakistan mare ga corona ki maut to a Modi made corona crisis.

Some key observations.

"“In normal times, we were cremating three bodies a day, but in the past 10 days it has increased,” he said. “One day it was 18, another day it was 20, then 22, and one day 25. In the past 10 days, we haven’t had any less than 12 bodies a day– 90% of them corona deaths.”"

"Official government data confirms very low Covid-19 testing rates in Muzaffarnagar; on Tuesday 27 April, no tests were done in the area, while on 29 April, only 561 tests were done, which all came back positive."

"With Covid-19 patients unable to get into hospitals, many have been dying at home, often without ever getting tested. Meanwhile, state governments and local authorities stand accused of rampant miscounting, covering up and obfuscating the true death toll in their states. Over the past month, in the Karnataka city of Bangalore – where case numbers are among the fastest rising in the country – the figure for Covid-related deaths registered in crematoriums was twice the official death toll."
India has mortality rate of 1.1% for covid. And it would need at least 40% of population to get have antibodies for herd immunity (around 550 millions). So probably 550000 deaths before herd immunity. But hoping that vaccination will fillup half of the immunity number, it will still be around 350k deaths before things come under control.
Indian official numbers are garbage. You need at least 70% of the population to have anti-bodies before you reach herd immunity. Your line of thinking is why India is in this mess.
India should go into a war-like mode to counter Covid second wave: Dr. Anthony Fauci

In an exclusive interview to The Indian Express, White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci commented on the situation in India saying that the situation was desperate but could be countered. Dr. Fauci also added that US research organisations were studying variants of the virus but that samples from outside the US like those from the UK & India should also be studied. He said the government’s immediate priority should also be to procure oxygen and other supplies to counter the deadly second wave that has hit the country.

He’s right, except that more poor people could die from hunger then from the virus. Supplying India with more testing kits, drugs, oxygen, and crucially help to support their health system along with smart targeted lockdowns is a solution best for a developing nation.

similar to what happened during the Ebola crisis, foreign militaries and Health care organizations like Doctors Without Borders should come to the worst effected areas and take on some of the burden Indian hospital can not handle. Flatten the curve and reduce the death count with adequate supplies.
The tweet shows todays date but in any case, has the situation improved. Lol
The irony is Indian is not even taking precautions and accusing the white guy who is at least supporting a mask.

Tweet uses an old video.the situation may not be improved but no one blamed no foreigner after that. Still if I want to open a thread titled " Indians doing this and that" ,, I would want to atleast have a sample large enough to justify inference to a population of 1.4 billion. We should not be doing this now. We should act humane. We will get enough time and resource to fight them, troll them and compete them "logically" but this is not the time. I just wanted to put my view, you can reject it without a single thought. Thank you

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