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NYPost uses old image to claim people are dying on streets from COVID-19 in India, replaces it with funeral pyre after being called out: Details

The scribes at the New York Post are so woefully incompetent that when their lies about the misleading image were called out, it did not occur to them that they also need to change the headline of the article.

27 April, 2021
OpIndia Staff
NY Post used an old image from May 2020 to allege people in India are dying on the streets unattended due to the COVID-19 outbreak
NY Post used an old image from May 2020 to allege people in India are dying on the streets unattended due to the COVID-19 outbreak(Source:nypost.com)

As India continues to reel under the ferocious second wave of the coronavirus outbreak, the foreign media outlets have gone into overdrive feasting on the dead and projecting a grim picture of the tragedy. From obsessing over the funeral pyres to spreading fake news, foreign media outlets seemed to have junked the vestiges of journalistic ethics and integrity in their coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak in India.
Recently, the New York Post used a misleading image in an article published on its website about the COVID-19 crisis in India. The article titled “COVID-19 surge ‘swallowing’ people in India, the footage shows people dead in streets” used a featured image in which a woman was seen lying unconscious on the road, with another woman, presumably her daughter trying to wake her up.
Source: NY Post

However, the image is not from the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in the country. The image is from a video clip shot during the gas leak incident in Visakhapatnam which took place in May 2020. The incident referred to as the Vizag gas leak, took place on 7 May 2020 at the LG Polymers chemical plant in the R.R Venkatapuram village. The resulting vapour cloud spread over a radius of 3 KM, causing breathing problems to people in the nearby villages.
Source: Twitter

The featured image of an article posted by the NY Post was the gas leak incident and not from the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak as the headlines suggested. When users slammed the media outlet that the feature image is misleading and old, the NY Post quickly changed the image. However, the title of the article still remained the same.

There are no images in the entire article to substantiate its claim that people were dying on the streets in India and were left unattended. Perhaps, the scribes at the New York Post are so woefully incompetent that when their lies about the misleading image were called out, it did not occur to them that they also need to change the headline of the article.
Source: New York Post

Over the last few days, India has seen an abnormal surge in the COVID-19 cases across the country. Hospitals are running at overcapacity, oxygen supplies are limited, and there is a shortage of beds and crucial drugs such as Remdesivir. However, the Indian government, in collaboration with the industrialists, state governments and foreign countries, are working on a war footing to address these inadequacies.

India is in the midst of a raging coronavirus outbreak. There is no denying the fact. But the crisis is nowhere as grim as the foreign media outlets are exaggerating it to be. For a long time now, global media organisations have a habit of understating India’s stellar achievements and overstating the problems bedevilling it.
The COVID-19 outbreak has revealed how, in their bid to show India in a bad light, the western media outlets have no qualms in using misleading old images and footages and paint a picture of doom and gloom.

Western Media outlets’ morbid obsession of linking COVID-19 outbreak with funeral pyres

The COVID-19 pandemic has also disclosed the western media’s unhealthy fetish of linking India’s COVID-19 outbreak with funeral pyres. Several media organisations, be it Washington Post or Reuters, posted pictures of funeral pyres from various places in India to highlight the severity of the pandemic. One of the Washington Post journalists even described a cremation ground’s vertical shot as “stunning”.

Where there are deaths, there are obviously going to be funeral pyres. When the pandemic took its devastating toll on the US, Italy, Brazil and other western countries, there were hardly any media organisations that symbolised the outbreak with the images of burial grounds.
This indignity of linking the COVID-19 outbreak with funeral pyres is reserved only for Indians, and it smacks of the west’s envy of India, which was remarkably successful in staving off the initial COVID-19 outbreak when the developed and richer countries of the world were finding it incredibly difficult to control it.
The incident referred to as the Vizag gas leak, took place on 7 May 2020 at the LG Polymers chemical plant in the R.R Venkatapuram village
Video clips of this incidents are making around as Indian Covid deaths on this forum too.
There are actual videos and pictures of scores of dead bodies due to covid, don't know why they'd resort to this. Then again, its the new York post, which I'm pretty sure has a pretty bad reputation, even within New York.
This is a south asian thing unfortunately where the communication gap between doctors and patients exist. I believe this would remain a third world problem.

It’s not just South Asia, I’ve seen the same happen in China, the US and other places. In February 2020, there were many incidents of violence against medical personnel in Wuhan and later New York.

@beijingwalker has forgotten what his own country went through last year Or I guess he wants to take pleasure in other peoples misery.
"THIS IS FAKE NEWS" was expected. Modi has a success in media.
Listen up, Covid 2nd wave is ferocious.

UK death toll doubled in three months.
US death toll doubled in three months.
Brazil death toll tripled in three months.
Probably correct. And we are not making fun of them either. More and more people have pointed towards mismanagement of the covid and that's about it however some Indians are concerned that it is putting India in bad light.
This is a south asian thing unfortunately where the communication gap between doctors and patients exist. I believe this would remain a third world problem.
Joke of year in covid situation
Why are Indians wasting their time and effort spreading propaganda about RSS on a Pakistani defense forum? Even if all RSS members become saints, they will never get any respect from Pakistanis.
They have opened a 6000 bed Covid care center in Indore, MP

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it is a fake virtual rendering. It does not exist.
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85-year-old COVID-positive RSS Swayamsevak gave up his bed and life so another person can live

We have seen time and monetary sacrifices being made to give someone a better life, however, sacrificing one's own life to ensure a long life for the other is surely an act not many can fathom.

27 April, 2021
OpIndia Staff
RSS swayamsevak Narayan Dabhadkar, who gave up his COVID-bed for another patient so that person could live (image courtesy @shefvaidya on Twitter)

As the pandemic has wreaked havoc in the lives of many, stories of kindness, selflessness and sacrifice act as a ray of hope in such dark times.

In one such incident, an RSS sevika, Shivani Wakhare, shared the story of the ultimate sacrifice made by the 85-year-old RSS worker Narayan Dabhadkar from Nagpur.
The incident was then shared by a swayamsevak Rahul Kaushik on Twitter attaching the images of the original post.

The incident originally narrated in Marathi on Facebook reads, Narayan Dabhadkar an RSS worker who spent his entire life serving the society contracted covid amid the second wave of the pandemic. As his SPO2 levels dropped, his daughter frantically tried to get him a hospital bed in the city.
Facebook post narrating the incident

After umpteen attempts, she managed to reserve a bed for him at the Indira Gandhi hospital. Dabhadkar kaka, as he was fondly known as, started getting breathless while he was being taken to the hospital by his grandson-in-law, Wakhare wrote. As the two waited for the hospital formalities to be completed, Dabhadkar kaka saw a woman in her 40’s along with her children crying and begging the hospital authorities for a bed to admit her husband who was in a critical condition.
Without giving a second thought, Dabhadkar kaka calmly informed the medical team tending to him that his bed should be offered to the lady’s husband. He said, “I am 85 now, have lived my life, you should offer the bed to this man instead, his children need him.”


Facebook post narrating the incident

He then made his grandson-in-law call his daughter to apprise her of the decision. Perplexed on hearing his decision, she hesitantly agreed with him after a while. Dabhadkar kaka immediately signed a consent form saying he was forfeiting his bed for the young man and asked his grandson-in-law to take him back home.
After battling the virus bravely for the next three days, he left for his heavenly abode.

We have seen time and monetary sacrifices being made to give someone a better life, however, sacrificing one’s own life to ensure a long life for the other is surely an act not many can fathom.
With this let us also take a moment to thank our frontline workers, medical staff and individuals who have been serving society selflessly and tirelessly as the nation battles the pandemic.

There is nothing pure when the charter of an organization is based on racism.
Indian PM doesn't need approval of UK, it is between himself and the people to decide what to do next. You go lick your white masters' boots.
I think I touched a raw nerve. Remind which white master? Those in the QUAD or those who India is pleading for aid or those who are refusing to share vaccines. Must be the ones whose bust was being prayed to in India but unfortunately lost the election.
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Obviously u don't know about RSS.

They are among the first responders doing relief in every calamity in India.

In action in recent covid surge

They have opened a 6000 bed Covid care center in Indore, MP

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RSS is very popular among Hindus all kinds of political views including congress party. They don't need to gain sympathy.

You do know Indian population is over billion and these handful boys scout uniform wearing lunatic uncles play less then 1% role of what is required at the moment.
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