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‘Cousin marriage’ doubles gene risk for babies: Study

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Why is it that if you don't believe in medieval practices you are a "gora"? You can justify it how you like but from an objective POV it is incredibly unnatural in the 21st century. This may offend your belifs and for that I do apoligise.

It has nothing to do with my believes but mind you I have given Queen Victoria as an example...An example how most of the European monarch can be linked to her....It is "UNNATURAL" when it comes to goray for whom Same sex marriages seem a norm but this is unnatural...

And no my beliefs do not say any such thing....I am not for it nor against it....BUT YES if it is going on for 2-3 generations then it should stop in that family and if someone does intend to marry their cousin it is their freedom...Not sure HOW or WHY anyone should label that DISGUSTING but it is somehow backward or "not in the 21st century" if same sex marriage is disgusting...

Just dont really get it...

Why did I say it is "gora" because simply it is...ALL OTHER cultures allow it and NEVER TERMED it as incest like the goray did....Some do not like it but they FOR SURE DIDNT INSULT IT by calling it "incest"
It has nothing to do with my believes but mind you I have given Queen Victoria as an example...An example how most of the European monarch can be linked to her....It is "UNNATURAL" when it comes to goray for whom Same sex marriages seem a norm but this is unnatural...
@Talon, come on- Queen vicotria died over 100 years ago! The West has come along way in that time. The only reason the "goras" look down on it is because the West is arguably the most socially advanced civilization in history- in theory. Much of the West's beliefs are based on science and logic and not mindless ritual and tradition that so defines many other cultures in the world. Yes the West isn't perfect and some of their social stigmas are nonsensical but it is the best the world has right now and its beliefs toward cousin marriage are valid and this is rightfully looked down upon.
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@Talon, come on- Queen vicotria died over 100 years ago! The West has come along way in that time. The only reason the "goras" look down on it is because the West is arguably the most socially advanced civilization in history- in theory. Much of the West's beliefs are based on science and logic and not mindless ritual and tradition that so defines many other cultures in the world. Yes the West isn't perfect and some of their social stigmas are nonsensical but it is the best the world has right now and its beliefs toward cousin marriage are valid and this is rightfully looked down upon.

There is nothing scientific nor logical about being homosexual....

There is also nothing scientific nor logical about wearing skimpish clothes...in fact with the number of predators out there it is not really logical to wear such stuff

In fact there is nothing scientific about wearing HIGH HEELS (scientifically heels actually affect your posture)....it is also very illogical to be using esp if you are gonna get drunk...

And I can actually go on almost all that the 21st century legalized... :rofl:

I doubt it is best...It is just prob investing in the right areas (research) but apart from that there isnt much it has to offer except being rebellious...Its as though people just took a whole different meaning to freedom......

Their idea of freedom suddenly shifted to doing what they like without facing consequences....While the "traditional" ways which had restrictions due to reasons (yes I admit some cultural things are plain rubbish) just need to be broken in every possible way and new things need to be introduced or taboos need to be magnified or something :unsure:
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Spoken like a true gora (wanna be since you are Indian)...It is ONLY incest in the West...Because like @Myth_buster_1 cousins are cousins....All have ATLEAST 50% of foreign DNA (from 1 of their parents who is NOT ALWAYS related to you) and are not 100% your progeny and YES like @Raja.Pakistani said there is a genetic disorder then the POSSIBILITY of passing it on increases....

Somehow West sees it ok for same gender marriage but GOD forbid anyone marrying their cousin! :cheesy:
Cousin marriages are sick and disgusting. Its not an exclusive western concept. Chinese don't do it. Even the jungle tribes of africa or native people of America don't do it...
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As far as beliefs about cousin marriage goes about fear to have genetical disorders passed, well some may just arise due to some chromosomal abnormalities or when the chromosomes line up there is prob or prob during gene duplication events....if that was the case then we shouldnt be doing A LOT of things because NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO...there will be mutations, rearrangements of genes and adjusting of the genome as a whole...so no it is not logical to view cousin marriages as "disgusting"...It may be disliked due to the increased chances of getting some diseases but as long as you are a carried the chances have increased already ....it only FURTHER increases IF both parents are carriers.....but something as far as disgusting is showing intolerance and controlling other people's beliefs or restricting freedom of choice...where is the freedom in that?

Because if some people are gonna go yuck at it and whatnot...then people will be too embarrassed to marry their cousins even if they like them...coz the MOST COMMON q in Asia what will he/she/they (society) say...

Cousin marriages are sick and disgusting. Its not an exclusive western concept. Chinese don't do it. Even the jungle tribes of africa or native people of America don't do it...

Please present your studies....for the jungle tribes you mentioned...or the American natives you mentioned...

I know about the Chinese and have mentioned it in 1 of my previous posts...

We avoid marriages with same Surname also because a Surname(clan) is considered as a family.

Not marrying your cousins is an Indian tradition not a western one like many here are proposing.

Disgusting never the less :astagh:

:rofl: :rofl: yea breathing oxygen is also an Indian tradition....:whistle:
We avoid marriages with same Surname also because a Surname(clan) is considered as a family.

Not marrying your cousins is an Indian tradition not a western one like many here are proposing.

Disgusting never the less :astagh:
we also dont marry anyone from our mothers village
Cousin marriages are sick and disgusting. Its not an exclusive western concept. Chinese don't do it. Even the jungle tribes of africa or native people of America don't do it...
sir if i may ask you a question,tell me about adam and eve's children ! who did they marry ? @Talon if you can answer it , plz do !
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sir if i may ask you a question,tell me about adam and eve's children ! who did they marry ? @Talon if you can answer it , plz do !
Well to answer that 1 has to actually believe in Adam and Eve being the 1st humans....Because I have learnt that MANY of Indians on PDF believe their ancestors evolved from apes..

So using their theory those children of Adam and Eve married other apes who were near human or something ...

Then again @RAMPAGE many have termed this behaviour of marrying cousins as "not 21st century" Adam and Eve were also "NOT 21st century beings"
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:rofl: :rofl: yea breathing oxygen is also an Indian tradition....:whistle:
Stop getting you knickers in a twist.We don't marry cousins because of our own tradition.Can't expect much of you....when it comes to rationale........


Laws regarding first-cousin marriage around the world
First-cousin marriage- Blue
Legality dependent on religion or culture- Orange
Statute bans first-cousin marriage- Red
Banned with exceptions- Pinkish
Criminal offense- Dark red
No data- Grey
I read this somewhere in Social Science books long ago that evolution can take place only once people marry outside their family and yes there is Gene impact as well.

In my personal opinion, I find it hard to swallow to marry cousins as those are the one with whom we grew. When we are together we are treated as son/daughter of our parents/uncles and suddenly when grew then we marry them. Moreover, I find it difficult from emotional and value point of view.
Forget about cousin. In our tribe, you can't marry a person having same surname. We consider it as a taboo and also incest.
Forget about cousin. In our tribe, you can't marry a person having same surname. We consider it as a taboo and also incest.
I think thats the case for most of north india
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