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Countries Ranked by Military Strength (2013)

@nForce if you are trying to compare skills of pilots than it cant be done!
U know that!
Dont talk about Arabs they are the worst when it comes to competency!
If you talk about defea ting a larger force! E.g Israel V.S ARABS
. Then we will talk about 1965 ! But you wont agree , it a long topic !

Obviously it would be rather impossible to correctly say which side is actually better.But I am trying to draw a rough analogy here.The Israelis have a good track record.They obtained complete air superiority back in '67 did it again in '73,their air force has got the top notch jets,their pilots have a rigorous training programme,one of the best in the World and they regularly take part in active combat,bombing some poor chaps home into oblivion.Many countries buy their military products including India,and presently India is buying only the best stuffs that money can buy.That tells us a lot about the quality of their hardware.
As compared to that Pakistan,it is cash starved at present,has been under sanctions for quite some time,most of the aircrafts are old and aging.The very best jets present in PAF inventory are no match for the regular jets of Israeli AF,technologically.
It is for the above stated reasons I consider Israeli AF to be better than PAF.Please let me know if I said anything wrong.
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Just from ads the globalfirepower website earns about $124/day.
Now compare that to defence.pk .It earns $863/day.

It's BS.

You never know unless you are owner of the site.

You can only estimate that.

Keyword is important. Does Military Niche have High Paying Keywords, Number of Advertisers?
u are right that israelis have better jets but it will come down to quality of pilots which is a long usless debate! + PAF pilots have scored kills against Israelis!
But we must focus on overall conventional force for which we will have to agree with GLOBAL FIREPOWER!
I still think if we consider NUKES the Non Nuke countries are just ... LOLLZZ :rofl:
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challise de chrisse de tabernak, canada in 19th seriously the guy who made this ranking is definately underestimating our vandoos, and our mechanized brigades. Looks like I will have to seriously make a thread, do people honestly underestimate canada's military capabilities.
It's BS.

You never know unless you are owner of the site.

You can only estimate that.

Keyword is important. Does Military Niche have High Paying Keywords, Number of Advertisers?

The ads you see on internet have become smarter than you think.Its like when you setup a space for ads in your website,then you dont always know what ad is going to show up their.Ofcourse you can regulate it.

The ads that show up depends upon the recent searches that you have made over the internet.As for example,right now I can see ads for flipkart in this forum and ads for some UML diagram tool.I was searching for a wrist watches this morning on flipkart and was searching for UML diagrams yesterday.Now, a guy in Pakistan will not see the same ad in the same ad-space.He has very less use of flipkart.He will see those ads which are more relevant to his geography and the recent searches he has made.
If someone watches **** on internet regularly,then he will see ads for dating sites,probably matrimony sites,etc.

So,you see,the number of advertisers dont matter any more.Advertisement on internet is a very big industry.Successful empires like Google and facebook have been created on that.The system of ad-campaign has become more and more intelligent and complex over the years.
If you had any real idea of how much exposed you are on the internet,you would probably stop using most of the sites that you do.I happen to know a thing or two about it.

u are right that israelis have better jets but it will come down to quality of pilots which is a long usless debate! + PAF pilots have scored kills against Israelis!
But we must focus on overall conventional force for which we will have to agree with GLOBAL FIREPOWER!
I still think if we consider NUKES the Non Nuke countries are just ... LOLLZZ :rofl:

Point well taken.I dont have anything else to contribute.My limited knowledge in these matters dont allow me as well.
I think we should conclude the discussion here.
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Why not ? Was a random number i throw out. I think the US navy alone can defeat Russia.

All I can say is you are grossly underestimating Russia, and US has realized that defeating an enemy is not as easy as people think. Vietnam and Afghanistan are two example where US is not able defeat the 'enemy'.
Afghanistan where US is not able defeat the 'enemy'.
U.S.A is very successful in Afghanistan. They made U.S.A more safe, and they have many interest in Afghanistan, they are not leaving.
Demolishing a country is not a problem for U.S.A, its all about their interest in the region and we see U.S troops, their fields are more closer to china and Russia.
U.S.A is always one or two generation ahead, other countries only follows it.
Beacuse according to SIPRI, India has third highest defence budget by purchasing power while UK and France are ranked 7th and 8th

UK & France doesn't need to purchase any defence goods as they are self reliant. If UK goes to war with india today it can easily won it as it will be supported by many countries plus it have blue water navy which can attack india from Arabian Sea, can india even dream of sending their navy in Celtic Sea to attack Great Britain? No.
U.S.A is very successful in Afghanistan. They made U.S.A more safe, and they have many interest in Afghanistan, they are not leaving.
Demolishing a country is not a problem for U.S.A, its all about their interest in the region and we see U.S troops, their fields are more closer to china and Russia.
U.S.A is always one or two generation ahead, other countries only follows it.

Then it depends on how one define 'defeat'.
UK & France doesn't need to purchase any defence goods as they are self reliant. If UK goes to war with india today it can easily won it as it will be supported by many countries plus it have blue water navy which can attack india from Arabian Sea, can india even dream of sending their navy in Celtic Sea to attack Great Britain? No.

What special they have that we dnt except SLBM??
UK & France doesn't need to purchase any defence goods as they are self reliant. If UK goes to war with india today it can easily won it as it will be supported by many countries plus it have blue water navy which can attack india from Arabian Sea, can india even dream of sending their navy in Celtic Sea to attack Great Britain? No.

I am saying for one to one and not other countries supporting UK.

I doubt UK has the ability to defeat a 1.5 Million Indian Army, but am sure India can inflict defeat upon UK. ( The relative country sizes and army sizes heavily favor India )

Except US, Russia and China, IMO no country has the capability to inflict a defeat upon India.
IMO Top 10 would be

<Long Distance>
<European Union>

Without Nukes.
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