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Corps Commanders express displeasure over Defence Minister’s statement

These faujis should remember that they are the sub-ordinates, not the masters. If they break this discipline, they are nothing better than thugs and goon in clean clothes and a disgrace to their nation and uniform.

In mature democracy, these all corps commanders are court marshaled immediately after this statement.
Nonetheless, by every passing day PA making Musharraf's Case an issue of personal ego and there is no way out for GOP as well but to forwards this case towards its logical end. PA needs to understands that they are subordinates of GOP not bosses, If Pakistan has to move forwards as a true democratic nation, this issue needs to resolve once and for all. Kudos to PMLN govt of making a tough stands inspite of earlier failures.

Nawaz Sharif = Once bitten, thrice as STUPID!

I love this NS trait more than anything else:coffee:

No matter how many times Army bites democracy, democratic forces will make it sure that last victory remains with theirs Inshallah!!
Politicians should also remember that they are Servants as well not a Royalty .

That is a very good and correct statement.

The military is NOT the servant of the people. They are the guardians of the external borders and they do this duty at great risk. This service should be honored by all. However, any attempts to deal with self-defined "internal threats" and "ideology of Pakistan" soon degenerate into manufactured excuses for usurping and meddling, and are therefore illegal, no matter how tightly wrapped in patriotism. This must stop, as must commercial activites, for they corrupt the military to no measure.

Please do keep in mind that any insubordination within the ranks by refusing to obey the orders of a superior officer is dealt with by a Court Martial. Why should the Generals and Corp Commanders and indeed the COAS be exempt from this discipline? They must answer to their legally defined superior officers in the same way that they expect their junior officers to obey them.

You are correct in saying that the politicians are the servants of the people. Just as insubordination in the military deserves a Court Martial, failures by the politicians in meeting their election promises and manifestos should lead to their being fired from their jobs by their masters, the people. That is precisely what an election is, and that is the legal and proper remedy for removing politicians who fail in their duties, not anything else.
why the hell is the army leadership even taking khawaja asif seriously????????????? he is just a tattooo of sharif family
I think Pakistan Army should plan something for future like Having a regular Army of 1100,000 Men with 110,000 SSGs. Also posting about 100,000 men on Pakistan East, West(South Especially) and Northern borders in a regular 8 hours duty in three shift so that Army would have deployed about 300,000 men on borders regularly.

Also PN needs to expand its Marines Force to 41,000+ men and deploying about 11,000 men on South Zone of country in a regular 8 hours duty in three shift so that PN would have deployed about 33,000 men on South border regularly.

you are violating the rules, your post is totally off-topic ! take care !
Chacha,,, Konsi Charas pi kar post karty ho? Afghani ya Columbian charas
Charas charas hoti hai iska koi mazhab ya mulak nahi hota :D
As a pathan ever said and i quote....
"Jo maza hai naswar mai
Na ishq mai na piyar mai"
any way military marshal is highly unlikely due to strengthening of political parties and freedom of media. the military also doesnt want its reputation to be tarnished.
however, if the govt continue to commit serious blunders(which is unlikely) regarding the militants, it might irk the military to do something adventurous.

So here is Imran Khan---read his comments about dictators---

LAHORE: Chairman Pakistan Threek-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan on Thursday wondered how the Prime Minister and PML-N Chief Nawaz Sharif secured 8000 votes from a Sargodha constituency where, he said, the number of total registered votes stood at only 1500.
He said when a leader commits an act of corruption he corrupts the entire institution. “It is unfortunate that Pakistan did not even get right kind of dictators,” he added.

Imran Khan wonders how Nawaz got 8000 votes out of 1500 - thenews.com.pk

This statement says a lot---maybe the next dictator might do the right stuff.
I think Pakistan Army should plan something for future like Having a regular Army of 1100,000 Men with 110,000 SSGs. Also posting about 100,000 men on Pakistan East, West(South Especially) and Northern borders in a regular 8 hours duty in three shift so that Army would have deployed about 300,000 men on borders regularly.

Also PN needs to expand its Marines Force to 41,000+ men and deploying about 11,000 men on South Zone of country in a regular 8 hours duty in three shift so that PN would have deployed about 33,000 men on South border regularly.
If you really want to know what Pakistan and its army actually need is Conscription.
If you really want to know what Pakistan and its army actually need is Conscription.

Whether the armed forces are raised by volunteering or by conscription, the basic issue for Pakistan will be the same: how to finance them given the dying economy and the abysmal social development. Besides, just how many people in uniform do we need given that we have nuclear weapons to provide the deterrence?
Whether the armed forces are raised by volunteering or by conscription, the basic issue for Pakistan will be the same: how to finance them given the dying economy and the abysmal social development. Besides, just how many people in uniform do we need given that we have nuclear weapons to provide the deterrence?


It is very easy---stop corrutpion. You have enough money in pakistan. The dying economy is because of the politicians. There are no more permits being issued for industry in pakistan for the last many a years. Pakistani politicians are starting the pakistani industry in the arab emirates.

There are different stages of corruption in pakistan---those who are honest and work hard----and are paid in gifts jewellery cars houses and those who seek bribes and those just totally go out and tear it apart.

And average honest DCO---who really wants to work hrd---get in the viccinity of a minimum of a 100 crore ruppees in good will bribes a year----this the example of an honest DCO. My brother in law---who is in business told me the number was more like a 1000 crores a year.

Now how disgusting are some of the people of my motherland are----the district education officer of multan was given books for the school children---they were to be distributed free of cost---cost the state millions of ruppees---this pakistani superstar sold the books for the weight of paper to the paper junkyard---. Some pakistan loving young man should have neutralized him.

What really hurt me bad----like someone slipped a knife thru my heart was to see the electric poles missing the copper wiring from the overhead fixtures for electric locomotive from Khanewal to Lahore. My brother tells me that people had stolen the copper wiring---they tried to steal the poles as well---but the poles won't come out.

This motherland of mine does not need democracy right now----but it does need some hangings---.
Whether the armed forces are raised by volunteering or by conscription, the basic issue for Pakistan will be the same: how to finance them given the dying economy and the abysmal social development. Besides, just how many people in uniform do we need given that we have nuclear weapons to provide the deterrence?
Conscription will reduce the military size during peacetime.:pakistan:
I think there is some good and positive progress in Economy. Just Govt. needs to sell off all of its Financial institution other than State Bank of Pakistan and brings in an interest free System.
You know these army generals consider themselves as superior to everybody else in pakistan. I do not understand what is their thick head which makes them so retard. They are sucking the blood of this poor nation since last 70 years and yet do not feel even 1 gram of shame over their dirty corrupt activities. They should understand that pakistan has changed, they do not have any importance in ordinary citizen's heart, these haramkhor corrupt generals have lost the respect of this nation 15 years ago.
I think you got it really wrong. PIA, Railways, Pakistan Steel, PSO combined suck more money than the defence budget and these institutions need to be made profitable. All civilians will burn after reading the blatant truth. Such to Korea hota ha. Long live Pakistan and long live the Pakistan Armed Forces.
Conscription will reduce the military size during peacetime.:pakistan:


Plus it will add some much needed discipline in the lives of young men and women---give them a sense of ownership nd give them some good work ethics----.
These faujis should remember that they are the sub-ordinates, not the masters. If they break this discipline, they are nothing better than thugs and goon in clean clothes and a disgrace to their nation and uniform.

In a country like pakistan where Thugs rule the nation under the name of democracy, it is perfectly justified to slap them left right center for selling the nation for fill their bank accounts.
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