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Coronavirus screenings to begin in Australia

Vanguard One

Dec 20, 2019
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The first case of the potentially deadly Coronavirus has been diagnosed in the US, as planes arriving to Sydney from the Wuhan area in China will begin being screened this morning.

It comes as a Brisbane man who recently returned from visiting family in the city is being tested by Queensland health authorities to check whether he has contracted the virus.

The Prime Minister has raised the travel advice for Wuhan City in China to level 2 following the spread of the outbreak across the world.


The coronavirus as seen under a microscope. (British Health Protection Agency)

"What we are doing is trying to rev up the system so we have good awareness and case finding throughout the system," NSW Director of Health Protection Dr Jeremy McNaulty told Today.

"So both in people returning from Wuhan, where this outbreak emerged a few weeks ago.

"So (if) the passengers do have symptoms, we can identify them early and assess to see whether they have this Coronavirus.

"But also airport screening is not the only answer because people can incubate for the virus and get sick later on.

"So it's important are aware, if they've been to Wuhan, if they develop symptoms, to call ahead before they see their doctor so their doctor can prepare they're in isolation when they see them and assess to see what they might have," Dr McNaulty added.

Read more:
What is the Coronavirus?

There are three flights a week from Wuhan into Sydney and each of these flights will be met by biosecurity staff.

Information will be displayed across all other points of entry into Australia to warn people who develop symptoms to seek urgent medical attention.

NSW Health announced it will assist commonwealth biosecurity staff at Sydney Airport to monitor those returning from Wuhan.

No cases of the novel coronavirus have been detected in NSW, the department said.

Health workers in the state's public hospitals, as well as community-based GPs, have also been given precautionary advice and the department has made novel coronavirus 2019 a notifiable disease under law.

In the US, the infected man returned to the Seattle area in the middle of last week after travelling to the Wuhan area, where the outbreak began.


Travellers wear face masks as they walk outside of the Beijing Railway Station. China has reported a sharp rise in the number of people infected with a new coronavirus, including the first cases in the capital. (AP)

The man, who is in his 30s, is in good condition at a hospital in Everett, outside Seattle.
He is not considered a threat to medical staff or the public, health officials said.

They said he had no symptoms when he arrived at the Seattle-Tacoma airport, but he contacted doctors on Sunday when he started feeling ill.

The US is the fifth country to report seeing the illness, following China, Thailand, Japan, and South Korea.

Dr McNaulty said anyone who may be experiencing symptoms should get assessed as soon as they start experiencing them.

"Fever, cough, shortness of breath, those sorts of respiratory symptom, call ahead so the doctor can prepare," he said.

"You don't want to be waiting around with other people in the waiting room.


Chinese authorities have confirmed a new strain of coronavirus that originated in the nation can be transmitted between humans. (AP)

"The doctor can then assess you and with discussion with experts in public health, do the right tests.

"We have the tests available now that can distinguish whether you have a more common disease like influenza or this particular coronavirus.

"It's really important that people are aware of those symptoms but also practice really good hygiene. We don't think it's very easily spread from person to person, which is really good news, but it can be spread from person to person.

"So good hygiene, no matter what your symptoms are."

Last month, doctors began seeing a new type of viral pneumonia - fever, cough, difficulty breathing - in people who spent time at a food market in Wuhan.

More than 275 cases of the newly identified coronavirus have been confirmed in China, most of them in Wuhan, according to the World Health Organisation.

The count includes six deaths - all in China, most of them age 60 or older, including at least some who had a previous medical condition.

Pakistan should take steps as well in this case. We don't know the full nature of the virus and can it be very bad. Chinese and Pakistani are visiting the two countries daily so something should be in place.
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