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Corona Virus India l Updates, News & Discussion

We did not raised the number those cases were in quarantine already as suspected and tested positive those were the first contact of the first case. See following protocol of WHO helps to identify suspected cases early. Where as India is discovering cases by surprise we are discovering in quarantine. Feel the difference?
Pakistani Iran pilgrims allowed students not allowed?

India is discovering cases by surprise we are discovering in quarantine
where is the surprise. Most of the cases self reported.
@SIPRA PaaJee, it appears the that Indians are deploying the CowPhrama inside India... CheeWala needs to drink and bath in the super medicine! Fresh from the source... on live TeeVee would be the bestestest!!!

Excellent. Subjects related to CowPhrama shall be introduced in the Bachelors of Pharmacy, at global level.:lol:
Pakistani Iran pilgrims allowed students not allowed?

where is the surprise. Most of the cases self reported.
The "surprise" is: how did they get the virus if returnee screening and 2 week isolation is such a flawless method of stopping the virus from entering a nation?

That the Iranian pilgrims returned or had no choice but be returned is a function of their relative safety in Iran vs in Pakistan. A calculation had to be made to decide if they themselves were at greater risk in Iran or Pakistan, then an estimate of viral spread in Pakistan due to their return had also to be factored in. The course of action that resulted in less harm overall was then taken. You have to consider the alternatives. Had the pilgrims stayed in Iran, they'd probably all get infected because we have no clue if or how well the regime is locking down its cities and it's already shafted by sanctions and the mullahs just refused medical aid on principle - the iranian regime is heavily responsible for the problems affecting both Iran and now Pakistan. In China there is an excellent chance that the students will remain safe and will be treated well even if infected.

Once you understand the risk calculations at play regarding the two different groups, it will make perfect sense why GoP made the decisions it did make.

That said, there were still failures of port screening that clearly allowed some travellers with the virus to slip through our net.
s: how did they get the virus if returnee screening and 2 week isolation is such a flawless method of stopping the virus from entering a nation?
Secondary transmission is very less in India compare to other country. You can't put all arrivals in home quarantine.

That said, there were still failures of port screening that clearly allowed some travellers with the virus to slip through our net.

Port Screening is preliminary you have put 14 days quarantine who arrives from Iran. It is easiyest task for Pakistan. It that it self following procedure is failed. India is doing quarantine for arrivals from Italy, Iran, Japan, Korea, and so on
where is the surprise. Most of the cases self reported.

That is surprise when cases are self reported cause coronavirus spreads in incubation and self reporting is only done when symptoms show.
That is surprise when cases are self reported cause coronavirus spreads in incubation and self reporting is only done when symptoms show.
So there is no surprise. All contacts are inquired and isolation or quarantine. some cases may skip travel history. Most of the cases here are from Italy or Iran.
Can't buy sanitizers, crooks are hoarding them and making a killing selling way above the MRP. Price gouging on face masks too. Travel plans cancelled, popular public hubs and tourist destinations are looking pretty empty, less traffic on roads too, owing to school closures and 'work from home' orders by many companies to their employees.

Good times.
You seem to be very interested in Corona virus. You should find https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/9-confirm-corona-virus-cases-in-karachi-in-a-single-day.656341/ interesting too.

That is where you should be interested. I am more interested here where today cases cross more than 50.

Todat total number of cases in India have increased to 56 so this places India at 12% daily increase in cases which is becoming 7 hightes among 85 countries and 5th highest in rapid spread of cases.
That is where you should be interested. I am more interested here where today cases cross more than 50.

Todat total number of cases in India have increased to 56 so this places India at 12% daily increase in cases which is becoming 7 hightes among 85 countries and 5th highest in rapid spread of cases.

OK. So you are interested in speed of increase of cases. The thread I shwed the cases went from 7 to 16 in a single day. So increase is 129%.
OK. So you are interested in speed of increase of cases. The thread I shwed the cases went from 7 to 16 in a single day. So increase is 129%.

India went from 3 to 26 cases in single day so what is that? 899%?

Any way you put it India leads.

Ya dude there is nothing wrong with India just things from other nations get blamed on India? My friend there are thousands of cases in India in quarantine in kerala now the virus has hit other states. India played politics over virus they evacuated their students from China to defame China and criticize Pakistan without knowing how virus was spreading and what virus was capable of. Happy BJP rule enjoy everyday has become a joke.
Its almost impossible to stop by just quarantine. Thats why every country is having affected people right now. India did well to quarantine our overseas citizens early instead of letting them to die there. Also the large number of European tourists in India are one of the major source of virus.

Btw, didnt you guys refused to bring your citizens back, so how come you are having people affected from the virus. Feels bad for your citizens, they didnt get rescued and yet the virus has spread in their home country. So, what did you gain by mocking the rescue missions of other countries ???
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