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Cornerstone of Chinese space station approaches liftoff


Dec 12, 2010
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From china-defense.blogspot

Posted: July 4, 2011

Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | Cornerstone of Chinese space station approaches liftoff

China plans to launch the first module of an envisioned space laboratory by the end of September, and the rising space power will attempt its first in-orbit docking weeks later, according to space program officials and state-run media reports.

The Tiangong 1 space module was shipped to the Jiuquan launching base June 29 to begin the last steps in preparing the craft for launch sometime before the end of September, according to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, an organization supporting planning and development of the country's human space efforts.

The spacecraft will be given a "final check" before blasting off on a Long March 2F rocket from Jiuquan, a space center in the Gobi desert in northwestern China. The launch site is near the border between China's Gansu and Inner Mongolia provinces.

"After two years of strenuous efforts by the scientists, [the] Tiangong 1 target spacecraft has been successfully assembled and passed through failure detection," the state-run People's Daily newspaper reported in its English edition.

Xinhua, another state-run news agency, also reported last week the Tiangong 1 spacecraft was transported to the launch site.

The 19,000-pound vehicle is designed to function as a testbed for Chinese rendezvous and docking techniques a few hundred miles above Earth. China says it will operate for at least two years.

Tiangong, which means "heavenly palace" in Chinese, features a forward docking port, navigation and communications equipment, and a pressurized cabin for human visitors.

An automated Chinese capsule named Shenzhou 8 will launch as soon as October to approach and dock with the Tiangong module. If the rendezvous attempt is successful, it will pave the way for up to two manned Shenzhou flights to the mini-space station in 2012.

The piloted missions could stay at the complex for days or weeks working on scientific experiments, military missions and other research for China's military-run space program.

China's next five-year strategic plan includes manned space missions spanning at least 20 days and the design and construction of an automated cargo craft to resupply outposts in orbit, state-owned media reported this spring.

The advances come as the United States retires the space shuttle and struggles to formulate a consistent policy regarding cooperation with the Chinese space program. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden visited China in October 2010, but a clause inserted into the agency's budget this year sought to limit NASA's ability to collaborate with the Chinese government or companies.

Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., is a staunch critic of China's human rights record. Wolf was instrumental in ensuring the China restrictions made it into the budget.

Although many lawmakers support Wolf's provision, some members of Congress show guarded support for modest cooperation between NASA and China, including the development of a joint docking system to facilitate rescues of international space crews.

An Obama administration official told Congress in May the White House's view of the issue was that the legislation should not interfere with the president's constitutional ability to conduct international negotations.

The Tiangong docking test this fall is a key milestone for China's objective of building a space station the size of NASA's 1970s-era Skylab outpost by 2020.

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---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

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when we are building our own, india joined the international space station program which they were even denied to have a member working on the station.

different nations, different paths, different future.
We were not denied. We simply opted out for now. Please read the news material in detail....*sigh*
china's domestic space industry will develop without western help.
alot like how china's military industry developed without western help.

india's domestic industries will never develop as long as they have easy access to western technology. they will always be dependent on foreigners for everything.
china's domestic space industry will develop without western help.
alot like how china's military industry developed without western help.

india's domestic industries will never develop as long as they have easy access to western technology. they will always be dependent on foreigners for everything.

Lol, without help? till very recent every weapon China had was Russian.
We were not denied. We simply opted out for now. Please read the news material in detail....*sigh*

It is better to have your own instead of being controlled by others. Doesn't Russia recently charged india extra again for ships built for india but delayed by Russia again?

It is Russia's fault for delay but india has to pay for it. What a joke. You know what's russia's reason for that overcharge? Inflation.

Russia tries many times to play the games with China but got rebuffed many times when it tried.

Even U.S., after the retirement of its last space aircraft, has to suffer. Russia immediately increases the fee substantially to send U.S. astronauts into space station. Even U.S. has to bear that for at least the next five years.
when we are building our own, india joined the international space station program which they were even denied to have a member working on the station.

different nations, different paths, different future.

Not really, Russia and Japan and India are all working on the Internation Space Station program. Suits India better, as we can get access to technology.

---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

i think like European space agency
we Asian also start a joint venture in space program beside our issues

Russia, Japan and India part of the International Space program.
Lol, without help? till very recent every weapon China had was Russian.

You need to check the history between China and Russia. If you believe the Russians are saints and will help us regardless of anything, then there will be no further comment replying to your statement.
Chinese weapon/technology development is divided into few stages.

1949 to 1960: Relied heavily upon Soviet Union's assistance for industrialization and directly took many of its designs.

1960 to 1972: With the exception of nuclear/space and submarine program, Chinese weapon/technology development was in a general state of stagnation due to Cultural Revolution and Soviets withdrawing all assistance.

1972 to 1989: Closer ties with United States and access to some Western technologies. Leaders start to realize the gap. However, Deng Xiaoping also ordered 1/3 of the army to be disbanded and cut defence spending to focus on economy.

1989 to 1992: Tiananmen incident signalled the end of Western assistance. The Gulf War of 1991 made Chinese realized their military was completely obsolete. Better relationship with Russia after the collapse of Soviet Union, and imported many weapon systems/experts from there. Also covert Israeli assistance.

1992 to 2005: Alot of purchase and technology transfer went between China and former Soviet states. China starts to license manufacture some of the systems, or incorporate elements of them into new designs.

2005 onwards: Advanced domestically designed and produced weapon systems started to emerge (J-10, J-11 (partially), Type 99A, 052C destroyer, 054A frigate, DF-21F, JL-2, 093 SSN, 094 SSBN, KJ-2000). With the exception of a few things left, basic self-reliance has been achieved and the military has set a new target of matching United States technologically within a few decades.
china's domestic space industry will develop without western help.
alot like how china's military industry developed without western help.

india's domestic industries will never develop as long as they have easy access to western technology. they will always be dependent on foreigners for everything.

Lol, without help? till very recent every weapon China had was Russian.

Russia isn't Western.
By administrative centers, population centers, history, and culture, Russia is Western.

You have little understanding of history. Russians are in a class by themselves. Ever heard of the Soviet Union? The Warsaw Pact was not "Western" in any sense. Today, the Russians are not part of the European Union. Also, the Russians are clearly not a liberal democracy.

Russia is not considered Western by the mainstream. Its population centers are east of Eastern Europe. Its history is full of Czars (e.g. dictators; derived from the Roman word for Caesar) and then the Communist Soviet Union. Explain to me how Russian culture is Western. Only recently have Russians been allowed to vote and the winner is always Putin or a Putin crony.
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