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Connecticut School District on Lockdown Following Shooting Report

Legal restraints on the lawful purchase of guns will have little effect on the illegal use of guns. There are some 200 million guns in private ownership, about one-third of them handguns. Only about 2 percent of the latter are employed to commit crimes.

Based on a household survey, Gary Kleck, a criminologist at Florida State University, has estimated that every year, guns are used -- that is, displayed or fired -- for defensive purposes more than a million times, not counting their use by the police. If his estimate is correct, this means that the number of people who defend themselves with a gun exceeds the number of arrests for violent crimes and burglaries.
Even if we are to low ball Kleck's figure due to statistical arguments, say generously by 50%, that still leave several hundred thousand incidences where a firearm was used, either by simple display for the deterrence effect or by actual discharge, where at least personal harm did not occur.
Officials have released the full list of victims killed in yesterday's attack at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. No child was older than seven years old or younger than six.

Name: Dawn Hochsprung
Age: 47 years old
Additional information: She was the principal.

Name: Mary Sherlach
Age: 56 years old
Additional information: School psychiatrist.

Name: Lauren Rousseau
Age: 30 years old
Additional information: Just began her first full-time teaching gig this fall at Sandy Hook Identified ahead of the police releasing public information because her mom is a copy editor at the Danbury News Times.

Name: Victoria Soto
Age: 27 years old
Additional information: Died shielding her students from Lanza.

Name: Rachel Davino
Age: 29 years old

Name: Anna Marie Murphy
Age: 52 years old

Name: Charlotte Bacon
Age: Six years old

Name: Daniel Barden
Age: Seven years old

Name: Olivia Engel
Age: Six years old

Name: Josephine Gay
Age: Seven years old
Additional info: Celebrated her seventh birthday the Tuesday before the shooting.

Name: Dylan Hockley
Age: Six years old

Name: Madeline Hsu
Age: Six years old

Name: Catherine Hubbard
Age: Six years old

Name: Chase Kowalski
Age: Seven years old

Name: Jesse Lewis
Age: Six years old

Name: Ana Marquez-Greene
Age: Six years old
Additional information: She is the daughter of jazz musician Jimmy Green. Her brother also attends Sandy Hook, but he was able to escape unharmed.

Name: James Mattioli
Age: Six years old

Name: Grace Mcdonnell
Age: Seven years old

Name: Emilie Parker
Age: Six years old
Additional info: Parker has a foundation set up in her name. You can donate here.

Name: Jack Pinto
Age: Six years old

Name: Noah Ponzer
Age: Six years old

Name: Caroline Previdi
Age: Six years old

Name: Jessice Rekos
Age: Six years old

Name: Avielle Richman
Age: Six years old

Name: Benjamin Wheeler
Age: Six years old

Name: Allison Wyatt
Age: Six years old

Here Is the Complete List of Victims of the Newtown Shooting - National - The Atlantic Wire
In the southern U.S guns are very much part of the culture. Its not unusual to see 80 year old granny packing a 9 mm.

It is impossible to pass any law to limit access to fire arms.
The National Rifle Association and other lobbying groups are too well-funded and powerful for politicians to stand behind even modest gun control measures, like Sen. Frank Lautenberg's proposed ban on high-capacity magazines, which lapsed in 2004.

Americans who follow the gun-control debate have stopped expecting change in the wake of events like today's shooting for the simple reason of precedent: If Aurora, Oak Creek, Tuscon and Columbine haven't changed the politics of gun control, why should we believe the tragedy in Newtown will have a different outcome?

The NRA's most powerful weapon against gun control isn't postcard campaigns, primary battles or political advertising. It's silence. So long as we assume gun control is impossible, we don't talk about gun control. So long as we don't talk about gun control, gun control is impossible.

The NRA fights any attempts to control firearms, no matter how common-sensical, because their greatest fear is public debate over any controls over guns. Once we begin discussing whether it's reasonable for civilians to be able to buy unlimited amounts of ammunition without a background check, we've moved gun control from the realm of the unthinkable into the possible.

Mourn, and take action on guns - CNN.com
With the number of gun crimes including such massacres in USA , those laws are obviously not working.

Why is there no consensus in USA regarding gun control policy even after 3 major massacres this year ?

Laws that are violated by criminals. No matter how it is Obama will not outlaw arms. Its political suicide. Our nation added the 2nd Amendment for a reason.
Laws that are violated by criminals. No matter how it is Obama will not outlaw arms. Its political suicide. Our nation added the 2nd Amendment for a reason.

Don't worry, and don't keep your hopes up on these baseless claims that Obama will not outlaw firearms, because he for sure will, and he will have the support of the millions of Liberal Marxist tree huggers, illegals (who now will become naturalized), and others who subscribe to his views and this will be another building block towards the Sovietization of America.

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The National Rifle Association and other lobbying groups are too well-funded and powerful for politicians to stand behind even modest gun control measures, like Sen. Frank Lautenberg's proposed ban on high-capacity magazines, which lapsed in 2004.

Americans who follow the gun-control debate have stopped expecting change in the wake of events like today's shooting for the simple reason of precedent: If Aurora, Oak Creek, Tuscon and Columbine haven't changed the politics of gun control, why should we believe the tragedy in Newtown will have a different outcome?

The NRA's most powerful weapon against gun control isn't postcard campaigns, primary battles or political advertising. It's silence. So long as we assume gun control is impossible, we don't talk about gun control. So long as we don't talk about gun control, gun control is impossible.

The NRA fights any attempts to control firearms, no matter how common-sensical, because their greatest fear is public debate over any controls over guns. Once we begin discussing whether it's reasonable for civilians to be able to buy unlimited amounts of ammunition without a background check, we've moved gun control from the realm of the unthinkable into the possible.

Mourn, and take action on guns - CNN.com
You need to actually READ then THINK about your source.

Look here...

The NRA's most powerful weapon against gun control isn't postcard campaigns, primary battles or political advertising. It's silence. So long as we assume gun control is impossible, we don't talk about gun control. So long as we don't talk about gun control, gun control is impossible.

The NRA fights any attempts to control firearms, no matter how common-sensical, because their greatest fear is public debate over any controls over guns. Once we begin discussing whether it's reasonable for civilians to be able to buy unlimited amounts of ammunition without a background check, we've moved gun control from the realm of the unthinkable into the possible.
The NRA cannot fight gun control measures, common-sensical or else, unless there are members of the public, of the legislatures at the federal and state levels, of the media commentators, and of the intelligentsia, WHO PUT FORTH THEIR VERSIONS OF GUN CONTROL MEASURES INTO THE PUBLIC REALM..

So what 'silence' is Ethan Zuckerman blabbering about?

What he really mean is that any opposition about gun control measures should be silenced, from the NRA and/or anyone else. If gun control measures are argued as 'common-sensical' then why is Zuckerman afraid of arguments that says those measures are not 'common-sensical'? In other words, any debate about anything, from guns to gun control to automobile seat belts to motorcycle helmet laws, is about persuasion and the quality of the arguments presented within. Everyone from each side believes their arguments to be 'common-sensical'. The right thing to do is to allow all sides to make their case to the public. And that is what Zuckerman is really afraid of.
Very disgusting incident.
Connecticut mayor presses Washington on gun laws


NEWTOWN, Connecticut: The mayor of Connecticut's capital city, whose own father was killed with a gun, urged Washington on Sunday to take the lead in curbing "an incredible appetite" among Americans for guns.

Speaking two days after the massacre of 20 first-grade pupils and six adults in Newtown, Pedro Segarra said Connecticut citizens are "very supportive of demilitarizing our community and getting these weapons off the streets."

But the mayor added: "A lot of this really requires action by our central government in Washington."

"And as long as we don't have those efforts, some degree of decisive intervention, it's very difficult for states to do it on their own."

Segarra recalled a successful pre-Christmas firearms amnesty scheme that his city ran for a few hours on a single day three weeks ago.

"We were buying back, or having people turn in, about one weapon per minute," he told reporters during an impromptu interview on a downtown street in Newtown, where had come to pay his respects to families of the dead.

"In a city of 125,000, to pick up one weapon per minute? When you're merely offering a gift card of $75? A lot of people were just turning them in because they wanted to just get rid of them."

Nevertheless, he added, there remains among Americans "an incredible appetite" for guns, with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms processing two million gun permit applications in November alone.

"What are we doing to feed that appetite?" It's not just any one thing," he asked.

"We really need to have a more global strategy. The commercialization of violence through... the arts, music, video games and all that -- we really need to take a close look at the impact that is having on our society."

Segarra, 53, a Democrat born in Puerto Rico who grew up in inner-city New York, said he has never personally owned a gun -- for a reason.

He said he was only a year old when his father was shot and killed. "I never got to have a father," he said. He also recalled the gun deaths of two close friends while growing up in the South Bronx -- they were aged 14 and 13.

"I have no desire to own a gun. They've only meant not-so-great things."

Connecticut, which includes many New York commuter suburbs, has some of the toughest gun laws in the United States, where the right "to keep and bear arms" is entrenched in the Constitution and stridently upheld by a powerful gun lobby.

Connecticut mayor presses Washington on gun laws - Channel NewsAsia
Connecticut mayor presses Washington on gun laws

NEWTOWN, Connecticut: The mayor of Connecticut's capital city, whose own father was killed with a gun, urged Washington on Sunday to take the lead in curbing "an incredible appetite" among Americans for guns.

But...but...There is a 'silence' on the issue of gun control...

Mourn, and take action on guns - CNN.com
The NRA's most powerful weapon against gun control isn't postcard campaigns, primary battles or political advertising. It's silence. So long as we assume gun control is impossible, we don't talk about gun control. So long as we don't talk about gun control, gun control is impossible.
So which is it? Is there a 'silence' or not?
But...but...There is a 'silence' on the issue of gun control...

Mourn, and take action on guns - CNN.com

So which is it? Is there a 'silence' or not?

Why don't you reread the previous article and see what the word 'silent' refers to. Let me requote it here without the bold part:

The NRA's most powerful weapon against gun control isn't postcard campaigns, primary battles or political advertising. It's silence. So long as we assume gun control is impossible, we don't talk about gun control. So long as we don't talk about gun control, gun control is impossible.
Why don't you reread the previous article and see what the word 'silent' refers to. Let me requote it here without the bold part:

The NRA's most powerful weapon against gun control isn't postcard campaigns, primary battles or political advertising. It's silence. So long as we assume gun control is impossible, we don't talk about gun control. So long as we don't talk about gun control, gun control is impossible.
See post 145.
Bloomberg Calls On Obama to Take Action on Gun Control

Advocates for gun rights were noticeably absent among the television guests. David Gregory, the host of “Meet the Press,” noted that the show invited “31 pro-gun rights senators” to join in the discussion. “We had no takers,” he said.


Perhaps this is the 'silent' Zuckerman's talking about. As long as there are no politicians willing to take the fight publicly for the anti gun advocates we, meaning NRA who works behind the scenes, will keep quiet as if nothing happens because they can't change the laws without public debates anyway.

"Meet the Press" is a public forum politicians love to be on but out the 31 Senators, in NRA pocket, invited none came. That shows how powerful the NRA vote bank is and not many politicians are willing to take the other side.
Bloomberg Calls On Obama to Take Action on Gun Control

Advocates for gun rights were noticeably absent among the television guests. David Gregory, the host of “Meet the Press,” noted that the show invited “31 pro-gun rights senators” to join in the discussion. “We had no takers,” he said.


Perhaps this is the 'silent' Zuckerman's talking about. As long as there are no politicians willing to take the fight publicly for the anti gun advocates we, meaning NRA who works behind the scenes, will keep quiet as if nothing happens because they can't change the laws without public debates anyway.

"Meet the Press" is a public forum politicians love to be on but out the 31 Senators, in NRA pocket, invited none came. That shows how powerful the NRA vote bank is and not many politicians are willing to take the other side.
Do you even read your source? We can see a big NOT. Throw in problems in critical thinking skills and basic math as well.

Thirty one out of 100 leave 69 US Senators. Senior US Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) made no secret of her gun control stance. So if there are 69 Senators available, why not the gun control advocates target them? Basic math tells me 69 is larger than 31, correct? Or are you operating in 'Chinese mathematics' as well as 'Chinese physics'? Is your abacus borked up?
^^^ Talking to you is worst than talking to a donkey, at least donkeys don't resort to personal insult. Use your brain, if you have any, David Gregory invited 31 Senators and none show up. What it has to do with the other 69 that he didn't invite?
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