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Comparison : Pakistani Al Khalid-1 MBT vs Israeli Merkava IV MBT !

Man you slaughtered him so mercilessly, but then he asked for it. I just hope people with basic knowledge stop posing as experts.

Yes. I have read/studied things in detail...but I didn't want to make things long so I just kept in short and to the point in my OP. Al Khalid-1 and Merkava IV both carry EQUALLY sophisticated rounds. Actually , son , Kombat ATGM fired by Al Khalid-1 has MORE "armor piercing capability" than LAHAT. But LAHAT has some modes like "Lofted trajectory" that gives it certain edge. This is why , I didn't touch this topic...Because kids like you don't know squat about anything so they start b*tching....

Other than that both Al Khalid-1 and Merkava IV carry different types of rounds like APFSDS, HEAT-FS , HE-FS, DU etc etc whateves..

Just a fun fact though : Muzzle Velocity of Al Khalid-1 is also superior to that of Merkava IV..means if Merkava IV and Al Khalid-1 fire same round on same armor , Al Khalid-1 will inflict more damage on the armor as compared to Merkava IV....opppppsssss :pop:

Lets dissect your post further...


Well it means that if Merkava can get 7:1 against Al Khalid , it will able to get 14:1 against Arjun (if that tank is ready lmao!) ..

Anyways : This 7:1 ratio comes out of your behind because specifications , record , common sense doesn't support it...

Explain your 7:1 ratio thingy..

BTW , in one tank forums...some foreigners (Americans mostly) were discussing a hypothetical battle-situation between Al Khalid and Merkava IV...

5 on 5 near Lebanon border... and the result : Merkava wins by ONE! Means , 4 Merkavas get destroyed in the battle and 5 Al Khalids (operated by Lebanese soldiers trained by Pakistan Army)...

Now these guys are WAY,WAY more knowledgeable about tank warfare than your little chota sa ****** heart....They took atleast 15 variables in this 'battle-simulation' and went in great detail..(even discussed the weather factor lol)....I wonder why they missed the 7:1 ratio? :lol:

Oh by the way, they weren't even using Al Khalid-1 in their "supposed battle" , but simple Al Khalid. Now, looking at the specs of Al Khalid-1 vs Merkava IV....you can easily infer what the result can be in a desert environment...

But again..who am I talking to? you? Who can't even comprehend the information available...

Let me show you how ...

Ummm...genius... Al Khalid-1 has Power/Weight ratio of 26 hp/tonne while Merkava IV has Power/Weight ratio of 23 hp/tonne....so what makes you think that "acceleration" rate of Al Khalid-1 is lower than that of Merkava? :lol:

Both Al-Khalid-1 and Merkava accelerate from 0-32km/h in 7 to 10 seconds...Al Khalid-1 is superior to Merkava even here (Thanks to superior Power/Weight ratio of Al Khalid-1)...but the difference was SO small and insignificant that I didn't put it in the OP .... Its like saying "Oh, Al Khalid-1 takes 2 second more to accelerate from 0-32km/h than Merkava and hence Merkava has an "edge" in this area..or vice versa whatever" ..lol...

Now, you can continue with your 7:1 mental masturbating though...

well israeli tanks are too heavy and they look good becuase their opponent dont have AK merkava hunt innocent palestanian people with guns and launchers once it face any other tank merkava stucks in sights of oppnent firpower range with no speed and high weight
well israeli tanks are too heavy and they look good becuase their opponent dont have AK merkava hunt innocent palestanian people with guns and launchers once it face any other tank merkava stucks in sights of oppnent firpower range with no speed and high weight
Funny kid.
Merkava is superior tank in my humble opinion. Its armor is thicker in the front of turret and more sloped. Just look at T34s of Russia in WW2, it had sloped armor which made it more survivable from a frontal hit. Same is the case with Merkava 3 and 4. So if Al Khalid needs to survive it needs a thicker sloped armor than it already has.

But more important was that Russians and Americans used quantity over quality to win WW2 tank battles. That alone puts Merkava at a disadvantage if it finds itself in a battle in which it is out numbered. Germans could not mass produce tanks like Americans did. Americans provided Shermans to Russians as well. Well Uncle Stalin was happy to receive those Sherman tanks from Uncle Sam. Similarly Israel cant mass produce Merkavas.

Simply put even though Merkava is far superior than Al Khalid it will lose in a pure tank on tank battle with Al Khalid if it finds itself out numbered 4 to 1 or may be more. But on a one on one battle Merkavas will take the day because shells will ricochet off the turrets of Merkava 4.

I think Pakistan should buy few Merkavas :-) They will be more potent tanks. But thats never going to happen :(. And while I am thinking of tanks. Challenger 2 is the best tank in the world, Pakistan should buy them. British produced some kind of Electric Armor that makes a tank to take more hits from RPGs and still survive. And I think Israel should free Palestine and in return ask America, Britain, India and Pakistan to protect is against any future attack. Peace is the best option for all.

Peace for all :-) Freedom for all :yay:
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Merkava is superior tank in my humble opinion. Its armor is thicker in the front of turret and more sloped. Just look at T34s of Russian in WW2, it had sloped armor which made it more survivable from a frontal hit. Same is the case with Merkava 3 and 4. So if Al Khalid needs to survive it needs a thicker sloped armor than it already has.

But more important was that Russians and Americans used quantity over quality to win WW2 tank battles. That alone puts Merkava at a disadvantage if it finds itself in a battle in which it is out numbered. Germans could not mass produce tanks like Americans did. Americans provided Shermans to Russians as well. Well Uncle Stalin was happy to receive those Sherman tanks from Uncle Sam. Similarly Israel cant mass produce Merkavas.

Simply put even though Merkava is far superior than Al Khalid it will lose in a pure tank on tank battle with Al Khalid if it finds itself out numbered 4 to 1 or may be more. But on a one on one battle Merkavas will take the day because shells will ricochet off the turrets of Merkava 4.

I think Pakistan should buy few Merkavas :-) They will be more potent tanks. But thats never going to happen :(. And while I am thinking of tanks. Challenger 2 is the best tank in the world, Pakistan should buy them. British produced some kind of Electric Armor that makes a tank to take more hits from RPGs and still survive. And I think Israel should free Palestine and in return ask America, Britain, India and Pakistan to protect is against any future attack. Peace is the best option for all.

Peace for all :-) Freedom for all :yay:

Welcome to the forum. :pdf:

Have a nice stay here...

Btw, I'm the OP, and I disagree that Merkava IV is 'far' superior to Al Khalid-1 tanks. It might be a better tank with definitely superior armor and APS system---but it is no F-22 of tanks.

When it comes down to it, the victory depends on numbers, tactics, and other variables deployed by opposing tank forces in the battle field.
Welcome to the forum. :pdf:

Have a nice stay here...

Btw, I'm the OP, and I disagree that Merkava IV is 'far' superior to Al Khalid-1 tanks. It might be a better tank with definitely superior armor and APS system---but it is no F-22 of tanks.

When it comes down to it, the victory depends on numbers, tactics, and other variables deployed by opposing tank forces in the battle field.

Thanks. Lets hope that you weren't being sarcastic when you said "Have a nice stay here...". Like I said Challenger 2 is the best tank in the world in my opinion.
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Thanks. Lets hope that you weren't being sarcastic when you said "Have a nice stay here...". Like I said Challenger 2 is the best tank in the world in my opinion.

No one disputed that.

Challenger 2 , Leopard 2A7 etc. are best of the tanks out there...
:raise: Is there a count somewhere that tells how many tanks got hit and destroyed with different antitank RPGs and other stuff. That can make life much easier when doing comparison :-).
:raise: Is there a count somewhere that tells how many tanks got hit and destroyed with different antitank RPGs and other stuff. That can make life much easier when doing comparison :-).

You can't destroy a merkava with a rpg round or anti tank missile. It needs more than that to be disabled. Destroying it completely needs large IED's. Unless you take into account air power and stuff. From infantry POV it's hard to destroy it, heavy hits come with rpg-29/30 and IED.
You can't destroy a merkava with a rpg round or anti tank missile. It needs more than that to be disabled. Destroying it completely needs large IED's. Unless you take into account air power and stuff. From infantry POV it's hard to destroy it, heavy hits come with rpg-29/30 and IED.

I want to compare all tanks. And find which one is the best of them with respect to survival rate from antitank shoulder fired weapons.
Ok..the chances of these tanks going against each other in the battle-field are very low. So keep it civil and no need to troll...

Note : Blue highlight = Advantage over the other tank

Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 48 tons
Merkava IV : 65 tons.

Speed :

Al Khalid-1 : 72 km/h
Merkava IV : 64 km/h

Main Armament :

Al Khalid-1 : 125 mm smooth bore gun
Merkava IV : 120 mm smooth bore gun

Payload Capacity :

Al Khalid-1 : 49 rounds
Merkava IV : 48 rounds

Engine :

Al Khalid-1 : KMDB 6TD-2 6-cylinder diesel 1,200 hp (with upgrade)
Merkava IV : General Dynamics GD883 (MTU883) diesel 1,500 hp

Power/Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 26 hp/tonne
Merkava IV : 23 hp/tonne

Armour :

Al Khalid-1 : Composite armour, RHA, ERA
Merkava IV : Composite matrix of laminated ceramic-steel-nickel alloy, ERA etc

Operational Range :

Al Khalid-1 : 500 km
Merkava IV : 500 km

Protection :

Al Khalid-1 : VARTA active protection system
Merkava IV : TROPHY active protection system


Al Khalid-1 : Kombat , 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper) etc
Merkava IV : LAHAT


Feel free to point out any mistakes I made.

Al Khalid-1 is right up there with latest Merkava IV , with Merkava having a slight edge due to superior electronics etc.

Israel is producing Merkava since 1970's , while Pakistan started to produce Al Khalid much later. So it is great to see Pakistan producing tanks as capable as Al Khalid-1 :cheers:

Al Khalid-1 edges Merkava IV in firepower and mobility..while Merkava IV has better armor and protection system (Israelis are obsessed with soldiers' protection).

Have your say...

PS : There is alot of talk about which ATGM is superior...LAHAT or Kombat. Both ATGMs have their own advantages over the other...so lets keep it that way. This is why I didn't high-light any of the tank in ATGM category.
We have Al Khalid II-III now ;)
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