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Comparison: PAF JF-17 & IAF MIG-29

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Hay fellows, whats that is making you compare them with each other? Mig-29 will be superior until second block of JF-17 is out.. and even after that they will be only comparable, Mig-29 still taking the lead because of carrying dual engine and maneuverability gains. You know Indian Mig-29 will prove better even then you want to compare? May be you need something to be happy about otherwise at this stage of JF-17 development, comparison makes low, if not no sense.
Oh common, even Mig29 is getting upgrades.
Actually, it would be more valid to compare the MIG-29 to the F-16. There were reports that Fulcrums from Luftwaffe actually beat F-16s during exercises.

In combat provided that the MiG-29's 7.5g above 0.85 mach can be avoided it should beat any F-16 due to its BVR capability , higher thrust/weight ratio and lower wing loading. While in recent exercises between USAF F-16 and German MiG-29A's showed that in ACM the greatest advantage the MiG-29 had was it's helmet mounted sight coupled with the AA-11 Archer which gives it a kill zone greater than any aircraft serving. F-16 pilots found that any aircraft within 45deg's of the nose of a MiG-29 was always under grave threat. The ability to target aircraft well of boresight has proved to be such a success that helmet mounted sights have become requirements on any new fighter program.

PAF F-16:


True rivals :D

Vayu Sena - F-16 versus MiG-29

Its hard to say anything about the JF-17. I'd say that the current block isn't that...great. Heard that the second block is going to get AESA, and other additional features. Those would be nice :tup:

But undoubtedly, the MIG-29 is highly maneuverable making it great for dogfights!
Tejas vs Jf-17
Mig29 vs F-16
Su30mki vs nothing
+We have strike aircrafts and MRCA.
page 1quotes jf range as3000kms..is that true ?
comparing single engine aircraft with 2 engine aircraft is not a fair game . dont give too much credit to jf 17
does pakistan have any double engine air craft ?
I am interested to know if Pakistan has or had any double engine fighters. Anyone can help?
We should compare to china not Pakistan mate.

shows your are too paranoid for China. A country who doesn't even care about you. makes you nervous.
MiG-29 hands down JF-17 would not be able to stand a chance Mig29 has better ECM and ECCM better BVR ability and better dog fighting ability JF-17 is more comparable to the MiG-21 Bison sir
shows your are too paranoid for China. A country who doesn't even care about you. makes you nervous.
Hmm we are scared of China and pakistan.
Pakistan has many enemies and China has many.
But India has two. So chinese will not think to attack India.
India once attacked
1.Tibetiean protests rise.
2.Taiwan prepare for war.
3.Good oppurtunity for Japan.
4.US will try maximum to down China in any way.
5.Korean war.
The info is wrong.........

And the new info on JF-17 makes it clear tht it can beat mig-29 any time.

For more info

Aerodynamically the MiG-29 is one of the best jets in the world and it is one of the few active aircrafts that can do supermaneuvers like the Pugachev's cobra without any TVC and purely relying on aerodynamic efficiency.It can easily perform sustained turns at 7.5-8 G.
India will get the MiG-29SMT which is a magnificient aircraft.It is upgraded with new avionics,a new 3-channel FBW System,Israeli jammers and maybe Indian EW suite.It is even equipped with new engines- RD-33-3 Turbojet engines which have new FADEC controls.Even the Radar is new the Zhuk-ME PESA Radar with a 120km range vs. a 5m2 target.It can track 10 targets and attack 4 simultaneously.It is also equipped the OLS-32 IRST suite.It also has overcome range issues with the installation of a large fuel tank over its spine which has increased its range to 2000-2500KM and it is fitted with a retractable UPAZ refueller unit for inflight refuelling
The MiG-29 smt with the SURA HMS and R-73E AAM can defeat anything in a dogfight.For long range fights it is equipped with R-77 and R-27 series of AAMs.
The SMT is a multirole jet thanx to the use of a laser designator and PGMs like the KAB-500kr LGB,Kh-31,KH-35/59 ASMs.As far as I think this shows how good the SMT as a multirole jet is.
MiG-29 hands down JF-17 would not be able to stand a chance Mig29 has better ECM and ECCM better BVR ability and better dog fighting ability JF-17 is more comparable to the MiG-21 Bison sir

:lol: Yeah Mig-21 :lol:

Your Mig-21 is comparable to F-7P of Pakistan.JF-17 thunder is made to take on Indian LCA..and by far,its way ahead ! Blk-2 is coming in near future and LCA is not even ready yet :agree:
:lol: Yeah Mig-21 :lol:

Your Mig-21 is comparable to F-7P of Pakistan.JF-17 thunder is made to take on Indian LCA..and by far,its way ahead ! Blk-2 is coming in near future and LCA is not even ready yet :agree:

i like the way you underestimate LCA...
good for us..
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