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Comparing India and China

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Apr 28, 2009
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Comparing the relative strengths of India and China is a time-honoured parlour game. Which nation can grow faster? Which will be the more important power in the 21st century? Which one has a better model for growth?

After China’s dramatic Olympic showcase and its ability to get its economy growing quickly after the global financial downturn, many have wondered if China has the jump on India today.

But courtesy of an innovative London-based think tank, we have a comprehensive way of comparing India and China—one that is far more useful and comprehensive than anything that has come before it—and the results might surprise some readers.

The Legatum Institute recently released its 2009 Prosperity Index (you can find the results at The 2009 Legatum Prosperity Index). The purpose of the index is to be able to compare and contrast countries against benchmarks that best reflect the richness and variety of what matters most in people’s lives.

In this index, economic growth and performance matter a lot. But they are not the whole story and not the sum total of what it means to be prosperous. The folks at Legatum understand that while man needs bread to live, and economic growth is indispensable for seeing to it that man has bread to eat, man does not live on bread alone.

And so they compiled an index that ranks countries according to several criteria that are based not just on economic wealth but quality of life issues as well. In other words, it is a measure of overall well-being in an effort to include those elements that make a people not just rich but happy, healthy and free as well. These include economic fundamentals, entrepreneurship and innovation, democratic institutions, education, health, safety and security, governance, personal freedom and social capital.

And as it turns out, India is doing far better than its neighbour to the north-east, ranking 30 places higher than China on the overall global index. Both countries still have large populations of very poor people, so they are much lower down in the rankings than the countries of western Europe and North America, for example. But India ranks 45th on the index while China is far down at 75. China even ranks below pariah state Venezuela.

What accounts for the differences?

Ryan Streeter, a fellow at the Legatum Institute, tells me that “India beats China solidly owing to the way that its governance contributes to the economy. That is the democratic institutions index, where India is 36 and China 100. Couple that with other key measures of governance, freedom and social capital—social capital is amazingly high in India, which is ranked fifth in the world—and India is far more prosperous than its rival”.

The social capital component is especially interesting. “Indian citizens report high levels of membership in community organizations, allowing for a broad network of social capital,” the report concludes.

Indians seem to be like Americans in this respect. When Alexis de Tocqueville published his magisterial account of the American experiment, Democracy in America, he was struck by the high degree of social capital he observed during his travels. Americans were a nation of joiners, he witnessed. Indians seem to be similar in that regard—indeed, Indians are even ahead of the US on this metric, which ranks two spots behind, at seventh, in the world. And the report’s authors note that high levels of social capital are needed to bolster human happiness.

My colleague at the American Enterprise Institute Roger Bate notes that “China outperforms India in both of the main economic sub-indices because it provides greater economic certainty to investors, receiving far more foreign investment than India. Still, the overall index implies that trouble is brewing for China as it loses out to India in all other sub-indices, especially in its lack of democracy and personal freedom”.

Indeed, on my visits to India, I am always struck at how vibrant Indian democracy is and how robustly pervasive the sense of personal freedom is. There is a rowdy, even chaotic, spirit in India that is refreshing and lively and is the hallmark of a free people enjoying their rights and liberties.

There are, of course, areas in which India needs to make significant progress. Education, health, and safety and security are all areas in which India’s performance is badly lagging much of the rest of the world.

But the overall picture is quite encouraging. And in this version of the India versus China parlour game, we must tip our cap to India.

Nick Schulz is editor, American. com, and co-author of From Poverty to Prosperity (Encounter, 2009).

Comparing India and China - Views - livemint.com
India is 45th and China, 75th, in the latest edition of the London-based Legatum Institute’s Prosperity Index. Released last month, the index processes data for 104 countries, covering 90% of the world’s population. This is the third Legatum Prosperity Index. But it has already captured global attention. It attempts to measure prosperity by going beyond GDP but by avoiding the woolliness usually associated with the GDP-is-not-enough crowd

here is the link

India beats China: What new report says on the state, market, people

Here is again a stupid comparison. The western world really know how to please you.
Here is again a stupid comparison. The western world really know how to please you.

Ohh come on man..read the link their past two years comparisons shows China beats India..Is that mean they were pleasing you?
Ohh come on man..read the link their past two years comparisons shows China beats India..Is that mean they were pleasing you?

The western world likes to make us rival against each other. Do you understand it? The western world will benifit from the rival between China and India. If China and India work together we can develop much faster.
The western world likes to make us rival against each other. Do you understand it? The western world will benifit from the rival between China and India. If China and India work together we can develop much faster.

Totally agree with you...some sane words ..There are plenty of space in each others market to accommodate both our country...Our Industrial and service sectors are mostly dependent on US markets..Look at the our growth rates dip because of economic problems in US..If we both increases our trade with each other we will be less dependent on US ..this will help our economies to be independent from the economic downfall of US markets
Totally agree with you...some sane words ..There are plenty of space in each others market to accommodate both our country...Our Industrial and service sectors are mostly dependent on US markets..Look at the our growth rates dip because of economic problems in US..If we both increases our trade with each other we will be less dependent on US ..this will help our economies to be independent from the economic downfall of US markets

This comparison should stop. China and India have little in common besides population. All the rankings are BS to begin with because things are UNRANKABLE. The only comparison should be based on individuals and businesses with questions like

"Okay I have 100 million dollars to invest in renewable energy production. Should I invest in China or India."

or questions like

"Okay I am a middle class making about USD 30,000 a year. Do I live a better life in China or India."
This comparison should stop. China and India have little in common besides population. All the rankings are BS to begin with because things are UNRANKABLE. The only comparison should be based on individuals and businesses with questions like

"Okay I have 100 million dollars to invest in renewable energy production. Should I invest in China or India."

or questions like

"Okay I am a middle class making about USD 30,000 a year. Do I live a better life in China or India."

with 30k usd a year u could live like a king in both china and india
with 30k usd a year u could live like a king in both china and india

Don't know about India but you definitely canNOT live like a king in most parts in China with 30k salary...

From my experience, to live like a king you need at least 200k a year...
The western world likes to make us rival against each other. Do you understand it? The western world will benifit from the rival between China and India. If China and India work together we can develop much faster.

100% wrong.

China and India are on a collision course. They both want to be the regional power in Asia (Russia is looking westward) and there will be contention over resources and influence.

China is not fooled by India's diplomacy, especially when India is building up military capability using Western and Russian technology like there's no tomorrow.

Also, China has over 1 billion consumers of its own. It needs rich Western consumers. It does not need poor Indian consumers. Why would it want to elevate them to become tomorrow's competitors?
Don't know about India but you definitely canNOT live like a king in most parts in China with 30k salary...

From my experience, to live like a king you need at least 200k a year...
well not a king but well enough with 30k USD
British Aid Minister Alexander recently contrasted the rapid growth in China with India's economic success - highlighting government figures that showed the number of poor people had dropped in the one-party communist state by 70% since 1990 but had risen in the world's biggest democracy by 5%.

Haq's Musings: Foreign Aid Continues to Pour in Resurgent India
It is in India's interest, not to indulge her self with any comparison with China.
Quote: China is way ahead of India. Unquote.

Rather china is a driving force for us to learn and then compete with the same for betterment of our civilians.
100% wrong.

China and India are on a collision course. They both want to be the regional power in Asia (Russia is looking westward) and there will be contention over resources and influence.

You mean like collision of Planets. No ones bullies each other on resources. If you have wealth you can buy it from the market.
Both should stay withing their bubble of regional influence. If china will breach that influence India will practice countermeasures. This is some thing universal with any other small or super power nation. Don't exaggerate things and demonize both India and china.

China is not fooled by India's diplomacy, especially when India is building up military capability using Western and Russian technology like there's no tomorrow.

From a layman's point of view to any elite defence expert, Indian capabilities are inadequate, insufficient and vulnerable. I think you are not interested referring to numeric facts.

Also, China has over 1 billion consumers of its own. It needs rich Western consumers. It does not need poor Indian consumers. Why would it want to elevate them to become tomorrow's competitors?

Again you have restricted your self to flame baits, A business minded china don't think like you and those who have thanked you. You need some research to configure how much business china is doing with both rich and poor nations.
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No ones bullies each other on resources. If you have wealth you can buy it from the market.

I don't want to lecture you on basic economics. All physical resources are finite and there is always contention. Already there is contention over oil supplies with China making huge investments in Africa, which the West has all but ignored. Future areas of contention include water, uranium, and other minerals.

Both should stay withing their bubble of regional influence.

Countries are like corporations. They cannot survive if they stay static; they must expand their markets (and spheres of influence). Or wither and die. Nothing stays static.

From a layman's point of view to any elite defence expert, Indian capabilities are inadequate, insufficient and vulnerable. I think you are not interested referring to numeric facts.

The smart man looks not at the present, but at the future, and the trends leading there. India is increasing defense expenditure, acquisitions and capability. Given that Indian military capability is already far ahead of Pakistan's, whom exactly is India gearing up to match militarily? I think we all know the answer to that one.

A business minded china don't think like you and those who have thanked you. You need some research to configure how much business china is doing with both rich and poor nations.

A smart businessman always wants more customers, but does not want to encourage competition. Right now China needs its economy to keep growing so it will take any and all customers. We'll have to see what the future holds.
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