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Compare between the two Koreas military

even Tunisian Army is stronger we have better navy better special forces but is not bigger like there army
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It took America only weeks to defeat the saddam regime they are not able to control the insurgency thier
& Korea is a different case once the Kim regime collapses it will reunite with the south although some dir hard communists may complain
It took America only weeks to defeat the saddam regime they are not able to control the insurgency thier
& Korea is a different case once the Kim regime collapses it will reunite with the south although some dir hard communists may complain

Go compare sadam's forces with DPRK, North Koreans have > 1 millions troops available.
:omghaha: Background music made it even more funny.

I guess it is the though that counts. :rofl:
Only thing south korea is missing is couple ov nukes. After that north Koreans will speak of war again.
Don't worry about DPRK, it took the Americans 10 years to deal with Iraq.

North Korea has no chance. American couldn't control Iraqis insurgency. The main army was defeated in days. With North Korea, I don't think the "people" would rise up to protect Kim Jong and fight against their Southern Brothers, not after they see how wealthy their southern brothers are.
Only thing south korea is missing is couple ov nukes. After that north Koreans will speak of war again.

The biggest difference is, south has a lot to lose and every life is considered precious. North is like a suicide bomber willing to destroy itself to cause some damage to the other.
even Tunisian Army is stronger we have better navy better special forces but is not bigger like there army

Ha ! Your point is to show Tunis military force right? Cheap trick.

By the way, this joke is not told right, why not draw DPRK's nuclear arsenal to the comparison? That will be a sight. Anyway, everyone knows that SK military forces are far more advanced than their counterpart in the north, SK forces are all developed to the teeth, but never make a joke about NK military forces, especially with their moral and will to fight. I mean who's got the better will to fight a war if it's not the brainwashed people, right?

Conventional war between SK and NK will surely favor SK, but nuclear can change anything although the current possibility of NK using its nuclear bomb is still low to nothing. But again, who knows, the NK's leader is sick as ****.
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A more sensible thing would be to compare their respective economies, standard of living and soft power because that is all that matters in 21st century.
Well in case of war the SK will be on the losing side considering they have more to lose in this war while the NK has nothing. SK will be putting their entire development to this date on the line. Even if NK has more forces it still doesn't matter the SK can easily over power them with their air force, navy and better equipped and trained soldiers. Plus with the current agreement with the US the NK will be fighting two enemies which put them in a disadvantage. As for nuclear weapons. I highly doubt that NK have the tech. to quickly deploy their nukes in case of war. Plus there is the whole question of how much advance their nukes are or whether they have the tech to miniaturize their nukes. So as of now in a war though SK will probably win the war, they will also lose big time on the front of development and reconstruction after the war. Because I am pretty sure if $hit hits the fan the NK military leaders will probably put everything on the line and will turn to win or die situation rather than surrendering.
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