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Coming to reality, china starts carrying supply on foot and animals, living in stone huts.

I can see the chinese version of "Drone delivery, hot meals, running water, ac sleeping pods" in this video :rofl::rofl::rofl:
It's funny how Indians can ridicule others when it should be us Chinese laughing at how Indians can't make drones and need to use Tibetan slaves to transport stuff. We do use mules for non critical load, but we never use villagers. Lolol. I am really perplexed by your lack of shame. Amazing bunch of ppl
Yes, I can see them. They are carrying more/bigger weight than donkeys.
You guys use human not mules. Lol. Primitive monkeys
Soldiers can be seen crying again and displaying there poor skin quality in harsh weather.

The point ir trying to make and the video content is totally opposite. I dont see them crying or weak. Infact showing they dominate the heights around pangong tso. I know u ppl are dumb and stupid and would start nagan dance at anything but try to first see what the video is actually portraying. Again, something sane or humane not expected from u since ur a stupid indian.
Indians tend to laugh and taunt to mask their weakness. Until today we are still occupying 1200 sqkm. I am not sure who is having the last laugh. When covid happened, they were laughing about how we converted stadiums to house patients, some were complaining about toilets they laughed. Now I don't think they are laughing anymore.

Chinese as usual will do things quietly and then all of a sudden defeat them. The louder they become, the more insecured they feel. Trust me, I deal with them a lot. They just like to talk.. Lol

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