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Collapse of Darwinism : Theory of Evolution

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Collapse of Darwinism : Theory of Evolution

Evidence against evolution (Part 1 of 6) Evidence for intelligent design:

The Miracle Of Human Creation part(1) must see


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Physicists finally accept an ignominious defeat in their 500yr quest to understand God's creation.

The Collapse Of Physics As We Know it .

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"Entropy" in physics means "measure of disorder in a system".

For a "closed" system Entropy-change is ALWAYS positive. i.e. unless some external force forces system towards state of orderliness, everything goes from state of order towards disorder. In creation of universe that external force was The Creator. Laws of Physics state that Entropy of universe is always increasing. "Spontaneous" evolution goes against this law!!! Only a "controlled" evolution would satisfy law of Entropy change. Who was the controller?

For DNA to have evolved upwards, from primitive to advanced, through trillions of trillions of species, without someone causing it to happen, is against law of Entropy change. Because "disorder" of universe is supposed to increase continually.

A "spontaneous" mutation does NOT lead to improved DNA forms, it's ONLY "controlled" mutations e.g. in a lab, that leads to formation of improved DNA. Spontaneous changes are either damaging or lethal to species, e.g. cancers.

SPONTANEOUS changes in DNA could NOT have caused improved species,,, ONLY intelligently controlled manipulation of DNA could have caused such.
Evidence for intelligent design

:rofl: Finish high school, do a few years of Uni level biology then look again, any one with even basic knowledge of the crap fest the human body is just rolfs at the idea of intelligent design.
If there is designer that sticks vital parts of the male anatomy on the outside of the body in the perfect place for an offended girls knee rather than tucked up safley inside i want to sue the designer.
:rofl: Finish high school, do a few years of Uni level biology then look again, any one with even basic knowledge of the crap fest the human body is just rolfs at the idea of intelligent design.
If there is designer that sticks vital parts of the male anatomy on the outside of the body in the perfect place for an offended girls knee rather than tucked up safley inside i want to sue the designer.
Since you know better, why don't you get yours removed & get it implanted some place safe inside of you.

Hope it'll be safe for few years before it develops into a cancer. Also after it's rendered nonfunctional, you would have benefit of not having to use contraception.
Like this is any news. I took a few years of geology, everyone knows the earth is 6,000 years old.

6000 years old ? Surely that must be a typo
6000 years old ? Surely that must be a typo
he's being sarcastic dude lol

and lol at this thread.


mate, Darwin is the effing man. Read his works, take a few bio and anthropology classes and come back to us. Youtube videos and psuedo religious blog posts are a waste of bandwidth.
he's being sarcastic dude lol

and lol at this thread.


mate, Darwin is the effing man. Read his works, take a few bio and anthropology classes and come back to us. Youtube videos and psuedo religious blog posts are a waste of bandwidth.

The ironic thing is people love to pick on the 1% chance that Darwin is not right, and completely gloss over the 99% nonsense that the religious books say about the age of the earth or evolution.
The ironic thing is people love to pick on the 1% chance that Darwin is not right, and completely gloss over the 99% nonsense that the religious books say about the age of the earth or evolution.
The whole discussion about him being right or wrong is just weird to me. Having taken a platora of anthropology courses and a bunch of biology courses, I'm very familiar with his "theories" which make perfect ******* sense. There is nothing theoratical about them. He's just put 2 and 2 together and connected all the dots.

The age of the earth etc... aren't even his concerns. The famous line of "evolution by means of natural selections" is just a line to the ignorant religious folk. Once they actually sit down and read what he's talking about, there is a very big chance that they will bang their head on the wall for being so foolish.

IMO everybody should be forced to take 3 anthropology courses in their post-secondary educational careers (cultural anthropology, physical anthropology and either linguistics or archaeology). In this day and age people have to be out of their minds to even think about creationism or **** like that.
The ironic thing is people love to pick on the 1% chance that Darwin is not right, and completely gloss over the 99% nonsense that the religious books say about the age of the earth or evolution.

That's because even a small gap in Science yet to be filled proves that all science is wrong. They don't have to worry about gaps in religious theories because...err... all they have is one humongous gap.... so it's all right...
The age of the earth etc... aren't even his concerns. The famous line of "evolution by means of natural selections" is just a line to the ignorant religious folk. Once they actually sit down and read what he's talking about, there is a very big chance that they will bang their head on the wall for being so foolish.

My knowledge is relatively cursory, but the theory of natural selection is probably logic in its simplest...but I guess you need to have the scientific temper to follow logical thought. And the age of the earth reference was just a side note to the (sarcastic) comment from Juice.

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