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CNN goes to a poorest ethnic Dong village buried in big mountains to try to dig dirt about China and made up one

Even in a small ethnic minority mountain village in China's poorest province in deep winter time amid covid time, CNN couldn't find a slightest sign of chaos or even a single villager suffering, what CNN expected must be piles of dead corpses lying randomly on the streets waiting to be cremated in open air, CNN must be extremely disappointed so that they had to make up a lie by themselve in the end of the video to sum up this report.
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Wow. I don’t know what you were trying to show here but that was dystopian as hell. Pretty sure the minders made sure the hospitals were cleared up before the CNN crew got there. The second instance where they just cut off the interview would be downright scary for most people.

Do you think this is normal in most countries?
When some can't accept China is really doing well. Fabricated lies and delude themselves from reality are the only solution.
When some can't accept China is really doing well. Fabricated lies and delude themselves from reality are the only solution.
And the video intentionally didn't completely translate what the villagers said, the report comes across someone who happens to be a local doctor and asks him about the covid situation in the village, the guy says actually they all got it, now they all recovered fine, they didn't test so they don't know they got it. The reporter conviniently leaves out the " they all recovered fine" part.

This is a good example for how CNN twists stories to fit their intended rhetoric.
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When some can't accept China is really doing well. Fabricated lies and delude themselves from reality are the only solution.
I don’t know what qualifies as ‘normal’ or ‘really well’ for you. Having government minders following you around — threatening and censoring people you interact with — it’s beyond unreal.

If they can’t hide this, it’s terrifying to think what they can do to their own people when foreign cameras aren’t looking. In their quest to save face, chinese people have lost all agency beyond the bare minimum.
I don’t know what qualifies as ‘normal’ or ‘really well’ for you. Having government minders following you around — threatening and censoring people you interact with — it’s beyond unreal.

If they can’t hide this, it’s terrifying to think what they can do to their own people when foreign cameras aren’t looking. In their quest to save face, chinese people have lost all agency beyond the bare minimum.
CNN has a very bad record of slandering and smearing China , be them in Xinjiang, Tibet or everywhere else in China, and as this very video shows, they just twist people's words to fit their agenda, one thiing Chinese government is certainly doing wrong is still allowing these scums freely roaming around China to undermine the country, is the government out of their mind?
I don’t know what qualifies as ‘normal’ or ‘really well’ for you. Having government minders following you around — threatening and censoring people you interact with — it’s beyond unreal.

If they can’t hide this, it’s terrifying to think what they can do to their own people when foreign cameras aren’t looking. In their quest to save face, chinese people have lost all agency beyond the bare minimum.
You are right.... India Modi set a very bad example. Pls dont be selective apply standard. What happened to India?

India bans BBC documentary on PM Modi’s role in Gujarat riots​

Rhea Mogul
By Rhea Mogul, Manveena Suri and Aliza Kassim Khalidi, CNN

I don’t know what qualifies as ‘normal’ or ‘really well’ for you. Having government minders following you around — threatening and censoring people you interact with — it’s beyond unreal.

If they can’t hide this, it’s terrifying to think what they can do to their own people when foreign cameras aren’t looking. In their quest to save face, chinese people have lost all agency beyond the bare minimum.
plenty of vlog of Chinese life by foreigner or Chinese on all sort of platform, do some research before opening your mouth.
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Oh, I am old enough to remember in America when the Japenese were the target in the early 1990s as some kind of deceitful people out to rob America of money due to unfair trade practices by Japan.

I don't remember this. The only thing I remember is their refusal to decrease tariffs to allow US cars to be sold in Japan. Basically they then agreed instead to build factories here in the US to make Japanese cars.

You also then saw Mazda and joint ventures with Chrysler like the Eagle Talon/Mitsubishi Eclipse and Geo Metro/Suzuki and the Nummi stuff.
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Haha, can't believe it, someone actually did a video about this interview :D :D

How CNN & BBC trick you about China: Selina Wang and her failed exposé​

Haha, can't believe it, someone actually did a video about this interview :D :D

How CNN & BBC trick you about China: Selina Wang and her failed exposé​

Of course don't forget to mention it must be a white conspiracy...


Selina Wang and her husband (likely 2nd in command at the CIA)
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CNN goes to a poorest ethnic minority Dong village buried in big mountains in China's poor proinve Guizhou to try to dig some dirt about China, after can't find much, they just made up one in the end of the video, wiith their own words.

She was trying so hard to talk shit lol
This CNN China bashing piece turned out to be an epic fail
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