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Closest allies: Joint defence declaration of India and USA

India-Russia-China block is my dream. This alliance could easily challenge the Western world. The West is no longer has any moral rights in the lead. There used to be - the West was carrying Christianity, therefore, together with bayonets and bombs came some good. Now only bayonets and bombs.
India-China-Russia could become the basis of a new, better world for all people. This could be the new anti-fascist alliance with a 100% chance to win the "Axis of Evil" - Washington, London and their vassals.

Yes,And Russia could get China and India to negotiate on the disputed borders and end this nonsense.
India-Russia-China block is my dream. This alliance could easily challenge the Western world. The West is no longer has any moral rights in the lead. There used to be - the West was carrying Christianity, therefore, together with bayonets and bombs came some good. Now only bayonets and bombs.
India-China-Russia could become the basis of a new, better world for all people. This could be the new anti-fascist alliance with a 100% chance to win the "Axis of Evil" - Washington, London and their vassals.
How about India-Pakistan-China-Russia....... we 4 can kick anybodys ***! :D hee hee
How about India-Pakistan-China-Russia....... we 4 can kick anybodys ***! :D hee hee

With China and Russia we could get pakistan to dismantle its terror appartus. A lot more sense in my opinion ,this alliance would be.
India-Russia-China block is my dream. This alliance could easily challenge the Western world. The West is no longer has any moral rights in the lead. There used to be - the West was carrying Christianity, therefore, together with bayonets and bombs came some good. Now only bayonets and bombs.
India-China-Russia could become the basis of a new, better world for all people. This could be the new anti-fascist alliance with a 100% chance to win the "Axis of Evil" - Washington, London and their vassals.

Let me borrow a chinese style or arguing to put my point across in simple terms.

USA is High IQ and High EQ.

Russia is High IQ and Medium EQ

China is High IQ and low EQ

India is Medium IQ and High EQ.

Russia and China have to raise their Emotional Quotient to be able to build a successful partnership or alliance. Else it will be another short lived alliance of necessity and not an alliance of partners.
It is not about superior western tech.Russian tech has its advantages too ,but rather of goals of the Indian elite. If the elite only wants to keep money in swiss accounts and do corruption , then Obviously CIA or USA is the way.If the elite cares about nation and its safety then its Russia who provides the military and diplomatic means .

I would argue that is is about superior Western/Japanese/Korean tech. There is also the element of access to huge Western market for Indian products and outsourcing services, which has developed over the past 1.5 decades, a sweetener that Russia unfortunately cannot offer with its small economy: around $ 2 trillion, whereas West/Japan/Korea combined is close to $ 40 trillion. It was ok before because the principal threat China also had same lower quality Russian tech, but Chinese tech is improving at a rapid pace, so that is no longer the case.

@vostok, I think the best prudent option for Russia is to forge a closer strategic relation with China for technology sharing so Russia is not left behind with noncompetitive technology. India is not the only market in the world, if China and Russia can jointly develop technology that is cheaper and better than Western/Japanese/Korean tech, then these products (defense and commercial) will still have a huge market in South East Asia, Central Asia, Middle-east, Africa and Latin America.
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Let me borrow a chinese style or arguing to put my point across in simple terms.

USA is High IQ and High EQ.

Russia is High IQ and Medium EQ

China is High IQ and low EQ

India is Medium IQ and High EQ.

Russia and China have to raise their Emotional Quotient to be able to build a successful partnership or alliance. Else it will be another short lived alliance of necessity and not an alliance of partners.

SCO seems to be proving otherwise.USA will use India the same way it used Iraq against Iran.
India-Russia-China block is my dream. This alliance could easily challenge the Western world. The West is no longer has any moral rights in the lead. There used to be - the West was carrying Christianity, therefore, together with bayonets and bombs came some good. Now only bayonets and bombs.
India-China-Russia could become the basis of a new, better world for all people. This could be the new anti-fascist alliance with a 100% chance to win the "Axis of Evil" - Washington, London and their vassals.

India and China will not become a part of any alliance in the foreseeable future, that will remain a dream.
I would argue that is is about superior Western/Japanese/Korean tech. There is also the element of access to huge Western market for Indian products and outsourcing services, which has developed over the past 1.5 decades, a sweetener that Russia unfortunately cannot offer with its small economy: around $ 2 trillion, whereas West/Japan/Korea combined is close to $ 40 trillion. It was ok before because the principal threat China also had same lower quality Russian tech, but Chinese tech is improving at a rapid pace, so that is no longer the case.

@vostok, I think the best prudent option for Russia is to forge a closer strategic relation with China for technology sharing so Russia is not left behind with noncompetitive technology. India is not the only market in the world, if China and Russia can jointly develop technology that is cheaper and better than Western/Japanese/Korean tech, then these products (defense and commercial) will still have a huge market in South East Asia, Central Asia, Middle-east, Africa and Latin America.

Again ,the valuation of the west is inflated due to financial service component.If financial component was huge in Russian economy it would have been 4 trillion $. And on the superior tech perception,I can argue all day. But then ultimately it will be waste of bandwidth.

There is also the element of access to huge Western market for Indian products and outsourcing services

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ce-declaration-india-usa-8.html#ixzz2gDYPM2DB

This is the holy grail ,that is why Corporate lobbies are dragging India into Western overlordship.

Could be possible in non-strategic areas,but not strategic ones.

In case you are unaware SCO has not delivered anything to any value to anyone. Its a feel good club. Nothing more, nothing less.

Actually,it has enabled China easy access to Central asian energy resources with Russian blessings or has enabled creation of oil pipelines like ESPO which is enabling Russia to diversify oil sales from Europe. Maybe you should start reading Oil and Gas Eurasia.
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India and China will not become a part of any alliance in the foreseeable future, that will remain a dream.

Looking at the direction in which the indian US stooge govt is taking India ,I expect a war and loss of North eastern territories of India. If we are unlucky and the war escalates ,then India will lose half of its population in the Chinese nuclear and biological attack.
Actually,it has enabled China easy access to Central asian energy resources with Russian blessings or has enabled creation of oil pipelines like ESPO which is enabling Russia to diversify oil sales from Europe. Maybe you should start reading Oil and Gas Eurasia.

Its a buyer seller relationship ..... not a strategic alliance :lol: Maybe you should try to understand what you have read. Economic compulsion would have ensured that, with or without SCO.
Its a buyer seller relationship ..... not a strategic alliance :lol: Maybe you should try to understand what you have read. Economic compulsion would have ensured that, with or without SCO.

Yes,There are very good diplomatic relations b/w Germany and Russia due to such buyer-seller alliance via pipelines,due to which Germany was reluctant about supporting syrian rebels as it would harm relations with Russia.

Maybe you should try to understand what you have read. Economic compulsion would have ensured that, with or without SCO.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ce-declaration-india-usa-8.html#ixzz2gDb1sLWz

Maybe you should research on how resources industry operates and the level of geopolitics there ,especially oil .SCO is a geopolitical forum. Russians could have easily constructed an oil terminal in Vladivostok for selling oil to China,Korea and Japan on FOB basis , yet it has constructed a dedicated oil pipeline to China for massive volumes. Speaks volume . But then noobs like you have no idea about energy geopolitics and the financial and oil industry have no ideas about resource geopolitics .
Looking at the direction in which the indian US stooge govt is taking India ,I expect a war and loss of North eastern territories of India. If we are unlucky and the war escalates ,then India will lose half of its population in the Chinese nuclear and biological attack.

Its good that you understand the danger of this path India is being pushed into reluctantly, but I do not think India has much of a choice, if you can accept the point of tech superiority and market access of the Western alliance.

I think this is the path India will choose, regardless of the danger. Politicians corruption is not a big factor in this.

And in the end, India will have to accept a subordinate role to China. Western alliance or Russia, no one can save India from that predicament in the long run. So improving ties with China, regardless of cost, should be India's highest priority and not getting into confrontation or competition. But this will not happen any time soon, it may happen after 15-20 years, when China and its allies in Asia and other continents will have a bigger market and superior tech than the Western alliance.
Its good that you understand the danger of this path India is being pushed into reluctantly, but I do not think India has much of a choice, if you can accept the point of tech superiority and market access of the Western alliance.

I think this is the path India will choose, regardless of the danger. Politicians corruption is not a big factor in this.

And in the end, India will have to accept a subordinate role to China. Western alliance or Russia, no one can save India from that predicament in the long run. So improving ties with China, regardless of cost, should be India's highest priority and not getting into confrontation or competition. But this will not happen any time soon, it may happen after 15-20 years, when China and its allies in Asia and other continents will have a bigger market and superior tech than the Western alliance.

Yes.I will agree on this.India had chance to be equal partners with Russia and it did backstab it.Now,I do expect Russia will put India in its place in coming times. And I do agree on improving ties with China aspect also.
Yes,There are very good diplomatic relations b/w Germany and Russia due to such buyer-seller alliance via pipelines,due to which Germany was reluctant about supporting syrian rebels as it would harm relations with Russia.

Maybe you should research on how resources industry operates and the level of geopolitics there ,especially oil .SCO is a geopolitical forum. Russians could have easily constructed an oil terminal in Vladivostok for selling oil to China,Korea and Japan on FOB basis , yet it has constructed a dedicated oil pipeline to China for massive volumes. Speaks volume . But then noobs like you have no idea about energy geopolitics and the financial and oil industry have no ideas about resource geopolitics .

OMG ...there is geopolitics behind Oil ? .....damn....I dint know that. Thank you for opening our eyes. :cheesy:

Building Oil pipelines to service immediate neighbor with the worlds largest population and second largest economy is truly amazing stratetic cooperation :lol:..........not cost effective way to sell oii. :P

One has to bow to your superior knowledge. :angel:
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