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Clashes Erupt Over Biryani Feast During Lunar Eclipse in Odisha's Bhubaneswar, Berhampur; Case Filed | Upper caste Hindus VS OBC/SC/ST Rationalists


When you hear namaste you think peace. When you think India you think spicy curry, not cow shit... ok bochri ke!
Pajeets are actually 1st version of Pakistani patwaries 😂
My first thought was that people tried to grab from each other which might have made more sense but dude the actual thing is crazy.
Pajeets are actually 1st version of Pakistani patwaries 😂
it seems patwaris are somehow offended here
All mainstream media headlines and news agenda is strictly controlled by RSS BJP. Government advertisements are huge part of revenue of mainstream media channels. Current government BJP is wing of RSS(pro upper caste organization). You will find News channels promoting superstitions and Hindutwa.
Why do they call it "Godi Media?" even before the Modi and the BJP days, Indian media channels would always obsess over Pakistan and its internal affairs and portray India as a "world superpower". There isn't much of a difference between BJP and Congress, one is just more open and hard about their extremism.
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