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Clash at Tibetan monastery in China could turn 'explosive', Dalai Lama says

Not one single government in the ENTIRE world, recognizes Tibet as an independent country.

Including your own Indian government. :lol:

You do realize that in our country and under our laws, we as citizens don't HAVE TO toe the government line - sigh - these democratic concepts which we consider so simple are so difficult for the Chinese to grasp.
Pakistan, in a move that resembled the setting up of Manchukuo by Japan in the 1930's.

Of course, India worships not only its former colonial masters, but the barbaric Japanese Empire, and even copies its war tactics, such as false accusations of expansionism when itself is the expansionist, and the setting up of fake governments. However, we all know how the Japanese Empire ended, in atomic smoke.

So now you are saying Pakistan is a crippled state?
So now you are saying Pakistan is a crippled state?

Crippled by expansionist India. Pakistan is the victim of Indian aggression 4 times over.

Pakistanis should increase their arsenal to prevent a repetition of the Korean tragedy, where Japan annexed Korea and enslaved it for 50 years.
You do realize that in our country and under our laws, we as citizens don't HAVE TO toe the government line - sigh - these democratic concepts which we consider so simple are so difficult for the Chinese to grasp.

LOL, not one single country on Earth recognizes Tibet as an independent country.

Whereas Kashmir is internationally regarded, as disputed territory.
Crippled by expansionist India. Pakistan is the victim of Indian aggression 4 times over.

Pakistanis should increase their arsenal to prevent a repetition of the Korean tragedy, where Japan annexed Korea and enslaved it for 50 years.

Is that what the Chinese text books and news agencies state? In the civilized and democratic world, the belief is actually the opposite. But we don't expect the Chinese Govt. to teach its poor students real facts. We know how the govt. there keeps the citizenry in order through brainwashing and through consistent lies.
It's the same effect as to why China isn't reporting oppression of Muslims in India.

Better luck next time, chump cos this time you FAILED.

Correct. China does not grab land. India grabs land. India is illegally occupying 50,000 km2 of Chinese territory. The fascist dictatorship in Delhi is an aggressive power that has already annexed 2 independent, sovereign states and crippled another.

Isn't this a bit rich ?? :rofl:

LOL, not one single country on Earth recognizes Tibet as an independent country.

Whereas Kashmir is internationally regarded, as disputed territory.

So ?
Pakistan, in a move that resembled the setting up of Manchukuo by Japan in the 1930's.

Of course, India worships not only its former colonial masters, but the barbaric Japanese Empire, and even copies its war tactics, such as false accusations of expansionism when itself is the expansionist, and the setting up of fake governments. However, we all know how the Japanese Empire ended, in atomic smoke.

Atleast someone agreed India crippled Pakistan,so why u r pattering about us being expansionist,do u forget ur own words, this is a fascist dictatorship,and India is not going down like japan,do u know what differentiate both of them,and what;'s the exact reason japan was unable to react on an equal magnitude?
Think carefully about the government of India and the policies it is pursuing. I am not blaming Indians, only extremists and their supporters.

We know about our Govt buddy. Think about yours.

BTW that Fascist Dictatorship part was truly hilarious coming from you :rofl:
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