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Привычка к голоду | INSIDER
Привычка к голоду
The habit of hunger

Украина медленно, но верно погрузилась во времена, которые можно назвать смесью 40-х и 90-х - войны и голода.

Слава Богу, на улицах нет мертвых людей и в стране не процветает каннибализм, как это описывают хроники Голодомора, но все мы стали участниками неосознанной и добровольной голодовки. Мы стали меньше есть.

Свежие данные Госстата меня лично неприятно поразили и ужаснули - за первый квартал 2015 года украинцы стали тратить на продукты на 20% меньше средств, чем раньше. В первую очередь отказались от фруктовых консервов, мясных и рыбных полуфабрикатов - их продажи упали на 37%.

На 30% снизился спрос на рыбу, различные крупы, морепродукты, готовые мясные продукты, колбасы. Реже стали покупать яйца, свежее мясо и овощи - их реализация упала на 25%.

На 20% ниже обычного упали показатели продаж безалкогольных напитков, сливочного масла, макаронных и кондитерских изделий.

Покупатели увеличили закупки только соли - на 11% больше, и маргарина - на 2%. Ну, потому что это у нас в генах - в любой непонятной ситуации покупай соль. Удивительно, что гречку не запасаем.

И это очень страшно - мы экономим на самом ценном и трудновосполнимом - на своем здоровье. Ведь украинцы не отказались совсем от "пищевого мусора" - чипсов, соленых орешков, газировки и прочей гадости, к которой диетологи советуют не приближаться и на пушечный выстрел.

Мы снизили потребление полезного и важного - рыбы, мяса, овощей, яиц. А ведь это основа любого здорового рациона. Потому что дорого. Как говорили наши мамы - "не докупишься". А организму что делать? Как ему объяснить, что в стране война, и всех полезных элементов ему не видать? "Понимаешь, на рыбу денег нет, так что тебе придется лепить важные аминокислоты из подручных средств. И вообще! Переходи на подножный корм!", - наверное, вот так он поймет.

По мнению диетологов, людям старше 35 лет мясо следует употреблять 2-3 раза в неделю с большим количеством овощей. В остальные дни животный белок можно заменить мясом птицы и рыбой.

Кто из наших пенсионеров ест мясо три раза в неделю? А в остальное время - рыбу? Да что там, пенсионеры... Как часто работающий украинец соблюдает такой рацион? Да это просто праздник вкуса и живота описали диетологи. И много овощей еще хотят. Овощи временами по стоимости догоняют мясо.

Однажды моего бывшего начальника-мультимиллионера спросили на очередной встрече со студентами: "Вот, снова кризис настал. На чем можно экономить?". И он ответил:

- На чем угодно, кроме продуктов. Это ваше здоровье.

Миллионеры на продуктах не экономят. И тут вспоминаются слова Арсения Яценюка, который посоветовал украинцам "затянуть пояса".

Интересно, а затянул ли пояс Арсений Петрович? Стали ли его дети, жена и он сам есть на 30% мяса, как это сделала остальная страна? Ищет ли его помощник для него в супермаркете более дешевые крупы, потому что денег не хватает? Похудел ли он от этой вынужденной голодовки?

Они никогда не экономят на еде. Только на нас.

Конечно, мы это переживем. Наши предки ели во время голода крапиву с лебедой, а мы что, на 30% мяса съедим и умрем? Не умрем. Но так уже надоело выживать и уговаривать себя потерпеть, когда верхушка власти живет и не терпит.

Одно хорошо - мы все бесплатно похудеем к пляжному сезону. И затянутый пояс будет красиво на нас, постройневших, смотреться.

Press ATU Staff reports: cytuatsiya in the area of anti-terrorist operations during the day yesterday, July 7, worsened.Only 18 to 24 hours across the boundary line pro-gang 40 times ATU forces shelled positions.

At 22.00 near the towns Luhansk Ukrainian military discovered sabotage and reconnaissance groups of militants. Using only small arms, our soldiers saboteurs forced to retreat.With 120-mm mortars, disrupting the Minsk agreement, pro-gang forces carried out attacks ATO nearby towns Novohryhorivka that Mariupol direction, and three - NP Sands - at 20.46, 21.00 and 22.55.

Also from enemy small arms and 82 mm mortar shelling positions led forces in areas inhabited ATO Happiness, Trinity that in the Luhansk region, Avdeevka, Novgorod, Marinka, Lugansk, Lozovoe, Kirov, Svetlodarsk, Mayorsk that in the Donetsk region.Today, July 8, as of six o'clock in the morning the illegal armed groups fired on our positions with small arms in areas inhabited Stanitsa Luganskaya, questionnaire, Marinka, Sands.

The situation in the area of ATO is controlled by Ukrainian military. Our soldiers, strictly following the Minsk agreements consistently held defensive positions and give a fitting rebuff to the attackers.

Among the things that brought volunteers soldiers - uniforms, handling jackets, radios, metal detectors, navigators, monoculars, telescope. However, the most expensive thing - the imager, whose power far exceeds those samples that are in the army.

As the volunteer Vadim Gromov, funds for these necessary things deminers allocated group of construction companies "PSM", working in Odessa.

The soldiers thanked the volunteers for their help.

Ceremony ended with a photo on the memory.



One Ukrainian soldier killed, three wounded in ATO : UNIAN news
Russia-backed militants fired on Kamaz truck of the Ukrainian armed forces in the village of Lopaskyne in Luhansk region on July 7, killing one soldier and wounding another three, the press service of Governor of Luhansk Region Hennadiy Moskal said on Wednesday, according to an UNIAN correspondent.

Lopaskyne is located 15 km from the village of Triokhizbenka on the left bank of the Siverskiy Donets River, where the demarcation line lies. In this very area, alcohol and products are systematically smuggled from Ukrainian-controlled territory into the militant-occupied area.

"Ukrainian military controlled the area along the Siverskiy Donets River, in order to prevent attempts to smuggle goods, and came under fire of assault rifles and grenade launchers. The attack came from the militant-occupied right bank of 20-meter-wide river. A 26-year-old soldier of the Ukrainian armed forces suffered severe wounds from shrapnel and bullets. Unfortunately, he died shortly after hospitalization. Another three Ukrainian soldiers with injuries of varying severity are being treated in hospital," the report reads.

Two troops, one civilian killed after failed Ukraine talks | Zee News
Last Updated: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 - 17:4

Kiev: Ukraine on Wednesday reported the death of two soldiers and was blamed by pro-Russian rebels for killing a civilian in fighting that followed another failed round of EU-mediated peace talks.

The Kiev-appointed head of Lugansk -- an eastern province that along with its larger neighbour Donetsk have been waging a 15-month war against Ukraine`s pro-Western leadership -- said three troops were also injured when their vehicle came under fire from insurgents.

"One soldier was seriously wounded and then died, and three more injured soldiers were hospitalised," Lugansk governor Gennadiy Moskal said in a statement.

Kiev`s army reported the death of another serviceman in a separate incident in the devastated industrial heartland of the ex-Soviet state.

"The number of (rebel) attacks has doubled," Ukrainian military spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk told reporters.

The Donetsk militants` news site said an elderly man had also died of his wounds after the regional town of Gorlivka came under attack from Ukrainian units.

The clashes -- sporadic since the start of the month -- resumed with renewed vigour in the wake of another round of unproductive talks Tuesday between Moscow and Kiev envoys that were also attended by the rebels in the Belarussian capital Minsk.

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) said the latest meeting -- aimed at salvaging a February truce and political settlement agreement -- focused on pulling smaller-calibre weapons from a disputed demilitarised zone.

The two sides also disagree about the terms and timing of new local elections that the rebel-run districts want to hold within the next four months.

The insurgents called in a joint statement on Wednesday for the UN Security Council to create a tribunal that would investigate "war crimes" committed by government troops.

It is not the first time that proposal has been made and it is -- as on previous occasions -- likely to fall on deaf ears because of the conviction by Western powers that the war is being choreographed by Russia.

Western rights groups have accused both Ukrainian volunteer forces and separatist militia units of resorting to tactics such as abductions and torture.

Moscow denies either instigating the uprising or providing the militias with heavy weapons and tacit support from Russian troops.

But it provides the separatists with strong diplomatic backing at both the United Nations and the Minsk talks.

The seemingly-stalemated crisis has killed more than 6,500 people and reintroduced a Cold War-era chill in Moscow`s relations with the West.

Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists

Ukraine’s post-coup regime is now melding neo-Nazi storm troopers with Islamic militants – called “brothers” of the hyper-violent Islamic State – stirring up a hellish “death squad” brew to kill ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, on Russia’s border, reports Robert Parry.By Robert ParryJuly 08, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Consortium News" - In a curiously upbeat account, The New York Times reports that Islamic militants have joined with Ukraine’s far-right and neo-Nazi battalions to fight ethnic Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. It appears that no combination of violent extremists is too wretched to celebrate as long as they’re killing Russ-kies.

The article by Andrew E. Kramer reports that there are now three Islamic battalions “deployed to the hottest zones,” such as around the port city of Mariupol. One of the battalions is headed by a former Chechen warlord who goes by the name “Muslim,” Kramer wrote, adding:

The insignia of the Azov battalion, using the neo-Nazi symbol of the Wolfsangel.

“The Chechen commands the Sheikh Mansur group, named for an 18th-century Chechen resistance figure. It is subordinate to the nationalist Right Sector, a Ukrainian militia. … Right Sector … formed during last year’s street protests in Kiev from a half-dozen fringe Ukrainian nationalist groups like White Hammer and the Trident of Stepan Bandera.

“Another, the Azov group, is openly neo-Nazi, using the ‘Wolf’s Hook’ symbol associated with the [Nazi] SS. Without addressing the issue of the Nazi symbol, the Chechen said he got along well with the nationalists because, like him, they loved their homeland and hated the Russians.”

As casually as Kramer acknowledges the key front-line role of neo-Nazis and white supremacists fighting for the U.S.-backed Kiev regime, his article does mark an aberration for the Times and the rest of the mainstream U.S. news media, which usually dismiss any mention of this Nazi taint as “Russian propaganda.”

During the February 2014 coup that ousted elected President Viktor Yanukovych, the late fascist Stepan Bandera was one of the Ukrainian icons celebrated by the Maidan protesters. During World War II, Bandera headed the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-B, a radical paramilitary movement that sought to transform Ukraine into a racially pure state. At times coordinating with Adolf Hitler’s SS, OUN-B took part in the expulsion and extermination of tens of thousands of Jews and Poles.

Though most of the Maidan protesters in 2013-14 appeared motivated by anger over political corruption and by a desire to join the European Union, neo-Nazis made up a significant number and spearheaded much of the violence against the police. Storm troopers from the Right Sektor and Svoboda party seized government buildings and decked them out with Nazi insignias and a Confederate battle flag, the universal symbol of white supremacy.

Then, as the protests turned bloodier from Feb. 20-22, the neo-Nazis surged to the forefront. Their well-trained militias, organized in 100-man brigades called “sotins” or “the hundreds,” led the final assaults against police and forced Yanukovych and many of his officials to flee for their lives.

In the days after the coup, as the neo-Nazi militias effectively controlled the government, European and U.S. diplomats scrambled to help the shaken parliament put together the semblance of a respectable regime, although four ministries, including national security, were awarded to the right-wing extremists in recognition of their crucial role in ousting Yanukovych.

At that point, virtually the entire U.S. news media put on blinders about the neo-Nazi role, all the better to sell the coup to the American public as an inspirational story of reform-minded “freedom fighters” standing up to “Russian aggression.” The U.S. media delicately stepped around the neo-Nazi reality by keeping out relevant context, such as the background of national security chief Andriy Parubiy, who founded the Social-National Party of Ukraine in 1991, blending radical Ukrainian nationalism with neo-Nazi symbols. Parubiy was commandant of the Maidan’s “self-defense forces.”

Barbarians at the Gate

At times, the mainstream media’s black-out of the brown shirts was almost comical. Last February, almost a year after the coup, a New York Times article about the government’s defenders of Mariupol hailed the crucial role played by the Azov battalion but managed to avoid noting its well-documented Nazi connections.

That article by Rick Lyman presented the situation in Mariupol as if the advance by ethnic Russian rebels amounted to the barbarians at the gate while the inhabitants were being bravely defended by the forces of civilization, the Azov battalion. In such an inspirational context, it presumably wasn’t considered appropriate to mention the Swastikas and SS markings.

Nazi symbols on helmets worn by members of Ukraine’s Azov battalion. (As filmed by a Norwegian film crew and shown on German TV)

Now, the Kiev regime has added to those “forces of civilization” — resisting the Russ-kie barbarians — Islamic militants with ties to terrorism. Last September, Marcin Mamon, a reporter for the Intercept, reached a vanguard group of these Islamic fighters in Ukraine through the help of his “contact in Turkey with the Islamic State [who] had told me his ‘brothers’ were in Ukraine, and I could trust them.”

The new Times article avoids delving into the terrorist connections of these Islamist fighters. But Kramer does bluntly acknowledge the Nazi truth about the Azov fighters. He also notes that American military advisers in Ukraine “are specifically prohibited from giving instruction to members of the Azov group.”

While the U.S. advisers are under orders to keep their distance from the neo-Nazis, the Kiev regime is quite open about its approval of the central military role played by these extremists – whether neo-Nazis, white supremacists or Islamic militants. These extremists are considered very aggressive and effective in killing ethnic Russians.

The regime has shown little concern about widespread reports of “death squad” operations targeting suspected pro-Russian sympathizers in government-controlled towns. But such human rights violations should come as no surprise given the Nazi heritage of these units and the connection of the Islamic militants to hyper-violent terrorist movements in the Middle East.

But the Times treats this lethal mixture of neo-Nazis and Islamic extremists as a good thing. After all, they are targeting opponents of the “white-hatted” Kiev regime, while the ethnic Russian rebels and the Russian government wear the “black hats.”

As an example of that tone, Kramer wrote: “Even for Ukrainians hardened by more than a year of war here against Russian-backed separatists, the appearance of Islamic combatants, mostly Chechens, in towns near the front lines comes as something of a surprise — and for many of the Ukrainians, a welcome one. … Anticipating an attack in the coming months, the Ukrainians are happy for all the help they can get.”

So, the underlying message seems to be that it’s time for the American people and the European public to step up their financial and military support for a Ukrainian regime that has unleashed on ethnic Russians a combined force of Nazis, white supremacists and Islamic militants (considered “brothers” of the Islamic State).

 Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists  :   Information
Clearing House - ICH

[For more on the Azov battalion, see Consortiumnews.com’s “US House Admits Nazi Role in Ukraine.”]
Pro-Russian bandits still violate Minsk agreements | Міністерство оборони України
Thursday, July 09. DONBAS – According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation, the situation in the east of Ukraine is still tense but under control of the Ukrainian govt troops.

Yesterday evening the terrorists were shelling the Ukrainian positions near Krymske for two hours with 120 mm and 82 mm mortars, APC and small arms.

Militants performed armed provocations against the Ukrainian positions near Opytne, Pisky, Avdiyvka, Vodyane, Verkhnotoretske and Stanytsya Luhanska.

The enemy’s unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were seen in the region.

Terrorists shelled the Ukrainian govt positions near Berezove and Novotroytske with 120 mm mortars.

Bandits attacked Hranitne with Grad multiple rocket launchers.

The situation in the region is under control of the Ukrainian military.


July 9, 2015 in crisis media center in Kramatorsk held a joint briefing for journalists with representatives of staff antiterrorist operation in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. During the briefing, Deputy Chief of Staff, Colonel Sergey Galushko ATO informed about the situation in the area ATO.According to the officer, but for the last day recorded 46 cases of ceasefire violation by the occupying forces. During the current period observed 10 cases of violations of the ceasefire. Every day dozens of attacks observed Ukrainian position. ATU forces suffered shelling in areas populated areas in Luhansk, Crimea, villages Lugansk. In Donetsk area traditionally Sands, Avdeevka, questionnaire, Marinka, Verhnotoretske, water. In Artemovsk - Lugansk, Mayorske. In Mariupol - Bahchevik, Shyrokyne.-

This dynamic event indicates that the enemy tries to provoke Ukrainian military in some action, then to blame forces ATO. But this will not be! - Said the officer.Colonel Sergey Galushko informed about the number of enemy groups, which is not controlled at Ukraine in Donetsk and Lugansk regions.- Directly on the territory of Ukraine registered the presence of Russian troops in the grouping of over 8000 people who are armed with 512 units of armored vehicles, 147 artillery pieces, 190 tanks, 83 units of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), "Tochka-U" - 4 respectively - said Colonel Sergey Galushko. - That's not counting illegal armed formations. They number about 33 thousand people, more than 368 tanks, more than 940 armored vehicles, 375 artillery units of the receiver - continued the officer.

NATO Finds Arab Backdoor to Arm Kiev

By Finian Cunningham

July 09, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "SCF" - The announcement this week that the Kiev regime struck a major deal with the United Arab Emirates for military weapons raises strong suspicions that the US-led NATO alliance has found a new backdoor into Ukraine. We say «new» because it is believed that the US and its NATO allies, Poland and Lithuania, are already covertly supplying weapons to the Kiev regime.

Kiev President Petro Poroshenko hailed the new strategic partnership with the Persian Gulf kingdom while attending the International Defence Exhibition (IDEX) in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi. Poroshenko, who was royally received by UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al Nayhan, declared himself a «president of peace» but that Ukraine, or rather the rump state that his regime commands, needed strong defence because of its «Russian enemy».

A giveaway to the real significance of the surprise development is that Poroshenko and his Arab hosts also reportedly held discreet meetings with Pentagon officials and US weapons manufacturing executives during the weapons exhibition. That indicates that Washington is coordinating the expected arms transfers.

Although the Kiev-UAE partnership lacked any public detail, one can safely assume that the Arab supply of weapons to Ukraine is simply a conduit for American and NATO military support to the Western-backed junta, which seized power in Ukraine last year in an illegal coup. Its war of aggression on the separatist eastern Ukraine has inflicted at least 6,000 deaths, mainly among the ethnic Russian civilian population.

Earlier this month it soon became clear that Washington and its NATO allies would pay a heavy political price for an audacious move to openly increase their military involvement in the Ukraine conflict. When Washington announced that it intended to go ahead with Congressional provisions to send «lethal aid» to Kiev there was much international consternation over such a reckless move.

Moscow warned Washington that any further military support to the reactionary, anti-Russian Kiev regime on its western border would constitute a «disastrous escalation». US President Barack Obama then appeared to back off from the proposal to supply lethal munitions.

America’s normally servile European allies also baulked at the Washington arms move. Germany, France and even Britain indicated disproval by stating that they would not be following suite by sending arms to Ukraine. Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel was perhaps the most forthright in her reservations. While on an official visit to Washington she reiterated her «no weapons» position to US media while being received in the White House by Obama.

No doubt a disgruntled European public reeling from economic austerity, unemployment and seething contempt for unaccountable EU leaders had a concentrating effect on the various political capitals to not throw more fuel on an already raging Ukrainian fire. The idea of going along with incendiary American militarism in Ukraine and further antagonising Russia would provoke a political storm across Europe. Hence the usually trusty European «yes men» had to defy Washington’s recklessness.

That incipient divergence between the US and EU appeared to unnerve Washington, with the latter fearing that its anti-Russian axis and sanctions tactics might be unravelling. President Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry were at pains to emphasise American-European «unity» over Ukraine and alleged «Russian aggression» – in spite of the fact that European leaders were, publicly at least, repudiating Washington’s weapons policy.

So, rather than risking an open split in the NATO ranks, Washington and its allies seem to have found an ingenious way around that problem – by getting the UAE to be the front end for weapons supplied to the Kiev regime.

Several media reports have talked up a «new defence industry» in the UAE. But whatever new industry there may be in the oil-rich kingdom, it is largely a value-adding or marketing platform for established Western manufacturers. The UAE defence sector is dominated by US military imports and American weapons giants, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. The Emirati «partner» operations are a way for the royal rulers to claim kudos for diversifying the kingdom away from its economic dependence on oil exports by seemingly creating hi-tech sectors. For the Western weapons firms, the Arab retail image can provide a convenient public relations cover for global arms-dealing. American and European weapons can thus be sold to parts of the world where it might otherwise be viewed as unethical – thanks to these sales being booked as originating from the UAE.

The fact remains, however, that the United Arab Emirates is the world’s fourth biggest arms importer, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). That is an astounding record considering that the UAE population is some nine million, with only one million of those being Arab nationals, and the rest being expatriate cheap-labour workers from Asia and Africa. Expressed on a per capita basis, the UAE is by far the world’s biggest weapons importer. And this is a country that has never been at war since its founding in 1971 after Britain granted formal independence.

In its latest global trends report, SIPRI notes that the Persian Gulf Arab states have doubled their imports of weapons in recent years, from an already high base. Saudi Arabia is now the fifth biggest importer globally. Qatar, Bahrain and Oman are also major sales destinations for the Western arms industry.

The Arab Gulf weapons market is dominated by the US, with some 40 per cent of all sales. Other major exporters to the region are Germany, France and Britain. Russia has also a strong presence in the market. But the lion’s share goes to US and its NATO allies. Germany in particular has stepped up its arms exports to the Persian Gulf, which has caused political problems among the German population for the Merkel government as it is being seen to prop up autocratic and repressive regimes. Leopard tanks and armoured personnel carriers are lucrative German exports.
The Persian Gulf arab regimes are thus in effect NATO arsenals. And the tiny UAE with its $13 billion military budget is a NATO arsenal par excellence.

The Kiev regime’s new contract with the UAE for military weapons supply is thus a front for NATO supplying weapons to Ukraine. Conveniently for Western governments, the arrangement tends to obscure a NATO link in the eyes of their public, but only superficially.

That bodes badly for the shaky ceasefire that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin helped broker earlier this month. Putin has already deprecated the continuing hostile attitude of Poroshenko and other Kiev leaders, who routinely accuse Russia of aggression and talk with bravado of fighting a «total war». Washington and the EU are indulging this inflammatory rhetoric with renewed sanctions on Moscow and laying the blame for the conflict on Russia.

While Western taxpayers bail out the Kiev regime with a $40 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund, the junta is evidently using the money to go on a weapons spree and to crank up its NATO-supplied war machine. The UAE weapons sales deal is just a backdoor for NATO to embark on further warmongering in Ukraine and toward Russia.

NATO Finds Arab Backdoor to Arm Kiev :  Information
Clearing House - ICH
. . .
Ukrainian military shoot down three enemy’s UAVs | Міністерство оборони України
Friday, July 09. DONBAS – According to the press centre of ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the situation in the east of Ukraine escalated. On July 09, from 06:00 p.m. to 00:00, the terrorists shelled the Ukrainian positions for 40 times. They also used the weapons forbidden by the Minsk agreements. A new RF humanitarian convoy arrived to Ukraine resulted in increase of attacks.

Bandits attacked the Ukrainian govt positions near Vodyane, Avdiyvka, Pisky, Krymske, Opytne, Berezove with 120 mm mortars and tanks; Taramchuk with 122 mm artillery.

Illegal armed formations attacked the Ukrainian positions near Hranitne with 152 mm artillery. There was a fighting near Krymske ended in the enemy’s failure.

Ukrainian military shot down three enemy’s unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Luhansk oblast.

Despite the Russian support of the illegal armed formations, the situation in the region is under control of the Ukrainian troops.


Classes, which was attended by anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft missile units units that perform tasks for Mariupol direction occurred on one of the polygons sector.Training, the head of which was Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Bratslav, there was a method of firing military subservient ZU-23-2 air targets. Instead drones used Brightening mines.

Martial subservient SAM "Strela-10M" accompanied purposes, but the fire did not lead.Commenting on the results of practical classes, Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Braslavsky said that ZU-23-2 is well suited to deal with enemy drones. That fighting ZU-23-2 subservient recently shot down near Mariupol enemy UAV. This proves that deal effectively with unmanned aircraft of the enemy can use even ZU-23-2, which is difficult to call ultramodern, - said the officer.Assessing action combat anti-aircraft gunners servicing, training manager said that the soldiers acted confidently and professionally.






Ukraine lost two soldiers in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, July 10 /Ukrinform/. Two Ukrainian servicemen were killed, other ten were wounded in the area of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas as a result of hostilities.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Two Ukrainian servicemen were killed, other ten soldiers were wounded as a result of military clashes over past 24 hours,"he said.

Over 8,000 Russian servicemen stationed in Ukraine - ATO HQ| Ukrinform
KYIV, July 10 /Ukrinform/. Over 8,000 Russian servicemen are stationed on the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, uncontrolled by Ukrainian government. In addition, there are about 33,000 members of illegal armed groups.

Deputy Head of ATO headquarters Colonel Serhiy Halushko said this on Thursday, the press service of the Defense Ministry reports.

"Over 8,000 Russian servicemen stay immediately on the territory of Ukraine. They are armed with 512 armored vehicles, 147 artillery systems, 190 tanks, 83 multiple rocket launcher systems," Halushko noted.


Ten Ukrainian soldiers released from captivity - Poroshenko
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    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that ten Ukrainian soldiers have been released from captivity.

    "Good news, friends, ten of our guys from the 17th tank brigade of Aidar battalion, of the 40th brigade and the 43rd brigade have been released," he wrote on Facebook on Friday.

    Poroshenko released the surnames of the released soldiers: Shanidze, Bondarchuk, Semeniuk, Shvyrev, Parkhomenko, Nihmatullin, Rizayev, Kharatin, Tkachenko and Startsev.

    "Soon their families will be able to hug the heroes," Poroshenko said.

    Earlier, the so-called Luhansk People's Republic said that it intended to exchange ten prisoners with Ukraine.
Pro-Russian bandits shell Ukrainian communities with artillery | Міністерство оборони України
Saturday, July 11. DONBAS – According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the situation in the region was volatile. There were about 50 attacks against the Ukrainian govt positions and communities (26 attacks in breach of the Minsk Agreements).

Terrorists shelled the residential quarters of Svitlodarsk with 152 mm artillery, Avdiyvka with 120 mm mortars.

Over the past days the bandits often attack the communities where civilians, women, and kids live.

The illegal armed formations shelled the Ukrainian positions near Lebedynske and Shyrokyno with 120 mm mortars and 122 mm guns, Novohryhorivka with tank armament. Militants used weapons forbidden by the Minsk Agreements against the Ukrainian troops near Pisky, Khimik, Troytske, Verkhniotoretske, Krymske, Novosiolovka, and Novhorodske.

The situation in the region is under control of the Ukrainian army.


Recently completed military quality of installation landmines MOS-50 at the site of the likely penetration areas to the rear of our units sabotage and reconnaissance groups of enemies. It should be noted that this division also quickly neutralized nerozirvani ammunition after shelling our positions near the village Pobeda.



11 July, Joint Training Center Air Force of Ukraine for the Ukrainian people have sworn allegiance 619 conscripts.The celebrations started on the parade ground of the military unit where gathered viyskovosluzhbotsi Vasilkovskaja garrison relatives recruits. Greet the soldiers on the occasion of drafting the military oath on behalf of the command of the Air Force of Ukraine came to the military unit deputy commander of the Air Force of Ukraine to work with the personnel - head of department on work with the personnel of the Air Forces of Ukraine Colonel Oleg Gruntkovsky, commander of the Air Command "Center" - Deputy Commander of the Air Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant-General Arkady Vashutin, team and personnel of the Joint Training Centre, Head Vasylkiv district state administration Vladislav Odynets and clergy.


Five Ukrainian servicemen wounded in ATO area over past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, July 11 /Ukrinform/. No Ukrainian servicemen were killed, five soldiers were wounded in the ATO area over past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Fortunately, no Ukrainian servicemen were killed in past 24 hours. Five soldiers were wounded. It happened in Luhansk and Donetsk directions, in the areas from Bakhmutka road to Avdiyivka [Donetsk region]," Lysenko said.

The servicemen were injured in an area in Luhansk and Donetsk regions between the Bakhmutka motorway and Avdiyivka, he said.Donbas

The ATO press center reports that monitors from the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC) have been recording ceasefire violations by militants.

"On July 10, JCCC monitors documented attacks on Ukrainian armed forces' positions in the southern part of the community of Shyrokyne. Fire was opened twice in the evening, the first time with firearms, continuing 47 minutes from 5:45 p.m. to 6:32 p.m., and the second time with a 122-mm self-propelled artillery system, continuing ten minutes from 7:40 p.m. to 7:50 p.m. The attacks did not cause casualties," the press center said on Facebook.

245 Ukrainians still held captive by militants| Ukrinform
KYIV, July 11 /Ukrinform/. Thirty servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been released from militant captivity in the past two months.

President's envoy for the peaceful settlement of the Donbas conflict and Ukrainian representative of the humanitarian subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group, MP Iryna Herashchenko said this on the air of 112 Ukraine TV channel.

"Today we have the first large-scale exchange in recent months. Our heroes have been held captive for a period from six to nine months. Over two months of work of the Minsk [Trilateral Contact Group's] subgroup on humanitarian issues, we've managed to release about 30 soldiers from captivity," she said.

Herashchenko noted that a total of 245 Ukrainian soldiers, including female ones, were being illegally held by Russian-backed militants in Donbas.

As a reminder, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko tweeted that ten Ukrainian soldiers were released from captivity on July 10.

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Armed Forces of Ukraine observe Minsk agreements | Міністерство оборони України
The information spread by some mass media that the Ukrainian servicemen shell Donetsk is false!

The press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ states this information is just a new fake!

The Armed Forces of Ukraine observe the Minsk agreements.

We remind that the illegal armed formations often shell their own positions in order to charge the Ukrainian army in these attacks and in violation of the Minsk agreements.

Please, check the correctness of the information and do not spread provocative messages.

UPDATED WITH VIDEO: Armed 'Right Sector' standoff in western Ukraine - watch on - uatoday.tv
Clashes began between paramilitary volunteers and a team of ex-Yanukovych party MP Mikhail Lanyo

An armed standoff in Ukraine's western Zakarpattia region continued into Sunday morning (July 12) after paramilitary volunteers from the right-wing group ‘Right Sector' refused to lay down their weapons after a gun battle with the security group of a local deputy Mykhailo Lano.

Ukrainian news agency UNIAN reports three people were killed and at least nine injured in the clashes, which took place in the city of Mukachevo.

The armed group of men took over a sports complex in the town and a shootout occurred with the Ukrainian MP's security team.

UPDATE: Ukrainian military filmed travelling towards 'Right Sector' standoff scene - read on - uatoday.tv

Unverified YouTube video published by Hromadske TV appears to show 12-vehicle strong convoy

More than a dozen Ukrainian armoured vehicles and military trucks have been filmed travelling towards the direction of Mukacheve.

The unverified video, filmed by eyewitness and published by Hromadske TV on Sunday, appears to show the convoy travelling southwest on one of the main roads that runs via Mukacheve (between the western city of Lviv and the Hungarian border). Officially, the purpose of the convoy is not known.

Two soldiers killed in Ukraine clashes | Zee News

Last Updated: Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 18:02

Kiev: Two soldiers have been killed in fighting in eastern Ukraine, a Kiev military spokesman said Sunday, reporting heavy shelling by separatist forces despite a four-month truce.

"We have lost two soldiers in fighting and acts of provocation, five have been wounded," Ukraine army spokesman Andriy Lysenko told reporters.

He accused rebels of using "on 10 occasions artillery over 100 mm calibre." Such heavy weaponry was to have been withdrawn from the front line under the terms of a peace deal signed in Minsk.

The military spokesman said firing came from the area around Donetsk airport, controlled by rebels since January but still a flash point, as well as close to the village of Trokhizbenka in the rebels` self-proclaimed people`s republic of Lugansk.

In a report published late Saturday, the OSCE, which has a monitoring mission in eastern Ukraine, said it had observed "617 ceasefire violations at and around the Donetsk airport."

The separatists on their part accused the Ukrainian army of "mass firing" on the city of Donetsk`s Kievsky district, close to the airport.

The Ukrainian army said the rebels had fired 152 mm calibre shells close to the village of Starohnativka, 40 kilometres northeast of the strategic Azov Sea port of Mariupol, the last major town in the region to be controlled by the Ukraine government.

More than 6,500 people, most of them civilians, have been killed in the conflict, which began in April 2014.

Conflict between Right Sector and government escalates (UPDATE, VIDEOS)

Representatives of the Right Sector said on July 12 that it was withdrawing some of its fighters from the war zone as the tense standoff between the nationalist group and the authorities escalated.

Observers have linked the conflict to cigarette smuggling in Zakarpattya Oblast, while the Right Sector describes the standoff as part of the government’s crackdown on volunteer units.

Chorny, commander of the fifth battalion of the Right Sector's Ukrainian Volunteer Corps, and Dmytro Savchenko, a spokesman for the right-wing group, said fighters of the fifth battalion were withdrawing from the war zone. Savchenko said they would take part in a Right Sector protest in Kyiv, though he added they were not going there "with assault rifles and machine guns."

The statements were contradicted by Alla Megel, head of the corps' information department, and Andrei Sharaskin, the corps' spokesman. They told the censor.net.ua news site that the unit's fighters were staying on the front line.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) demanded that a group of armed Right Sector activists near the city of Mukacheve in Zakarpattya Oblast lay down their weapons. The SBU said it would start arresting the activists if they refused to be disarmed.

The developments followed a shootout between Right Sector members on the one hand and police and security guards of lawmaker Mikhailo Lanyo, an ex-member of ousted President Viktor Yanukovych’s Party of Regions, on the other hand in Mukacheve on July 11.

The Right Sector says the conflict was initiated by Lanyo’s people and the police, while the authorities argue the right-wing group shot first.

Following the shootout, the Right Sector activists retreated to the village of Lavky near Mukacheve and then went along a mountain ridge towards the town of Perechyn and Velyky Berezny District, Mustafa Nayyem, a lawmaker from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, wrote on Facebook on July 12. Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh arrived in Mukacheve on the same day in an effort to settle the conflict.

President Petro Poroshenko, SBU Chief Vasyl Hrytsak and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov are currently holding negotiations with Yarosh, Nayyem said.

Two of the 14 Right Sector fighters involved in the clashes in Zakarpattia Oblast voluntarily laid down their arms, Anton Gerashchenko, an aide to Avakov, said. But the Right Sector denied the statement, saying that none of its fighters had voluntarily surrendered.

Meanwhile, the government started moving military equipment towards Mukacheve, Hromadske Television reported. Helicopters were also seen in Mukacheve, according to eyewitness evidence.

Fears of further violent clashes intensified as the Right Sector also said the corps’ reserve units could be moved to any location in the country to support its demands and that the authorities were blocking its training bases.

The Right Sector also responded to the incident by launching nationwide protests for an indefinite period in at least 17 cities and demanding Avakov’s resignation and Lanyo’s arrest. The group has camped out near the presidential administration building in Kyiv since July 11 and set up tents in Dnipropetrovsk.

The Right Sector also said on July 12 it was setting up checkpoints near Kyiv and other regions to prevent police from moving to Zakarpattia Oblast.

The causes of the conflict between the Right Sector and authorities have been attributed to alleged disagreements over smuggling between the nationalist group and Lanyo.

On July 12, Nayyem published a video of the beginning of the shootout between the Right Sector and Lanyo’s people.

The footage shows a man with a bloodied head lying below a Right Sector jeep. The man, whom Nayyem identifies as Yury Rusnak, a security guard protecting Lanyo’s property, is then carried into a jeep and subsequently handed over to medics when an ambulance comes. Rusnak is currently in a coma.

At 5.00 Vitaly Shymonyak, chief of Mukacheve’s police, comes and talks to the Right Sector members. At 5-20, Right Sector activists start shooting in the air.

Alexei Byk, a Right Sector spokesman, said on July 12 that the video was intentionally distorted, and the sound was only switched on when Right Sector activists were shooting. They could have responded to shots fired by the police, he said.

Eleven people, including police officers and civilians, were injured in the shootout, according to Mukacheve’s central hospital. Two Right Sector fighters were killed, and four were injured, the nationalist group said.

The Right Sector has argued that the conflict had been caused by its efforts to crack down on cigarette smuggling. They have accused Lanyo of running a protection racket for the illegal business and claimed that the police and Viktor Medvedchuk, a pro-Russian politician who is highly influential in Zakarpattia Oblast, had initiated an attack on the Right Sector.

Lanyo has denied the allegations, in turn accusing ex-Zakarpattya Oblast Governor Viktor Baloga of leading and financing the Right Sector’s branch in the region – a charge that Baloga denies.

The Right Sector has also been accused of involvement in smuggling.

Nayyem wrote on Facebook on July 12 that, based on information from locals, both the Right Sector and Lanyo could be involved in smuggling. He attributed the dispute to one side’s reluctance to pay protection money to the other side.

He also wrote that, in its talks with the authorities, the Right Sector was represented by Roman Stoiko, the son of an ex-SBU employee. Stoiko, who used to be a police officer, was fired in 2008-2009 and was allegedly caught smuggling cigarettes to Slovakia by hang glider in 2012-2013, Nayyem claimed.

Lawyer previously accused of large-scale fraud appointed to fight corruption
Illegal armed formations shell communities | Міністерство оборони України
, July 13. DONBAS – The press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ reports, the situation in the region is tense but under control of the Ukrainian army.

The Russian terrorist groups still violate the Minsk agreements.

Militants shelled the Ukrainian positions near Kamyanka, Opytne, Pisky, Novotoshkivske, Verkhniotoretske with 122 mm artillery, 120 mm mortars and tanks. They attacked the govt positions near Avdiyvka, Lozove, Zolote, Stanytsya Luhanska with mortars and small arms.

This morning the enemy has used 120 mm mortars against the Ukrainian servicemen near Verkhniotoretske, Troitske, Mayorsk, 122 mm artillery – against town of Hirnyk.

The pro-Russian bandits keep shelling the residential quarters of cities and towns with artillery.

Measures to strengthen the defence of Mariupol are taken: the War Cabinet chaired by the President | Міністерство оборони України
Monday, July 13. KYIV – During the meeting of the War Cabinet of the National Security and Defence Council on 13 July, chaired by the President, the situation in the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) region and in particular in Mariupol region was discussed as one of the key issues. Col. Gen. Viktor Muzhenko, Chief of General Staff, denied allegations that due to the operation at Shyrokyno, heavy machinery, the Armed Forces, and the National Guard shall be moved from Mariupol. "As for Mariupol, the situation is exactly opposite, relevant measures are planned to be implemented to strengthen the defence of the city as well as the planned rotation of units, and in particular replacement of units requiring replenishment and skill recovery by combat-ready units that are approaching and accepting a relevant area of responsibility now," Col. Gen. Victor Muzhenko said. President Petro Poroshenko stressed that defence shall be strengthened to protect Mariupol in the event of the opponent’s failure to perform the Minsk agreements. "Upon consultation with me, the marines that completed relevant training program will also participate in ensuring the defence of Mariupol and performance of the Minsk agreements," Petro Poroshenko said. Press Service of the President of Ukraine


Recently, in Kirovograd, in the village Hannynske on building local health posts inaugurated a memorial plaque in honor of the memory of the hero - sanitary instructor intelligence of a special group soldier Dmitry Panchenko, who died August 29, 2014 on exit Ilovaisky boiler. He died when rescued from the battlefield wounded soldiers.

For fifteen years Dmitry Panchenko worked in local FAPi and always had only positive feedback from villagers, colleagues and residents of neighboring villages.




Five soldiers wounded in ATO area over past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, July 13 /Ukrinform/. No Ukrainian servicemen were killed; five soldiers were wounded in the ATO area over past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"No Ukrainian servicemen were killed in past 24 hours. Five soldiers were wounded," Lysenko said.

Information about plans of Russian army coming from reliable sources - Poroshenko| Ukrinform

KYIV, July 13 /Ukrinform/. Despite the information on the record number of Russian soldiers deployed near the Ukrainian border, the new army of Ukraine is able to offer a fitting rebuff to the enemy.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said this in an interview with 1+1 Ukraine's TV channel, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"We have got information that there is a record large number of the armed forces of the Russian Federation along with the borders of Ukraine. This information is not only from our own intelligence sources, we've got confirmation from NATO, the United States and the EU countries. We've got information about possible major directions of attacks, regularly carry out command-and-staff exercises... We will protect the country, as today our army is completely different than a year ago. We are ready to offer a fitting rebuff to the aggression against country," he said.

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