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Apr 24, 2007
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One – Article 243 of the constitution states: “The federal government shall have control and command of the armed forces.” Two – the PML-N was elected into power by 14,874,104 voters. Conclusion – the PML-N has the constitutional as well as the electoral legitimacy to “control and command the armed forces.”

To be certain, ‘control and command’ are not facts but processes. Around the world, the ‘control and command’ by civilian governments over their armed forces either increases or decreases over time. The current melodrama is mostly about the PML-N’s attempts to increase the civilian government’s “control and command of the armed forces.”

The PML-N, wanting to achieve greater ‘control and command of the armed forces’, has at its disposal two sets of tools. The first set includes: using political rhetoric, using the Musharraf trial as a tool and/or defaming, bringing into ridicule the armed forces. The second set of tools include: using economic policy to release economic burden on voters and/or using anti-terrorism policy to strengthen internal security.

In my opinion, the PML-N is using the first set of tools. In my opinion, the PML-N is using the wrong set of tools. In my opinion, the PML-N’s ‘Project: Greater Civilian Control’ is being managed unwisely.

Now consider this:

One – Pakistan’s armed forces are in a state of a bloody war – the longest and the bloodiest in its history. Pakistan is at war – at war to save its soul. The Pakistan Army is at war – at war to save Pakistan from its enemies.

Two – Article 63 states that members of parliament can be disqualified if found to be defaming or bringing “into ridicule the judiciary or the armed forces of Pakistan.”

Conclusion – In order for Pakistan to win, Pakistan’s armed forces need three things: a strong chain of command, unit cohesion and confidence of the Pakistani society in its armed forces.

Unfortunately, Pak Army’s ‘chain of command’ is under attack by other organs of the state – the state that is in a state of war. Unfortunately, Pak Army’s unit cohesion is under attack (this could lead to widespread insubordination and chaos). Either consciously or unwittingly, attempts are underway to shake the Pakistani society’s confidence in its armed forces – a society that is in a state of war.

The very first step in the PML-N’s ‘Project: Greater Civilian Control’ ought to be the institutionalization of civilian oversight of the Armed Forces. The next three steps ought to be: Two – the PML-N must enhance the civilian government’s policing and intelligence gathering capacity. Three – on the Taliban front there should be a joint civil-military platform to take all major decisions. Four – the Pindi-Islamabad tussle is being fought out in the media. This ought to end (or Ishaq Dar’s efforts will go to waste).

To be certain, Pak Army’s chain of command, its unit cohesion and the Pakistani society’s confidence in its armed forces are the three prerequisites to Pakistan’s geographical integrity.

The PML-N’s ‘Project: Greater Civilian Control’ is being managed recklessly, heartlessly and unwisely. The PML-N must manage its ‘Project: Greater Civilian Control’ carefully, sympathetically and wisely.

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad. Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com. Twitter: @saleemfarrukh
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the 2nd set of options , cant be used by, PMLn due to its fake mandate?
its illegal croupt political power?
its leader,s mindset to become the ruler, like kings of middleast?
& its hidden agreement to the world ,s power though house of sauds?
no has any reports, what are those agreements are, but they are not benefivial for pakistan as whole?
why pakarmy has been the target , of all those croupted politicians, is because its the only element, producing a sense of unity & power to the common peoples of pakistan.
whom these politicians loves to make slaves, rumning after foods, in thier public gatherings?
these politicians, are pushing pakistan towards a , poor state with a super rich rulling elite , with no question to be asked by any one ever?
Very sensible article.

Politicians need to deliver for a decade to be able to control military. Basically the people need to see and appreciate the results of unhindered political process, just like in Turkey.
Very sensible article.

Politicians need to deliver for a decade to be able to control military. Basically the people need to see and appreciate the results of unhindered political process, just like in Turkey.
turkey & pakistan are 2 different ball games , turkish nation is far near to the western damocrazy , which was paracticed with unwritten constitution in the mother of damocrazies UK?
turkey & pakistan are 2 different ball games , turkish nation is far near to the western damocrazy , which was paracticed with unwritten constitution in the mother of damocrazies UK?

Bhai, pls spare me. I do not wish to engage you in any discussion. I hope for the best for you. May you find comfort and solace. May Allah bless our beloved country. We are both its well-wishers, we just do not see eye-to-eye. Let us agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Army is an institution with a role well-defined in the constitution of Pakistan. Military has its own independence within the constitution which no civilian government can exceed. Similarly parliament is another institution military cannot supersede. If every institution remains within its well-defined limits, democracy and economy of Pakistan will continue to flourish. And all patriotic Pakistanis want theses institutions to work within their boundaries.
The Politicians have no Moral Ground to ask for or even dream of a Civilian Control of the Armed Forces. I would like to Quote Hasan Nisar about our Politicians here ...."Pehlay in ko Tezaab say nehlana paray ga" then only they can be morally justified to ask for the Command & Control of the Armed Forces!!!
The Politicians have no Moral Ground to ask for or even dream of a Civilian Control of the Armed Forces. I would like to Quote Hasan Nisar about our Politicians here ...."Pehlay in ko Tezaab say nehlana paray ga" then only they can be morally justified to ask for the Command & Control of the Armed Forces!!!

What you have said goes both ways. Military must not dream of meddling in the democratic process either.
The Politicians have no Moral Ground to ask for or even dream of a Civilian Control of the Armed Forces. I would like to Quote Hasan Nisar about our Politicians here ...."Pehlay in ko Tezaab say nehlana paray ga" then only they can be morally justified to ask for the Command & Control of the Armed Forces!!!

1. Hassan Nisar is a proud and bloated know-it-all. I've read him over the years and now I just can not stand him. I've never seen anything good come out of him pessimistic preaching.

2. During Musharraf's time, some of our politicians did indeed go through a lot of trials but did not submit. For those select few, I have a lot of respect.

3. Ultimately, civilians have to control all aspects of policy-making. Generals have caused a lot of trouble for us over the years in various ways. I am willing to wait a few years for that to happen. I hope politicians do so too, until they actually performs with consistent 6%+ economic growth.
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