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Circumcision: Undisputed Health benefits says AAP

The Circumcision Decision: An Overview

Circumcision was voted the #1 parental controversy in 2010, which helps to explain why the U.S. infant circumcision rate is now 32%, down from 56% three years ago, according to the CDC. A new study revealed a disturbing medical secret: every year more than 100 American babies die from circumcision-related causes.

A new children's rights organization, appropriately named Intact America, has been formed to combine the work of other genital integrity organizations and move the discussion into mainstream media. It has already had great success. Please support this cause with a generous donation and help them help babies.

Parents considering circumcision for their son need to learn what their real reasons are. Many parents chose circumcision having only a vague notion of why they did. The new website Circumcision Decision-Maker will help you to identify what your real reasons are, and then follows up with some expert advice so you don't make a mistake.

Many famous child care experts and doctors recommend against circumcision. Dr. Dean Edell has advised against infant circumcision in his radio show for more than 15 years. Sheila Kitzinger emphatically recommends that parents leave their sons intact. Dr. Lendon Smith goes into detail explaining the foreskin’s purposes and giving many reasons why circumcision should not be performed. Dr. Spock, in his most recent book, stated, “I feel that there’s no solid medical evidence at this time to support routine circumcision,” and recommends “leaving the foreskin the way Nature meant it to be.” Penelope Leach also recommends against routine circumcision. Click here to see the list of their books.

Routine infant circumcision [RIC] for nonreligious reasons is not practiced in first-world countries except the United States. Unlike American parents, few parents worldwide are actually faced with this choice. Their babies are automatically brought home intact. 82% of the world’s living men are intact. Few people are aware of the fact that circumcision was introduced into our culture in an attempt to eliminate masturbation. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Britain once circumcised their boys, but have ceased the practice.

Do not forfeit this decision out of respectful submission to your doctor. There are many benefits to keeping the foreskin intact. Doctors have a vested interest in performing as many circumcisions as they can, even though most doctors do not circumcise their own sons.

People mistakenly believe the circumcised penis is cleaner because smegma is reduced. Proper hygiene is all that is necessary. Cleaning an intact penis is so simple it’s amazing that people fret so much about it. The big hoopla over hygiene is pure paranoia. The fact is, smegma is beneficial, not bad.

Circumcision is painful. Although many say anesthesia solves that problem, it doesn't. There are risks associated with anesthesia, including death. It is never 100% effective and the needle stick itself is painful.

Some medical and childbirth professionals recommend that expectant parents request permission from their hospital to observe a circumcision being performed. There are also videos available. As with any medical event, people should be made aware of what exactly is involved. This site and others describe the details of all the different circumcision methods.

Some children are surprised to learn that their penis has been cut and that a part of it has been discarded. Some have to live with circumcisions that had unsatisfactory results and the pursuit of foreskin restoration is not uncommon. You may read a written account and actually see the progress of one man's restoration process through his photos over the course of several months. Foreskin Restoration Personal Journal

Circumcision does not guarantee a problem free penis. In fact, in many cases it is the very thing that initiates numerous problems. Careful cleaning must be performed. Infections of the raw wound are common.
Remaining Foreskin Reattaching (Adhesions)

Nathan, Intact, Born 10/13/97

Repeated infections can result in meatal stenosis (a narrowing of the urinary opening) which may require surgery. Meticulous care is needed in order to avoid the formation of an adhesion (scar tissue). This can result in a disfigurement and corrective surgery may be necessary. Some people complain that not enough skin was removed during their son’s circumcision. They fear he looks uncircumcised. Children are often subjected to circumcisions being ‘redone.’ Sometimes, a circumcision may only appear to be incomplete when actually it is not. There may be fat pads in the pubic area. When the child grows and the fat pad disappears, it will likely have the look of an ordinary circumcised penis. Often too much tissue is removed, although this is not become obvious until later. This can cause painful erections and curvature of the penis. And finally, the circumcised penis is not immune to infections including sexually transmitted diseases or penile cancer.

Many parents are led to believe that circumcision is safer than leaving the penis in its natural form. Your Child’s Health by Barton Schmitt reports one out of every 500 circumcisions results in a serious complication. Many things can go wrong including hemorrhage, infections and damage to the penis. More than one hundred baby boys die from circumcision each year in the United States. All of they could have lived if their parents had just said "No" to an unecessary surgery. Much of the harm from circumcision does not become apparent until adulthood.

The assumption that circumcision is inevitable at some later time is a myth. This fear is unwarranted. In Taking Care of Your Child, the authors state, “The overwhelming majority of uncircumcised boys never develop medical problems.” There is a less than 1% chance that circumcision will ever be medically necessary. If only one out of a hundred boys will require circumcision later, why then should the remaining 99% be circumcised?

Even in the unlikely event it were necessary, which is worse: adult or infant circumcision? Many are told or automatically assume it's easier and less painful for an infant; find out why this just isn't so.

Unfortunately, the foreskin is still blamed for countless problems. So with the best of intentions, parents continue to authorize the procedure totally unaware of the risks taken and loss involved. But these medical problems are usually caused by other means. Penile and cervical cancers, urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases have nothing to do with the foreskin itself. The information as to what actually causes these conditions is readily available.

It appears that the major reason circumcision persists in this country is that many think all penises should look alike. The “like father, like son” argument is as famous as the locker room excuse. But, with the current circumcision rate of 32%, these arguments are now moot.

Some insist it simply ‘looks better’ that way. There are women who claim to prefer a circumcised penis. What they may not realize is that there are sexual advantages to remaining intact. Male sexuality and the anatomy of the foreskin is discussed frankly and graphically here. Read personal accounts from men and women who've experienced sex with and without. Men, did circumcision ruin your sex life?

The fact that many circumcised men will ardently defend the continued practice ...and dismiss it as a trivial matter has its parallel among circumcised women in Africa.

One thing is certain and those who are fully informed know that nonreligious circumcision is not medically necessary. Knowing this, if a parent still chooses to circumcise their baby, they are doing it for so-called cosmetic reasons. Nonreligious RIC persists in America because it has become part of our culture. It has evolved into a purely cosmetic procedure. As an infant, he is forced to experience the parent’s preference. Upon maturity, the son may not share the same preference. He may later conclude that if it had been left up to him, he would have preferred to remain intact.

Parents who choose circumcision for cosmetic reasons do not realize that it cannot be accurately described as truly cosmetic. When it is presented so lightly, people naturally assume the effects of circumcision are minimal -- even insignificant. The word is extremely misleading. Cosmetic surgery is performed to improve physical appearance without affecting function. The foreskin, commonly believed to have no purpose, actually has numerous functions and all of them are eliminated when the foreskin is removed.

Circumcision is irreversible. Healthy, functioning tissue is amputated from a helpless baby. Many have taken the position that the procedure is a human rights violation. The question is whether parents have the right to consent to an unnecessary procedure that has lifelong consequences.

Today, many Jews are questioning circumcision and opting against it. Christianity split off from Judaism because its followers did not see any value in the Old Testament requirement. Ironically, some Christians mistakenly believe circumcision is still required.

“The physician today has a duty to discourage circumcision and to refuse to perform it.” Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, April 1996. An organization called Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.) is committed to stopping RIC.

Mothers Against Circumcision - Put your baby's welfare first

Intact America :rofl::rofl:

Reasons to Say “No” to

It's your choice sacrifice it and make it aerodynamic or keep your non aerodynamic . ;)
After reading your post i am sure you know nothing about a man's penis.........
Ours are tough ones and none of us die of circumscision,even when done by Barber, :lol: this is the most rediculous anti-circumscision argument i have ever read....
Try to increase your knowledge about Penis :lol:

Going by your analogy of following animal life style..Most animals clean their genetalia by ...well you know how...Would you do that,if you are so content on folowing animal life?

And you are an expert of penis ? or may be a microbiologist or a surgeon or a physician practising internal medicine ? You have just made your self look fool with your absolute claims by commenting of procedures followed by Barbers. Your ignorance might have audience and cheer leaders in your country but not in an open forum.

Read this Circumcision Complications

My company pays me fortune to practise medical science and surgery. I wouldn't tell you my qualification because it will sound very rude. So please cut the crap by telling me how a barber excising out foreskin without sterilization can do no harm doing that divine job.

I Layman's language: Cleaning is a simple procedure and can be done everyday during bathing there is no need to go extreme. Unclean glans may increase bacterial proliferation around it but after two or three days because the natural secretion are quite resistance to the same because of its PH etc.

My analogy of animal life is a myth buster, not an easy nitpick you can twist and torn with strange arguments.
Does circumcision matter for health? One new study says yes. Disease experts and health economists from Johns Hopkins say if rates fell to 10 percent -- the level in European countries that don’t cover it -- the result could be:

211 percent more urinary tract infections in baby boys.
12 percent more HIV cases in men.
29 percent more human papillomavirus (HPV) cases in men.
18 percent more high-risk HPV infections in women.

There could also be more cases of cervical and penile cancer linked to HPV and more cases of HIV. The decline in American circumcisions over the past 20 years has already cost the nation upwards of $2 billion in health care costs, the researchers say. The future tab could top $4.4 billion.

Circumcision debate: What would you do?
. . .
So many people worried about my Penis..
Only ifall were hot ladies..

I feel so gay after reading this thread :rofl:
Lol, the Cut vs uncut debate has finally reached PDF.

t'was bound to happen sooner or later....it was discussed when terrorists who were blown to bits were photographed in the insurgency theater up north -- likely central asians or afghans (since those are the only 2 where some poor misguided Muslims do not undergo the procedure)

Does circumcision matter for health? One new study says yes. Disease experts and health economists from Johns Hopkins say if rates fell to 10 percent -- the level in European countries that don’t cover it -- the result could be:

211 percent more urinary tract infections in baby boys.
12 percent more HIV cases in men.
29 percent more human papillomavirus (HPV) cases in men.
18 percent more high-risk HPV infections in women.

There could also be more cases of cervical and penile cancer linked to HPV and more cases of HIV. The decline in American circumcisions over the past 20 years has already cost the nation upwards of $2 billion in health care costs, the researchers say. The future tab could top $4.4 billion.

Circumcision debate: What would you do?

enough reasons there...!

as for female circum. i dont know much about it....it is an old practice in Ethiopia and Somalia -- done in very inhumane and dirty conditions -- simply to remove woman's clitoris which effectively ensures she doesnt enjoy sex -- meaning no risk of her having affair (sick practice)
A scan from book of surgery "Bailey and Love":


Circumcision - Bailey and Love.jpg

Circumcision - Chronic Balanoposthitis.jpg
Circumcision: Undisputed Health Benefits, Pediatricians Say

Published August 27, 2012

Fox News Latino


CHICAGO – Circumcision seems to be the way to go.
The health benefits of circumcision in newborn boys outweigh any risks and insurance companies should pay for it, the nation's most influential pediatricians group says.

In its latest policy statement on circumcision, a procedure that has been declining nationwide, the American Academy of Pediatrics moves closer to an endorsement but says the decision should be up to parents."It's not a verdict from on high," said policy co-author Dr. Andrew Freedman. "There's not a one-size-fits-all-answer." But from a medical standpoint, circumcision's benefits in reducing risk of disease outweigh its small risks, said Freedman, a pediatric urologist in Los Angeles.

Recent research bolstering evidence that circumcision reduces chances of infection with HIV and other sexually spread diseases, urinary tract infections and penis cancer influenced the academy to update their 13-year-old policy.

Their old stance said potential medical benefits were not sufficient to warrant recommending routinely circumcising newborn boys. The new one says, "The benefits of newborn male circumcision justify access to this procedure for those families who choose it." The academy also says pain relief stronger than a sugar-coated pacifier is essential, usually an injection to numb the area.The federal Centers for Disease Control and Convention has estimated circumcision costs range from about $200 to $600 nationwide. Coverage varies among insurers and several states have stopped Medicaid funding for circumcisions.

The new policy was published online Monday in Pediatrics. It comes amid ongoing debate over whether circumcision is medically necessary or a cosmetic procedure that critics say amounts to genital mutilation. Activists favoring a circumcision ban made headway in putting it to a vote last year in San Francisco but a judge later knocked the measure off the city ballot, ruling that regulating medical procedures is up to the state, not city officials.

In Germany, Jewish and Muslim leaders have protested a regional court ruling in June that said circumcision amounts to bodily harm.Meantime, a recent study projected that declining U.S. circumcision rates could add more than $4 billion in health care costs in coming years because of increased illness and infections.

Circumcision involves removing foreskin at the tip of the penis. The procedure can reduce germs that can grow underneath the foreskin, and complications, including bleeding and infection, are rare, the academy says.Despite the U.S. decline, about half of baby boys nationwide still undergo circumcision, or roughly 1 million each year. The country's overall rate is much higher than in other developed nations, but U.S. rates vary by region and are higher in areas where it is a cultural or religious tradition, including among Jews and Muslims.

Psychologist Ronald Goldman, director of an anti-circumcision group, the Circumcision Resource Center, said studies show circumcision causes loss of sexual satisfaction — a claim the academy said is not supported by the research it reviewed — and can be psychologically harming. Goldman contends medical studies showing benefits are flawed and that the academy's new position is "out of step" with medical groups in other developed countries.The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists took part in the research review that led to the new policy and has endorsed it. Circumcisions in hospitals are typically performed by obstetricians or pediatricians.

The CDC also participated in the review, and will consider the academy's updated policy in preparing its own recommendations, a CDC spokesman said. The agency has a fact sheet summarizing circumcision's potential health benefits and risks but no formal guidelines.
The American Medical Association and American Academy of Family Physicians have neutral policies similar to the pediatrics academy's previous position.

Philadelphia social worker Shannon Coyne examined medical research on circumcision before her son was born last September and had a tough time making a decision. She learned that a relative's boy needed reconstructive surgery after a botched circumcision, and that another's son who wasn't circumcised developed urinary infections.Coyne said she and her husband ultimately decided against circumcision, because she didn't want her baby to have what she considers cosmetic surgery without being able to consent.

Her advice to other parents is "just make an informed decision. Do your research, be open-minded."Some 18 states have eliminated Medicaid coverage for circumcision, a trend that could contribute to rising health care costs to treat infections if circumcision rates continue to decline, according to a study published Aug. 20 in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.
Dr. Aaron Tobian, a Johns Hopkins University assistant professor who co-authored the study, said the academy's updated policy "is a very good step."

Based on reporting by the Associated Press.

Read more: Circumcision: Undisputed Health Benefits, Pediatricians Say | Fox News Latino


* AAP/American Academy of Pediatrics is a top US health research organization.

* Its mandatory for Muslims & Jews to circumcise their male kids.
Circumcision doesn't make sense today except for those living what we call today the beduoin life. Especially those who have water bodies.

sex is better when uncircumcised. i think it was proven, no ?
Circumcision doesn't make sense today except for those living what we call today the beduoin life. Especially those who have water bodies.

sex is better when uncircumcised. i think it was proven, no ?

sex would be better after circumcise as under the foreskin the area gives more pleasure as i know . all of the prophet allah sends have had their genital circumcised and as majority of world population are follower of holy books Judaism Christianity Islam they are all circumcise and not having any problem.
. .
Hmm wonder Why God made us so imperfect ....Oh wait Most are doing fine with a bit of extra skin

And hair, etc.??

Everyone is entitled to his/her own logic but to impose it on others is the act of an extremist. And where medical benefit/loss is concerned, lets leave it to the professionals eh? Especially true for the non-believer.

no but your question made me think that do pakistani hindus do circumcision

A colleague of mine underwent circumcision a couple of weeks before his marriage upon personal advise of his ender brothers and upon research he conducted on his own.

Most of my Hindu/Christian friends are circumcised by choice of their parents upon birth.
Its unhygenic if you dont keep it clean :hitwall: ..pity !!....Why just becoz they/we are not like you !!. human survived for millenia without it , God made us like that ...so its just a matter of choice . ...Yes its true that prevalence of STD is very low....

Are you sure?

The first man on Earth was Adam and he was a believer, a Muslim! Earth has been house to religion right from the word go.
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