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Christian and Muslim refugees should be housed separately, says German police chief

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Crazy policy and the worst form of publicty for the refugees.

Forget religion they can't even keep the peace amongst themselves.

A few days earlier on Thursday evening, a fight broke out among up to 200 Syrian and Afghan refugees at a shelter in Leipzig, with migrants wielding table legs and slats.

Why on earth they are taking so many young and able men I don't know.
history have shown that muslims in europe have consciously tried not to get integrated into the local culture. Although they like to make a straight run to europe when hell breaks but deep in their hearts they have a disdain for cultural values which europe stands for.

I am sorry but muslim refugees should not be allowed to enter at all in EU. If refugees irrespective of religion are willing to accept the cultural values, then on humanitarian grounds, refugees should be accepted.
Do you ask Syrians before bombing their homes? Do you ask them before supplying arms to Deash ?

Daesh is a Sunni/Salafi creation. Dont blame EU for the foolishness and Savagery of nutcrack rabid mullahs.

Had there been no extremism in Mulla land, Syria bombings would never have taken in the first place.

Whether you believe it or not whole world believes that extremist mullahs are mainly responsible for killing their own people as well as people of other faith. They are people of dark ages with dark mindset.
Daesh is a Sunni/Salafi creation. Dont blame EU for the foolishness and Savagery of nutcrack rabid mullahs.

Had there been no extremism in Mulla land, Syria bombings would never have taken in the first place.

Whether you believe it or not whole world believes that extremist mullahs are mainly responsible for killing their own people as well as people of other faith. They are people of dark ages with dark mindset.
Good bomb them and blame them policy.
Germany welcomes her oldest guest. A 110 years old Afghan refugee and his eight members family have arrived in Passau, Germany. The male members of the family carried the blind and deaf Afghan all the way from Baghlan to Passau, it took them a whole month to reach Germany.
The issue is pressing and real, it is a well known fact that many Muslims in Europe have failed to integrate but the direction this thread went shows that bigotry, hatred and an overall deplorable human mindset is not limited to any particular community or people of one region. Even our friends from the seemingly "civilized" land of Europe are capable of extreme lack of empathy.
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