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Chinese websites 'defaced in Anonymous attack'


Nov 26, 2010
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The Anonymous hacking group claims to have defaced almost 500 websites in China.

Targets hit in the mass defacement included government sites, its official agencies, trade groups and many others.

A message put on the hacked sites said the attack was carried out to protest against the Chinese government's strict control of its citizens.

It urged Chinese people to join Anonymous and stage their own protests against the regime.

Attack pattern

The announcement about the defacements was made via an Anonymous China account that was established in March. A list of the 485 sites affected was put on the Pastebin website. Separate Pastebin messages posted email addresses and other personal details stolen when sites were penetrated.

Sites defaced had the same message posted to them that chided the nation's government for its repressive policies.

It read: "Dear Chinese government, you are not infallible, today websites are hacked, tomorrow it will be your vile regime that will fall."

China has one of the most comprehensive web surveillance systems in the world, known as the Great Firewall of China, that reinforces its broader social controls. The system polices where Chinese people can go online and tries to restrict what they can talk about.

On defaced pages, the Anonymous attackers also posted links to advice that could help people avoid official scrutiny of what they do and say online. Much of the advice was in English so it is unclear how much help it would be.

There has been no official confirmation of the defacements. News wires reported that government officials had denied any had taken place.

However, many of the sites listed are now offline and a few others displayed a hacked page for a long time rather than their own homepage.

The Anonymous hackers reportedly successfully attacked some sites a second time once the original defacement was cleaned up.

BBC News - Chinese websites 'defaced in Anonymous attack'

Looks like China getting taste of their own medicine
The Anonymous hackers reportedly successfully attacked some sites a second time once the original defacement was cleaned up.

Dear oh dear someone in the red brigade must be getting the sack for not doing a good job.
We are Anonymous , we are legion , we don't forget , we don't forgive .

It's very easy procedure , you people can also take part in it . what this attacks actually do is they just go to the site and create massive traffic , Boom !!! and there goes your website . they use some software for this purpose , i forgot it's name .....but it's pretty cool protest .
Here's the list of websites they defaced.

Mass Deface by @AnonymousChina - Pastebin.com

They include such vital government, military and party agencies such as a baby clothing site, a dating club and a site for shy youth.

These fatass nerds can only launch DNS attacks at commercial sites, they will never even dream of attacking their masters.
Here's the list of websites they defaced.

Mass Deface by @AnonymousChina - Pastebin.com

They include such vital government, military and party agencies such as a baby clothing site, a dating club and a site for shy youth.

These fatass nerds can only launch DNS attacks at commercial sites, they will never even dream of attacking their masters.

look who's talking..this is what we call "Tit for Tat"...revenge of "Ghost net" i may say... :rofl:
LOL, Indians are getting excited over some minor internet vandalism that only has a superficial effect.

While their own economic growth is collapsing to 5.3%. :D
LOL, Indians are getting excited over some minor internet vandalism that only has a superficial effect.

While their own economic growth is collapsing to 5.3%. :D
How economic growth of india related to cyber attacks on chinese websites? You remind me of parrot uttering same words over and over again. :lol:
How economic growth of india related to cyber attacks on chinese websites? You remind me of parrot uttering same words over and over again. :lol:

It's brand new news, just released. The Rupee has fallen to a new record low, and India's previous quarter showed GDP growth of only 5.3%. :azn:

Looks like that prediction about Indonesia is going well!
LOL, Indians are getting excited over some minor internet vandalism that only has a superficial effect.

While their own economic growth is collapsing to 5.3%. :D

are you sure you ok with that? :P not suffer any **** hurt here? :lol: at least they could do somethign to prove they are smart while you can only stationing here and boasting how high IQ your people are! :lol::taz::cheesy:

how about the vietnamese or indian hack into your nuclear storage and degatoarte it :rofl:

keep cocky my chinis friends :azn:
It's brand new news, just released. The Rupee has fallen to a new record low, and India's previous quarter showed GDP growth of only 5.3%. :azn:

Looks like that prediction about Indonesia is going well!
Read the title of the thread or you have trouble understanding. We are talking about apples you are blabbering about oranges.:lol:
LOL, Indians are getting excited over some minor internet vandalism that only has a superficial effect.

While their own economic growth is collapsing to 5.3%. :D

Are you getting orgasm while posting about india's economic growth slow down or what. I have seen you posting the same post many times in different threads.
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