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Chinese Weapon Exports

2012 Tanzania military parade, J-7, Y-8, QW-1 missile,WZ551 and type59G tank etc China weapons appeared in Tanzania Army.


China type59G tank


China WZ551



China J-7

Y-8 cargo plane

This is why the Philippine military needs Chinese weapons. Compare to the junks the Americans gave us, these Chinese weapons look hi-tech. Even poor countries like Tanzania operate better weapons than Philippines army.
This is why the Philippine military needs Chinese weapons. Compare to the junks the Americans gave us, these Chinese weapons look hi-tech. Even poor countries like Tanzania operate better weapons than Philippines army.

our weapons is cheaper to make and while not quite as good, that difference is shrinking fast. And by not as good I mostly mean some of the most advance weapon systems we don't have, but in terms of higher end, but not highest grade of weapons, ours is just as good if not better when taken into account of price.

However when we consider price, at the same price our weapons would actually be better.
This is why the Philippine military needs Chinese weapons. Compare to the junks the Americans gave us, these Chinese weapons look hi-tech. Even poor countries like Tanzania operate better weapons than Philippines army.

What kind of arms are you looking for from China??Which US weapons were junk??
You should have learnt the facts before spewing BS,If you look at India & Pakistan,India have a population 1.2 billion and much higher per capita income than Pakistan,and Pakistan have population of 180 million.Take a look at defence spending and the size of army and airforce,Pakistan has propotionately higher numbers.

And continue to dream of collapsing India,as though everything in Pakistan is alright.

economy is the last thing indian can use to brag to others, not even to some least developed countries, when the exchange rate is adjusted, you highly inflated economy will go back to its real size.

the collapsing of India is not a dream but an event in developing
At least we have free media,not government controlled puppet media,oh and lets see when infrastructure projects are done,we are doing them on our own :wave:

that 'free' media makes the mass uneducated people gullible and ignorant.

'at least' becomes a reality-run-away phase that is so popular among Indians, whenever delusional Indians got confronted with reality and common sense
This is why the Philippine military needs Chinese weapons. Compare to the junks the Americans gave us, these Chinese weapons look hi-tech. Even poor countries like Tanzania operate better weapons than Philippines army.
Yes, i think China weapons can supply Philippine and improve country defense. For 3rd world developing countires, China export weapons cheap without any restriction clause and can supply aid loans.

Seriously the Chnia weapons export is the part of trade exchange, we sell weapons to exchange mineral resources / oils or diplomatic support. In Africa, MidEast, South America, Asia, East Europe countries all purchased weapons made in China.
that 'free' media makes the mass uneducated people gullible and ignorant.

'at least' becomes a reality-run-away phase that is so popular among Indians, whenever delusional Indians got confronted with reality and common sense

Our free media is very free like Western media and we do not restrict flow of information like the Chinese Government which employs paid running dogs to spew venom on internet.

SIGH (i feel so sad and wonder why so few people know about the 50 CENT ARMY and how tightly the internet is monitored in China and the internet users are always in fear about expressing themselves so freely.

Common sense and real life says that the Chinese with a good economy since at least 1995 (by selling cheap no--or very low-tech goods like toys, clothes, cheap very low quality copies of excellent Japanese electronic goods etc.) should have made at least a plane capable of lifting 50 tonnes on their own instead of taking so much help from the Russians in making the Y-20 which is copied directly from a 50 year old design, the IL-76. Common sense says that the paid running dogs of the Chinese government are of low IQ and hence warmonger and malign other cultures due to restricted flow of information into China via internet and media.
2012.3 China sold 2x 053H1 frigates to Myanmar Navy, F-21 and F-23 maybe very cheap coz original 053H1 retired from PLAN.




Myanmar Navy sailors on the deck of F-21 and F-23 frigates

2012.2 Myanmar built her 1st domestic F-11 frigate, China support building technology and ship design and install China weapons and radar system.
BTW i was first time to know Myanmar can build frigate when i saw this pic. Surprise~!

We got this from China and we are now building them on our own and also F-22P Frigate
This stealth missile boat beautiful, but just curious why using a machinegun to replace front 76mm gun? I ever read original design is to install a 76mm gun not current AAGUN.

2012.5 China built new export version stealth missile boat for Pakistan Navy, first 2x stealth missile boats built in China and rest 2x stealth missile boats will build in Pakistan shipyard.

N.o 1013 in China TianJin city




China export F-22P frigate to Pakistan and Algeria Navy, 2012.5 Algeria signed agreement with China to purchase 3x F-22P frigates.
China also support Pakistan to builit domestic F-22P frigate.

China F-22P frigate export:

F-22P sea trial:


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