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Chinese village builds seven-floor government office


Nov 18, 2010
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This is how they skew their GDP numbers, one of the ways of skewing a leading data point.



The ostentatious Communist party palace which towers over the village of YungaiPhoto: CAIJING.COM.CN

Barely three months after China Imposed a strict ban on all new government buildings, a tiny village in the central province of Hunan has erected the latest in a series of ostentatious Communist party palaces.

There are only five government officials in the village of Yungai, on the outskirts of the city of Changsha. Then there are two secretaries and a university graduate who helps out.

But that has not stopped the village borrowing a reported 15 million yuan (£1.5 million) to build a seven-floor building that towers over the rest of town.

In recent years, it has become common practice for any local government in China with a shred of self-respect to build itself the largest possible office.

Replicas of the White House, or of Washington DC's Capitol building, have become popular. In the eastern city of Fuyang, officials spent 30 million yuan on such a headquarters.

So what? China has money so they can do what they want. If I am a poor indian I would have other things to worry about (like putting food on the table) instead of another country constructing a building.

That is why we look down and laugh at indians while you are obsess with us.
Whaooo!! Someone please define "Village" for me???

Anyway, its a testament of China's growth. Good going :)

So what? China has money so they can do what they want. If I am a poor indian I would have other things to worry about (like putting food on the table) instead of another country constructing a building.

That is why we look down and laugh at indians while you are obsess with us.

Local governments building useless buildings that are not needed, as a way to fudge growth - is called a con job. But I guess it is easy to do in China because the citizenry is told what to think, act, behave, read, watch and accept w/o objecting...
The silliness of the OP and Telegraph is obvious! The news has said " 3 months" after the ban

Looking at the degree of completion of the building, the construction should have been started well before 3 months when the ban was announced and imposed. The contracts should have been signed even way before that!

Cancellation of the contracts, having the building stood there 80%~90% completed and then to fight for a legal battle of law suits between the government and the contractors?

GROW A BRAIN Telegraph, @JayAlt and the cheerleaders! Low IQs have no lower bounds!
The silliness of the OP and Telegraph is obvious! The news has said " 3 months" after the ban

Looking at the degree of completion of the building, the construction should have been started well before 3 months when the ban was announced and imposed. The contract should have been signed even way before that!

Cancellation of the contract, having the building stands there 80%~90% completed and then to fight for a legal battle of law suits between the government and the contractors?

GROW A BRAIN Telegraph, @JayAlt and the cheerleaders! Low IQs have no lower bounds!
Like I stated earlier, he didn't get your first reply when you mentioned "barely three months" ban. :D

It's like we have to hold them by the hands like little kids and explain things to them. The UN should establish a 4th world country category and put India on that list.

Forget about replying to low IQ indians. These people make black people look like geniuses.
The silliness of the OP and Telegraph is obvious! The news has said " 3 months" after the ban

Looking at the degree of completion of the building, the construction should have been started well before 3 months when the ban was announced and imposed. The contract should have been signed even way before that!

Cancellation of the contract, having the building stands there 80%~90% completed and then to fight for a legal battle of law suits between the government and the contractors?

GROW A BRAIN Telegraph, @JayAlt and the cheerleaders! Low IQs have no lower bounds!

you guys boast how you build in 30 days... why the flip now? I guess - because you being a part of the 2 million minders paid to obfuscate anything that might question mother china

you guys boast how you build in 30 days... why the flip now?

the 30-day erection can be done by Broad in pre-fabs and steel structures

The building shown above appeared in bricks, cement and concrete

Another masterpiece of ignorance and stupidity without any lower bounds! Keep 'em coming!
the 30-day erection can be done by Broad in pre-fabs and steel structures

The building shown above appeared in bricks, cement and concrete

Another masterpiece of ignorance and stupidity without any lower bounds! Keep 'em coming!

where in there does it tell you this took longer than 3 months? is it your need to save face and get paid in doing so making that claim?

Houses can built in 30 days in the US, this far simpler...

LOL. Funny that the chinese sees the problem only with the 3 month ban dates and not the fact the public funds were spent to build a totally useless and ugly structure.

That is china for you folks.
  • Building boasts an auditorium and thousands of square feet of office space

  • Most of the villagers are peasant rice growers earning around £900 a year

  • China has banned new government buildings in a bid to cut corruption

  • Local authorities spend millions on offices hoping to ramp up land prices

  • Projects include replicas of the White House and the Palace of Versailles

Yungai village has a population of around 3,700, most of whom are peasant rice-growers earning around £900 a year.

The Chinese business magazine Caijing, reported: 'To build this office, the village owes more than ten million yuan to the construction company,'

The local authorities stand accused of constructing the huge buildings in an attempt to artificially ramp up land prices

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-EIGHT-government-workers.html#ixzz2ikZwMPB9
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