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Chinese UAV News & Discussions (Strictly)


Via www.js7tv.cn and @沉默的山羊 from Weibo
From Henri Kenhmann at East Pendulum on 2020.09.24:

The various entities of the Chinese military continue to evaluate the use of drone to specific scenarios.

The Guilin-based Logistics Support Force tested the delivery of ammunition and medical care with ZC Aviation's ZC300, 2-rotor tandem and 100kg capacity.

Henri said 100kg capacity, but the manufacturer's specs sheet states payload of 120 kgs.

Tandem twin rotor unmanned helicopter - Shandong Zhongchuang Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.

ZC300纵列式双旋翼无人直升机(农药喷洒应用)_无人直升机 - 山东中创航空科技有限公司
Glad to see UAV receiving so much attention from the PLA in the recent months. The Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict has shown how devastating drones are even with the limited assets available to Azerbaijans army and helpless conventional arms are adding another layer of psycological damage. Drone and anti-drone operations must become routine.
Glad to see UAV receiving so much attention from the PLA in the recent months. The Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict has shown how devastating drones are even with the limited assets available to Azerbaijans army and helpless conventional arms are adding another layer of psycological damage. Drone and anti-drone operations must become routine.
Attention in recent months?No, take a look at from near space recon WZ-8 to HALE AWACS Divine eagle, strategic reconnaissance Soar dragon to MALE Wind shadow, future drone mother ship type 076 etc...
We are always on the front of Drone tech and concepts.

so much attention
Attention in recent months?No

take a look at from near space recon
Oogling at monthly updates of blurry public satellite images and footage from anual fairs or parades for a glimpse on a new anual or bi anual new update or another mere appearance of a Wing Loong or Chang Hong drone, is completely different than almost daily new official footage of integration into the PLA, drone operations, new modes of operation and new drone models operated by the PLA being released in mainstream media channels. You can virutally see the difference just from the frequency and diversity of updates in this thread.

Oogling at monthly updates of blurry public satellite images and footage from anual fairs or parades for a glimpse on a new anual or bi anual new update or another mere appearance of a Wing Loong or Chang Hong drone, is completely different than almost daily new official footage of integration into the PLA, drone operations, new modes of operation and new drone models operated by the PLA being released in mainstream media channels. You can virutally see the difference just from the frequency and diversity of updates in this thread.
We have yet to see a photo of divine eagle or soar dragon in PLA color despite they were seen in Tibet/South/North China airbase, this is the way how they released the pics,videos.. we have not seen anything in regard of PLA high end drone's opreation.
All these old drones shown for American satellites are old stuff. Even WZ-8 and GJ-11 are much much older than people believe. Already drones are dividing into small types which are computer controlled and into the loyal wingman type like anjian and many like anjian. Some more for supersonic performance some for hypersonic speed and some for dogfighting, GJ-11 is for ground attack but already this has been shown to fly just a prototype in public back in 2013. I don't think flying prototype to final production takes more than 6 years for such simple small thing. The software is hardest part.
China-developed Wing Loong UAV capable of serving emergency communication
Source: Xinhua| 2020-06-19 20:41:13|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, June 19 (Xinhua) -- The universal platform of the China-developed Wing Loong-1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has been tested fit for facilitating space-air-ground emergency communication, according to its developer Friday.

The Wing Loong-1 universal platform has successfully passed a series of tests in an airfield in northwest China, said the state-owned plane maker Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).

The Wing Loong-1 UAV universal platform was loaded with wireless communication base station equipment, and hovered at an altitude of 3 to 5 km across a radius of 3 km during the tests.

It provided prolonged and stable coverage over 50 square km with continuous mobile signals, a record high domestically for air-to-ground coverage from an airborne base station.

The successful tests proved that the Wing Loong-1 universal platform is fully capable of emergency communication and relay functions when loaded with base station and satellite communication (SATCOM) equipment, said the AVIC.

It also showed that the Wing Loong-1 universal platform is capable of providing space-air-ground emergency communication support amid communication interruptions under emergency conditions.

The Wing Loong series UAVs were developed by the AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute (AVIC CADI). They were designed as high-capacity, medium-altitude and long-endurance unmanned vehicles.

The Wing Loong-1 universal platform, China's first all-composite-material multi-role UAV, was jointly developed by AVIC CADI, AVIC Unmanned Aerial System Corporation and multiple Chinese mobile operators.

This UAV platform can provide space-air-ground communications for periods of 35 working hours per unit. It is capable of providing communication services in severe weather and amid harsh conditions.

It can play an important role in emergency communications when ground-based communication facilities are destroyed by fire, earthquakes, floods or other natural disasters or emergency conditions.

Moreover, it is capable of providing communication services in remote and other special areas, with all-weather communications and data transmission.

The design and development of the platform reflects China's pledge to boost the construction of new infrastructure for high-end aviation technologies. It is expected to help strengthen China's aviation emergency-rescue capability, said AVIC.




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