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Solar-driven drone under development
By ZHAO LEI | China Daily | Updated: 2019-03-18 06:50


Artist's depiction of the drone. [Photo provided to China Daily]

China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, a major space contractor, is experimenting with solar-powered drone technology that will eventually become a vast network facilitating emergency communications and ground observation, according to a project leader.

Zhang Hongwen, president of the CASIC Third Academy in Beijing, said his academy has made "satisfactory advances" in the Feiyun program, which aims to build a solar-powered drone-based network capable of providing long-term telecommunications as well as internet and ground observation services from near space.

He said the academy carried out more than 100 test flights of its solar-powered unmanned aircraft in 2018 and determined the drone's design as well as the capabilities of equipment mounted on the drone during the flights.

"Next we will begin tests on the drone's application in maritime emergency communications as the first step in the Feiyun program's large-scale trial run. And we will continue optimizing the program's overall plan as well as its capability and reliability," the senior researcher said. "Over three years starting from 2020, we intend to form a drone network to display and promote its use in remote sensing and telecommunications."

Meng Fanyuan, chief designer of the Feiyun system at the academy, said that the solar-powered drone has a traditional aircraft design and is made of ultralight composite materials. It is able to undertake several tasks traditionally performed by satellites, but at a much lower cost, he noted.

When carrying internet-connected devices, the drone-based network will be able to link users in remote, mountainous areas and small islands via the internet, and can also provide telephonic services, he said.

Upon Feiyun's completion, the system will be able to maintain at least one week of emergency communication services in case of failure in ground-based communications, according to the designer.

Near space refers to the region of the Earth's atmosphere between 20 and 100 kilometers above sea level, encompassing the stratosphere, mesosphere and the lower thermosphere. It is located in altitudes above where commercial airliners fly, but below orbiting satellites.

Experts said near space is suitable for solar-powered drones because there are no clouds at an altitude of 20 km or higher, and the airflow there is stable so drones can fully use their solar cells to generate power. As long as the solar power system works well, the aircraft can theoretically stay airborne as long as the controllers wish.
New-energy hybrid plane Lingque H completes test flight in Zhengzhou

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/3/19 15:58:40

Lingque H, a new-energy plane designed by the Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC), has completed another test flight, taking off from an airport in Zhengzhou, capital of Central China's Henan Province, according to an article posted on the COMAC's official public WeChat account on Monday.

During the test, the Lingque H had "a steady flight," with the aircraft systems responding well, which has given sufficient verification to the hydrogen fuel cell systems it uses, COMAC said.

The company did not supply full details of the duration of the flight or how long the aircraft was airborne. The plane has a wing span of 6 meters, it said.

The Lingque H has made a number of test flights since January 2019, which signals that COMAC's future civil aircraft have made "solid progress" in their exploration of the new-energy area, the company noted.

The aircraft uses hydrogen fuel cell hybrid power technologies, to verify the feasibility of using such a system on aircraft. It mainly uses hydrogen fuel cells, supplemented by lithium batteries.

A number of high technologies such as 3D printing and composite material technologies have been applied to the Lingque H to reduce its weight.

It took only five months between approving the project and the aircraft's first flight, COMAC noted.

Another new-energy airplane, the RX1E-A which is fueled by lithium batteries, made its debut flight in a report in Liaoning-based airport, according to a report of the chinanews.com in November.
Drone assists in firefighting drill in NE China
Published on Mar 20, 2019

Firefighters in the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian used a drone as an extinguisher during a firefighting drill on Tuesday. Drone technology reduced the time and difficulty of conducting a rescue. During the drill, the drone located the fire source accurately with its camera and dropped fire-extinguishing bombs to put out the fire successfully. Dalian is one of the first cities to use fire-fighting drones in China.
A friend just sent me a note, telling that there was a UAV competition of about 100 teams with more than 800 participants ... he mentioned something like "Zhi Shen Kong Han 2018" from 15-17 Dec 2018 in Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province.

Do we have any info on what competition it was what types were on display or any other news?

Tengden readies production-ready TB001 armed reconnaissance UAV
Kelvin Wong, Singapore - Jane's International Defence Review
28 March 2019


The twin-engined TB001 unmanned aerial vehicle shown alongside new anti-ship and ground-attack precision munitions at Airshow China 2018. Source: IHS Markit/Kelvin Wong
China's Sichuan Tengden Technology Company (Tengden) has test flown a production-ready model of its medium altitude long endurance (MALE)-class TW328/TB001 armed reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), according to reports by local media.

Images of the TB001, known locally as the 'Twin-tailed Scorpion' and shown bearing the serial number of TB1A0101, was launched from an undisclosed airfield - believed to be Liangping Airport, a civilian-military dual-use facility - in southwest China on 20 March and reportedly flew for about 20 minutes before being recovered. The successful trial marks a key milestone in the air vehicle's development, the reports said, paving the way for serial production and delivery to undisclosed customers.

It is understood that further development work had been done to improve the reliability and stability of the TB001's electronic architecture prior to the trial.

According to company specifications, the TB001 has maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 2,800 kg, as well as an overall wingspan of 20 m, a length of 10 m, and a height of 3.3 m. The air vehicle features a twin-boom airframe design incorporating forward-mounted turbocharged piston engines of unknown output - equipped with three bladed propellers in a tractor configuration - in each boom, terminating in vertical tails joined by a high-mounted tailplane. Retractable undercarriage has also been fitted for reduced aerodynamic drag.

This arrangement enables the air vehicle to attain an operational ceiling of 26,246 ft (8,000 m), with a maximum range of 6,000 km and endurance of 35 hours when carrying a 1,000 kg payload. Line-of-sight (LOS) control range is quoted as 280 km, although it can also be equipped with a satellite communication (satcom) datalink to extend command radius to up to 3,000 km.

I thought TB001 and TW328 are different. The former is cargo UAV and the latter is UCAV...
Seems like they inspired by drones dropping dumb bombs in iraq/Syria.
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