I believe Chen's charitable advertisement on New York Times can make he more popular in both China and America, if we consider it in business field, his personal show is successful.
In Japan, it is uncommon to do this; to publicize acts like this. In fact, it is looked down upon.
He needs a new title to add to his already impressive business card.
Hmm. I lost all respect i had for this man. "Most influential person in china, most prominent philanthropist..."
Narcissisimus ad infintum!
I think he is creating an image of popular entreprenour that is partly also a PR personality. This is uncharacteristic for China, but a usual practice in the US. And he is playign in the US by the US standards. I would not blame him for what he is doing as long as it opens up larger business opportunities.
US businesses, particularly those in strategic and tactical management don't publicize that kind of verbiage as seen in his card tho. In fact, it might even dissuade.