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Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

Let them they just waiting for you to attack so they can claim you started it just contain them and complain to the UN after that if still no action ask help from other nations with the same problem improve trade links and jointly cut off diplomatic relations with china
Chinese Army is fcukingly scary.. IA does not have courage to challenge them... 1962 is still haunting them..
IA need to look at PA, after losing 4 battles they didn't give up their fear...
There is a reason why I inspite of being a supporter of secular govt. in the center wants BJP & Narendra Modi to become the next PM of our country atleast he does looks well capable enuff to give a strong answers to such kind of cowardly games played by our neighbors.
The congos does not seems to even care for such acts and always asks our army to be in a defensive mode relaying on the poor diplomacy of theirs.
Like always china is "demonstrating" their strenght but are more hated in every country in the neighbourhood.
they've learned hindi too?

got to give it to these Chinese, really.

I remember in Hayatabad back in 2006 I met a Chinese who was doing some sub-contracting under my uncle. Barely 6 months he was there and he was learning Pashto.
Good joke, now shall we get to something more serious?

BTW, why do Indians use water? Is it because your *** would catch fire due to the extremely spicy curry?

Indians use water? No, they just sh!t themselves in the middle of the street: ********.com - Man defecates and urinates in public street
dna exclusive: Hindi-speaking Chinese troops intrude into India again, break security cameras - India - DNA

The incident took place on June 17 when a Chinese patrol intruded into the Indian side and dismantled the cameras set up in Chumar.


A little over two weeks ago, Chinese troops intruded into the same areas in the Leh-Ladakh sector that had sparked off tensions in April and threatened the locals in Hindi. The troops even broke the high-resolution cameras that the Indian Army had set up in the area a month ago.

While the army headquarters is tight-lipped about the incident, the broken camera equipment was returned to an Indian Army patrol at a flag meeting on July 3 in Chusul area following furious negotiations between the two sides.

The incident took place on June 17 when a Chinese patrol intruded into the Indian side and dismantled the cameras set up in Chumar. Sources in the security establishment said the cameras had been put up after the Indian Army dismantled some of its structures following the resolution of the stand-off in April. While the army dismantled the tin sheds it had set up, it quietly set up high-resolution cameras to monitor any Chinese movement on their side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

The Chinese patrol was proficient in Hindi and threatened locals, asking them to vacate the area, claiming it to be their own. The incident was reported to the government by Indian intelligence agencies and confirmed by the Indo-Tibetan Border Police. It was, however, kept under wraps as the government did not want another international controversy while it was also battling the Uttarakhand floods.

Ironically, this flare up took place even as Union defence minister AK Antony was scheduled to travel to China for a bilateral visit this month.
Indian officials feel the repeated incursions are a result of an internal tussle between the Chinese PLA (People’s Liberation Army) and PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy).

“There is a subtle power struggle going on within the Chinese leadership. This has resulted in the Chinese becoming aggressive in the South China Sea and the Leh-Ladakh sector, with leaders using the incidents to prove their supremacy in the party hierarchy,” a senior government analyst told dna.

There is also a major difference of perception between Delhi and Beijing on where the LAC is. “The Chinese perception is very different from ours. So, every time they intrude, they insist it is their territory while we claim it is ours,” the analyst said.

The Indian Army has stopped patrolling the Chumar sector as part of a bilateral deal between Delhi and Beijing. However, the June 17 incident shows that the Chinese continue to be as aggressive as ever.

India shall seriously, think to increase defence budget. There is no other solution to block Chinese.
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