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Chinese think India backward


Jul 6, 2009
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United States
Chinese-think-India-backward- Hindustan Times

India may be the fastest growing economy after China, but most Chinese still don’t know that.

Findings from a 2009 survey of 4,500 Chinese reveal that the Chinese still have an outdated view of India and Chinese parents don’t encourage their children to study and travel across the border because they assume India is ‘not advanced’.

“Very few Chinese know that India is a rising power. They don’t perceive India as a rising economy,’’ Yuan Yue, CEO of Horizon Research Consultancy Group, that tracks the Chinese view of India with annual surveys since 2000, told the Hindustan Times.

Yuan told a seminar in Beijing on Friday that ‘Chinese people don’t believe India has good leadership’.

The two largest Asian nations mark their 60th year of diplomatic ties this year. But in 2009 India scored the third rank as the most threatening nation to China according to the Chinese surveyed. The US and Japan topped the list with worse scores.

The Indian view of China is a positive contrast. “Indians think that China is a rising power that will surpass the US,’’ said Yuan. “More Indians are willing to travel to China than the Chinese are willing to travel to India. The Chinese feel India is not advanced for travel and education.”

The findings are significant feedback as New Delhi urges Beijing to expand education, business and tourism ties with China, and change the standard Chinese view of India as a nation of Buddhism and Bollywood more than technology.

At the seminar, ambassador S Jaishankar said India and China have a ‘blue skies’ relationship this year, but he cautioned against complacency to guarantee that the tension of 2009 will not recur. More Chinese feel that Pakistan is China’s partner than India, but mass opinion on both sides is improving.

In 2009, about 45 per cent Chinese had a ‘good attitude’ toward India, compared to 35 per cent in 2003. About 46 per cent Indians have a positive view of China.

As expected, Indians score a plus for their English skills. “Indians’ English is difficult to understand,’’ said Yuan.
Frankly, and yet very sorrowfully, I personally believe the survey probably reflects the truth.

1) India is not as developed as China in nearly every aspect. While India indeed developed fast, but compared with China, it still looks pale. Just by looking at the constituents of the trades between the two countries, China exports to India a lot more value added goods than the other way round. This is a very convincing fact.

Some industry that perhaps plays important role in India, such as IT sector, is much ovely touted by Indians and Indian media, but is actually very weak and feeble compared with IT in China. Only in one or two industries, such as pharmaceutical manufacture, India may be slightly more advanced.

I feel that while the Indians are learning from China now, the Chinese have always had their much far-sighted eyes on US/Japan (Note, not S. Korea, not Taiwan, not Singapore). The Chinese (except some jingoists) believe that the US is the number one country: it has lots new ideas, new technologies, and money. While Japan is a good example in economic development, yet it is an abnormal country, ie. an occupied country. That is a shame. It doesn’t matter how economically advanced the country is.

There is no reason yet to believe why the Chinese should consider India an advanced country: a) India has never invented its own new ideas since independence except the obsolete “non-violence”, and self-discarded “non-alignment”: India is one of the most violent countries, and Indo-Soviet alignment has long abandoned the doctrine. b) India’s shabby technologies, as reflected in military power and other areas reflected by 1962 defeat, Bombay terror attack, backward missile technologies, etc. etc. remain laughing stocks for the Chinese. c) Economically, yes it is developing fast, yes bilateral trade is increasing, but just look at the astonishing malnutrition, 2 mil death of kids due to negligence, high illiteracy… (no inflammatory intention here, please). d) lousy foreign polices that refuse to talk with China, refuse to settle Kashmir, keep making Pakistan India’s enemy, have problems with many its neighbors… e) notorious human rights abuse records. I saw a number of posts on Chinese web with photos and pictures. India’s abusive treatment against NE Mongoloids, such as raped a women and shot bullets into her reproductive organs, :devil: is now perhaps well known among, and much perplexed by, the Chinese: is that the so-called democracy?

Frankly, how could all these make the Chinese think: yes you are great. :disagree:

2) India is now among the top countries that the Chinese consider most threatening to China. Congratulations on you democrazy media for achieving such a result through lasting efforts of all sorts from publishing fake news to fanning jingoism; from Mr. Fernand’s China number one enemy to Mr Kapool’s 96 hour theory...

It is a tragedy, but what else can we say. Enjoy and start consuming it. :tdown:

BTW, is the view "outdated" per the article? Doubtful.
Who cares what Chinese thinks???

Let them be a frog in well.

Do you know why chinese thinks them as modern???

Because in their so called "Cultural Revolution" on Mao's instructions:

1. All the old monuments, monasteries were raged.

2. Millions of old people get killed.

3. Teachers were openly murdered by students because for them they were teaching old things and advocating old culture.

4. Each and every person that advocates old chinese culture was killed.

5. Each and every sign of old culture, old thinking was destroyed.

6. Intellectuals was forced to do physical labor in fields or get killed.

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Destruction of antiques, historical sites and culture

China's historical reserves, artifacts and sites of interest suffered devastating damage as they were thought to be at the root of "old ways of thinking". Many artifacts were seized from private homes and often destroyed on the spot. There are no records of exactly how much was destroyed. Western observers suggest that much of China's thousands of years of history was in effect destroyed or, later smuggled abroad for sale, during the short ten years of the Cultural Revolution, and that such destruction and sale of historical artifacts is unmatched at any time or place in human history. Chinese historians compare the cultural suppression during the Cultural Revolution to Qin Shihuang's great Confucian purge. The most prominent symbol of academic research in archaeology, the journal Kaogu, did not publish during the Cultural Revolution.[22] Religious persecution, in particular, intensified during this period, because religion was seen as being opposed to Marxist-Leninist and Maoist thinking.[23]
Remnants of a banner from the Cultural Revolution in Anhui.

The status of traditional Chinese culture within China is also severely damaged as a result of the Cultural Revolution. Many traditional customs, such as fortune telling; paper art; feng shui consultations;[24] wearing traditional Chinese dresses for weddings; use of traditional Chinese calendar; scholarship in classical Chinese literature; and the practice of referring to the Chinese New Year as "New Year" rather than "Spring Festival"; had been weakened in China. Yet some aspects recovered fully, and some still survived in some forms in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Malaysia and in overseas Chinese communities, notwithstanding the impacts of Western culture (and Japanese culture in the case of Taiwan and Manchuria) on those communities.

The Cultural Revolution was particularly devastating for minority cultures in China. In Tibet, over 6,000 monasteries were destroyed, often with the complicity of local ethnic Tibetan Red Guards.

In Inner Mongolia, some 790,000 people were persecuted, of these 22,900 were beaten to death and 120,000 were maimed,[25] during a ruthless witchhunt to find members of the allegedly "separatist" Inner Mongolian People's Party, which had actually been disbanded decades before. According to Jung Chang in her controversial book Mao: The Unknown Story, supposed cases of atrocities included a Muslim woman having her teeth pulled out with pliers, then her nose and ears twisted off, before being hacked to death.

Another woman was raped with a pole (she then committed suicide). One man had nails driven into his skull. Another had his tongue cut out and then his eyes gouged out. Another was beaten with clubs on the genitals before having gunpowder forced up his nostrils and set alight.[26]

In Xinjiang, copies of the Quran and other books of the Uyghur Muslims people were apparently burned and Muslim imams were reportedly paraded around with paint splashed on their persons.

In the ethnic Korean areas of northeast China, language schools were destroyed. In Yunnan Province, the palace of the Dai people's king was torched, and an infamous massacre of Hui Muslim people at the hands of the People's Liberation Army, called the "Shadian Incident", reportedly claimed over 1,600 lives in 1975.

Cultural Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How much these chinese have developed????

They were once in our position in the past decade.Remenber china is a developing country just like india not a developed one.It is true that they are now ahead in the race but It doesn't mean that own it or they are superior in every respect.They have still millions of problems to face in future just like us....there is no guarantee that they will achieve their goal steadily & also no guarantee that their super fact economic expansion will always prevail !!!!

I think by thinking india as a backward country,they overrated themselves & trying to hide their pasts..
Destruction of antiques, historical sites and culture

China's historical reserves, artifacts and sites of interest suffered devastating damage as they were thought to be at the root of "old ways of thinking". Many artifacts were seized from private homes and often destroyed on the spot. There are no records of exactly how much was destroyed. Western observers suggest that much of China's thousands of years of history was in effect destroyed or, later smuggled abroad for sale, during the short ten years of the Cultural Revolution, and that such destruction and sale of historical artifacts is unmatched at any time or place in human history. Chinese historians compare the cultural suppression during the Cultural Revolution to Qin Shihuang's great Confucian purge. The most prominent symbol of academic research in archaeology, the journal Kaogu, did not publish during the Cultural Revolution.[22] Religious persecution, in particular, intensified during this period, because religion was seen as being opposed to Marxist-Leninist and Maoist thinking.[23]
Remnants of a banner from the Cultural Revolution in Anhui.

The status of traditional Chinese culture within China is also severely damaged as a result of the Cultural Revolution. Many traditional customs, such as fortune telling; paper art; feng shui consultations;[24] wearing traditional Chinese dresses for weddings; use of traditional Chinese calendar; scholarship in classical Chinese literature; and the practice of referring to the Chinese New Year as "New Year" rather than "Spring Festival"; had been weakened in China. Yet some aspects recovered fully, and some still survived in some forms in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Malaysia and in overseas Chinese communities, notwithstanding the impacts of Western culture (and Japanese culture in the case of Taiwan and Manchuria) on those communities.

The Cultural Revolution was particularly devastating for minority cultures in China. In Tibet, over 6,000 monasteries were destroyed, often with the complicity of local ethnic Tibetan Red Guards.

In Inner Mongolia, some 790,000 people were persecuted, of these 22,900 were beaten to death and 120,000 were maimed,[25] during a ruthless witchhunt to find members of the allegedly "separatist" Inner Mongolian People's Party, which had actually been disbanded decades before. According to Jung Chang in her controversial book Mao: The Unknown Story, supposed cases of atrocities included a Muslim woman having her teeth pulled out with pliers, then her nose and ears twisted off, before being hacked to death.

Another woman was raped with a pole (she then committed suicide). One man had nails driven into his skull. Another had his tongue cut out and then his eyes gouged out. Another was beaten with clubs on the genitals before having gunpowder forced up his nostrils and set alight.[26]

In Xinjiang, copies of the Quran and other books of the Uyghur Muslims people were apparently burned and Muslim imams were reportedly paraded around with paint splashed on their persons.

In the ethnic Korean areas of northeast China, language schools were destroyed. In Yunnan Province, the palace of the Dai people's king was torched, and an infamous massacre of Hui Muslim people at the hands of the People's Liberation Army, called the "Shadian Incident", reportedly claimed over 1,600 lives in 1975.

Cultural Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so u are gonna tell us what we should destroy and what not...!!!??? ha ha ha. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
A world well known fact.

I think Chinese are patriotic but that should not blind them. An economy that is growing at a scorching rate with minimal infrastructure and a billion population cannot be ignored. Indians are fast realising the benefits of economic success and the rate of growth will accelerate. Opinions apart, India is a slow starter but the mere presence of India as part of the BRIC is an indication of the potential it holds.
Who cares what Chinese thinks???

Let them be a frog in well.

Do you know why chinese thinks them as modern???

Because in their so called "Cultural Revolution" on Mao's instructions:

1. All the old monuments, monasteries were raged.

2. Millions of old people get killed.

3. Teachers were openly murdered by students because for them they were teaching old things and advocating old culture.

4. Each and every person that advocates old chinese culture was killed.

5. Each and every sign of old culture, old thinking was destroyed.

6. Intellectuals was forced to do physical labor in fields or get killed.

Cultural Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dalit teacher kills self after insult by colleague
Anand Bodh, TNN, May 22, 2010, 03.05am IST

CHANDIGARH: At a time when caste-based census is still being debated, a 50-year-old dalit school teacher ended his life after being allegedly humiliated by an upper caste employee of a school in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. His body was recovered on Thursday.
Chandan Lal of Rinj village was posted as a physical education teacher at a government school and was deputed for census survey. On May 13, Lal along with Kesaru Ram, a lab attendant in the school, had gone for the census survey. Ram belongs to an upper caste community.

According to the police, Kesaru Ram, unaware that Chandan Lal belonged to the scheduled caste, had asked him to spend a night at his house. When he came to know about it, Ram allegedly insulted Chandan Lal for not revealing his caste.

DSP (headquarter), Mandi, Narinder Kumar said according to Chandan Lal's suicide note addressed to a tehsildar, he was not able to bear the humiliation and committed suicide by allegedly consuming some poisonous substance.

"The police will be directed to register a case under the Prevention of Atrocities Act if it is confirmed that there is a caste bias in the case," said Himachal Pradesh secretary for social justice Prem Kumar. "We'll verify the allegations and will take stern action," said Himachal Pradesh minister for social justice and empowerment Sarveen Chaudhary.

Dalit teacher kills self after insult by colleague - India - The Times of India

I think Chinese are patriotic but that should not blind them. An economy that is growing at a scorching rate with minimal infrastructure and a billion population cannot be ignored. Indians are fast realising the benefits of economic success and the rate of growth will accelerate. Opinions apart, India is a slow starter but the mere presence of India as part of the BRIC is an indication of the potential it holds.

Current india is backward that is world well known fact, I am not talking about futrue, futrue cannot be predicated. And from my experience, indian is the most nationalist people in the world, most of them blind themself just like some indian members who posted on this thread.
BTW: I dont know if it is common indian sense, most indian I met dont know the word of "catching up". If they meet some one who is better than them, the first thing which they will consider is not to think how to catch up, but try their best to demonstrate others is worse than them even that is a world well known fact.:eek:
Current india is backward that is world well known fact, I am not talking about futrue, futrue cannot be predicated. And from my experience, indian is the most nationalist people in the world, most of them blind themself just like some indian members who posted on this thread.
BTW: I dont know if it is common indian sense, most indian I met dont know the word of "catching up". If they meet some one who is better than them, the first thing which they will consider is not to think how to catch up, but try their best to demonstrate others is worse than them even that is a world well known fact.:eek:

Yes India is backward based on your perception and definition of the word backward.

India is forward from where it was a year ago and will be ever further forward from where it stands today in the context of where it will be in a year's time.

In my entire post, I can't see the phenomena you claim.
About the word(s) "Catch up" and "world well known fact" good to know you are better and have access to all the facts of the world.

About the case of Dalit woman who committed suicide: Yes this is the whole of India and I can't see a more myopic argument.
Yes India is backward based on your perception and definition of the word backward.

India is forward from where it was a year ago and will be ever further forward from where it stands today in the context of where it will be in a year's time.

In my entire post, I can't see the phenomena you claim.
About the word(s) "Catch up" and "world well known fact" good to know you are better and have access to all the facts of the world.

About the case of Dalit woman who committed suicide: Yes this is the whole of India and I can't see a more myopic argument.

So I know what I said is common indian sense from your post, and end discussing here.:lol: keep backward~
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