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Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise

I doubt its to get funds from Congress. Why would the US endanger the lives of 4000 of its own troops?
US has hitech weapons but the moral of their troops is very low because they are used to fighting with weak enemies Vietnam/Iraq/afganistan. If they fight the Russians/Chinese, though the gains will be more, they will get nice beating. We Asians should unite to fight western super powers rather than fighting between ourselves.

There are two ways to look at this picture. All nuclear navies are concerned about diesel submarines----because they are extremely quiet. So, it could have happened.

It also happened in the late 70's or 80's during excersizes with the U S navy, a pakistani submarine was onto the U S aircraft carrier, when the carrier suddenly took off not realizing that it had been snapped by the pak navy sub. The noise created by the carrier props kept the sub undetectable.

U S has the capability of finding out diesel smoke exhaust ion on the ocean layer when the diesel subs snorkel. So, how did it get so close---lying in wait, just slipped throught he quadrant or just let in to get funds for the navy from the congress.
i hope chinese nuclear armed sub pops up in indian navy place and terminates it

So, according to you Pakistan Navy is not tough enough to do the same thing to Indian navy and you hope China will do it inbehalf of you huh?? or are you among the elite group of unmatured peoples who want to see a second Sino-Indian war?? either way your hope is just another HOPE kid. Its time to grow up.:coffee:
Dang...I cannot believe people still believe in this tall and old tale.

If it is true that a Song-class sub is capable of sneaking up to a US aircraft carrier undetected, if I was in charge of China, the moment the sub made it back to port, I would execute the sub commander and all senior officers for the crime of unbelievable and unforgivable stupidity. If my subs are that capable, why the hell would I want to reveal that fact to a potential adversary, especially one that has a global naval presence? All for few fleeting moments of news time? What good is that now that potential enemy will change his tactics and/or improve his submarine technology? It took me so long to catch up just to have an idiot captain throw all that gain away.

No sub commanders are that stupid.

US aircraft carriers do not sail without sub escorts. More like the Chinese sub was detected and an American sub shadowed him. When he got too close for safety reasons, he was pinged to surface. The US Navy will be more than happy to let the world laugh at US about this supposedly 'surprise' by a Chinese sub.
Lest anyone think what I said above is absurd...Despite the openness of American society, the Pentagon kept a tight lid on the F-117, from inception to admittance, for nearly a decade, and this is with an object that flies around in the sky, not something that can be snuck around underwater. So if the US can keep dozens of aircrafts secret from the public, how difficult is it for a government like China to keep secret the fact that Chinese subs can sneak up on a US aircraft carrier battle group? Not difficult at all. So why would any sane commander, civilian or military, do something so patently stupid to reveal such a capability?
Lest anyone think what I said above is absurd...Despite the openness of American society, the Pentagon kept a tight lid on the F-117, from inception to admittance, for nearly a decade, and this is with an object that flies around in the sky, not something that can be snuck around underwater. So if the US can keep dozens of aircrafts secret from the public, how difficult is it for a government like China to keep secret the fact that Chinese subs can sneak up on a US aircraft carrier battle group? Not difficult at all. So why would any sane commander, civilian or military, do something so patently stupid to reveal such a capability?

With due respect, but please kindly enlighten us then why stupid China reveals its secret capability of destroying satellite?

when i try to imagine this whole scene it really makes me laugh. chinease poppin up in the middle of US exercise. hahahahahahah
i wonder wat was the exercise all about if they couldnt even detect a chinease submarine.
similar to when mumbai attackers passed by indian navy while IN was conducting some exercise.
when i try to imagine this whole scene it really makes me laugh. chinease poppin up in the middle of US exercise. hahahahahahah
i wonder wat was the exercise all about if they couldnt even detect a chinease submarine.
similar to when mumbai attackers passed by indian navy while IN was conducting some exercise.

Exactly man... its hilarious to imagine such a scene.... just like a cartoon. Just imagine some US battle ships getting prepared for exercise being scattered here and there, and then all of a sudden a submarine pops up in the middle splashing water on the faces of the US Naval officials leaving them red faced. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well something similar happens again after 2 years

Chinese Submarine Collides with US Navy Towed Sonar
China's Foreign Ministry acknowledged for the first time Tuesday a collision last week between a Chinese submarine and a sonar being towed by a U.S. Navy destroyer.

The incident occurred Thursday, spokesman Qin Gang said, while giving no details.

The U.S. Navy has had little comment on the incident, other than to say that the USS John S. McCain's towed sonar had been damaged. There have been no reports of injuries or damage to either vessel.
While analysts said the collision appeared to be an accident, they have warned of a growing pattern of incidents and confrontations arising from China's growing naval power and willingness to assert territorial claims in waters off its coast.

"What we're seeing are the initial stages of a growing military competition between the United States and China with naval forces rubbing up against each other in a dangerous and largely unregulated posturing for alliances and natural resources in the region," said Hans M. Kristensen, a researcher with the Federation of American Scientists in Washington, D.C.

The incident reportedly occurred in international waters northwest of the former U.S. naval base at Subic Bay in the Philippines. Beijing considers the area its territorial waters as part of its claim to the entire South China Sea and opposes U.S. military operations and data gathering there.

China: U.S. warship?s sonar hit submarine - China- msnbc.com
It seems that the US Naval ship was not able to detect the Chinese Sub.

A state-run newspaper said Monday that a Chinese submarine's reported collision last week with an underwater sonar apparatus towed by a U.S. destroyer in the South China Sea was likely an accident.

The official China Daily cited Chinese military experts as saying that the submarine's collision with the sonar array connected to the USS John S. McCain probably occurred due to a misjudgment of distance.

No injuries were reported and the extent of damage to the sonar array was not immediately known.

Yin Zhuo, a senior researcher with the People's Liberation Army's Navy Equipment Research Center, said the American destroyer appeared to have failed to detect the submarine, while the Chinese vessel set its distance from the McCain assuming it was not carrying sonar arrays, according to the paper.

The sophisticated and expensive arrays are used to remotely detect the presence of submarines, mines and other underwater objects. They are connected to ships and submarines by cables up to a few miles (kilometers) long.

GMANews.TV - Chinese sub, US sonar collision accidental - World - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News
Here we are talking about the older type 093 model. Interesting to see how more advanced the type 094 and the newer experimental models are.

What's more important are these recent Yankee aggression.
Lest anyone think what I said above is absurd...Despite the openness of American society, the Pentagon kept a tight lid on the F-117, from inception to admittance, for nearly a decade, and this is with an object that flies around in the sky, not something that can be snuck around underwater. So if the US can keep dozens of aircrafts secret from the public, how difficult is it for a government like China to keep secret the fact that Chinese subs can sneak up on a US aircraft carrier battle group? Not difficult at all. So why would any sane commander, civilian or military, do something so patently stupid to reveal such a capability?
With due respect, but please kindly enlighten us then why stupid China reveals its secret capability of destroying satellite?
You have got to be joking with that question...


You cannot hide a missile launch because there are satellites designed to detect such launches. The response time to such detection is not the point but the detection capability itself is. Not just US but also many countries have satellite tracking capability, from governments to civilians. Do a word search for 'satellite tracking' and see for yourself. For an organization like NORAD, no satellite is hidden. Now all of a sudden, there is a missing (predicted) track from the previous rotation and its place a debris cloud. It does not require a PhD to deduce what happened and when.

Compare to underwater, there are no such equivalent to satellites to detect a ship every time it leave ports, let alone a submarine. So if China does have subs that capable of shadowing a US carrier battle group undetected, and each group have sub escorts, it would be utterly stupid to the highest degree to reveal such capability. The problem here is that the vast majority of people here do not have military experience, hence this kind of wrong thinking and the willingness to abandon critical thinking skills just because something sounds good enough to humiliate the US.
You have got to be joking with that question...


You cannot hide a missile launch because there are satellites designed to detect such launches. The response time to such detection is not the point but the detection capability itself is. Not just US but also many countries have satellite tracking capability, from governments to civilians. Do a word search for 'satellite tracking' and see for yourself. For an organization like NORAD, no satellite is hidden. Now all of a sudden, there is a missing (predicted) track from the previous rotation and its place a debris cloud. It does not require a PhD to deduce what happened and when.

Compare to underwater, there are no such equivalent to satellites to detect a ship every time it leave ports, let alone a submarine. So if China does have subs that capable of shadowing a US carrier battle group undetected, and each group have sub escorts, it would be utterly stupid to the highest degree to reveal such capability. The problem here is that the vast majority of people here do not have military experience, hence this kind of wrong thinking and the willingness to abandon critical thinking skills just because something sounds good enough to humiliate the US.

God you are slow. He was refering to why demonstrate actual capability. Until that time, China never shot down a satellite, only USA and Russia did. This was to demonstrate this capability. For example if Iran can do it, then our preconceptions of Iranian missile capability changes. Get it? Got it? Good.:cheers:
God you are slow. He was refering to why demonstrate actual capability. Until that time, China never shot down a satellite, only USA and Russia did. This was to demonstrate this capability. For example if Iran can do it, then our preconceptions of Iranian missile capability changes. Get it? Got it? Good.:cheers:

No No.... He is not gonna get it. :smokin:
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