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Chinese Students to Study in India, Learn Software

We do not share blood with you though. Indians are descendents of both aboriginal Dravidian tribals, and European related Aryans. You are far closer to whites than we are. East Asians in contrast have some of the greatest DNA differences from whites among all races, even more than blacks.

The whole crap of Aryan invasion was nullifed in the same Europe that promoted it around 2 years back. Indian gene all over the country is similar. It is very adoptive and basically features change due to areas of adaptation. Even we NE indians are genetically similar to rest of India.

Aryan Dravidian is a concept that has died long back with the death of British empires. Our scriptures are older than the entire European civilization. If there was something like that, it'd have been mentioned and scientifically proven. Even science failed imperialist nonsense like that recently. :lol:
I had an oppertunity to work with some of the Chinese IT professional when I was part of the eBay account at Cognizant. To be frank they are hard working(both men and women) and at the same time when you say party, they are the ones who enjoy the most.

I am really happy to see that both the governments are looking the light in each other and moves such as Student Exchange will break the ice of mistrust between the people of both the nations.

I hope once Pakistan is back on track, we can initiate such programs with them too,
Can anyone tell us about any progress on this?
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