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Chinese ship carrying arms detained by India.

BTW - What happened with Italians? I stopped following it :pop:

So, You are going to confiscate it ?

Really??? How exactly India is gonna tell that?

They gone Cry to death thats how indian gone tell


Chinese vessels carry names of the ships written in Chinese
Cant these dumb indian coast guards read english?

It is just very comical yet again to see all the low IQs started cheerleading long before there is any detailed press release!
If this is a ship registered to a African country, the crew and passengers are European, American and indian then where does China come into this? Or is the indian media so China obsessed they see the Chinese in everything?

absolutely! that is hysterically funny isnt it?

the cheerleaders never fail to entertain the world with their utter stupidity!

Many Indian here feel a sense of pride as they finally exact their revenge after the 1962 humiliation by detaining this African ships sailed from china.

:lol: can the Indian military and media get any more amateurish. These people are complete and utter fools of the highest order. And they have the audacity to ask why we look down on Indians and make fun of their low IQ. Well, now they know.

How anyone can have the slightest bit of respect for these Indians is beyond me.
Originally Posted by faithfulguy
Many Indian here feel a sense of pride as they finally exact their revenge after the 1962 humiliation by detaining this African ships sailed from china.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...ying-arms-detained-india-6.html#ixzz2hZAWbLkp

India did take revenge with PAK in 1971 , a humiliated pak will not forget till 100 generation and we take revenge on China in Chola incident when Chinese find India superior and run back. Which they dont like to tell and fogey.
If this is a ship registered to a African country, the crew and passengers are European, American and indian then where does China come into this? Or is the indian media so China obsessed they see the Chinese in everything?
Indians detained the Sierra Leone ship because India is now poorer than Sierra Leone, making Indians feel so inferior they need to boast about their shu-poor-power! :lol:
Many Indian here feel a sense of pride as they finally exact their revenge after the 1962 humiliation by detaining this African ships sailed from china.
exactly what humiliation are you talking about!your mighty PLA invaded a newly independent country which was at that time an ally of china,caught our defenses off guard since we never expected the chinis to back stab us like this cowardly manner.we only had a division strength of soldiers deployed all along the Indo-Sino frontier at that time and our Army had a strength of around 180,000 personnel and armed with circa WW-II era bolt action rifles.on the other hand your PLA was at that time over 4 million strong,armed with sophisticated AKM rifles.your army sent over 80,000 soldiers to invade Indian territories and nearly captured the entire NEFA(Arunachal Pradesh) region and was dangerously close to Dispur,the provincial capital of Assam.the interesting fact here is when the I.A. regrouped and re-organised itself for a massive counter-assalut,your army fled from the Indian territories with their tails between their legs and declared an unilateral ceasefire without even completing their primary objective to capture the entire NEFA which was claimed by them as chini territory.well this alone speaks a volume about the success of PLA in the 1962 war:azn:.
but then again PLA is globally famous for running away from battlefields and declaring unilateral ceasefire now and then.the last time they tried to invade Vietnam they got their a$$ whopped by the rag tag Vietnamese reserves(many of whom were in fact women);) and ended up declaring an unilateral ceasefire without even completing their primary objective which was to pressurize Vietnam to remove it's army from Cambodia!!!
:lol: can the Indian military and media get any more amateurish. These people are complete and utter fools of the highest order. And they have the audacity to ask why we look down on Indians and make fun of their low IQ. Well, now they know.

How anyone can have the slightest bit of respect for these Indians is beyond me.
chinese people has a very low average I.Q. which is around 80 as per an international scientific research.no wonder why they try to copy every other stuff made by others because innovation is something which is simply not their cup of tea!!:coffee:
For you, I stand for India.
i really doubt that you're an U.S. citizen because it's very uncommon for an U.S. citizen(immigrant like you) to have such a low I.Q.:undecided:i have always thought that only the brightest people can get the U.S. citizenship but perhaps i was wrong after all!!!
:lol: can the Indian military and media get any more amateurish. These people are complete and utter fools of the highest order. And they have the audacity to ask why we look down on Indians and make fun of their low IQ. Well, now they know.

How anyone can have the slightest bit of respect for these Indians is beyond me.
So you "look down" on people who gave you everything from the numbers you use to Kung Fu (one of the main exports other than cheap products that the Chinese are known for)?

Apparently the Chinese have a lot to be proud of: one baseless source that says they have average IQs, itself a meaningless statistic. Let's be real, there's no academic discipline where the Indian diaspora doesn't completely demolish the Chinese. And in the US, for example, Indians have the highest SAT scores, income, and college graduation rates of any group by a pretty big margin. Looking at our respective histories, and even where both groups are right now, would anyone in their right mind say that the Chinese are collectively smarter? It would be insane.

Mind you, I'm not saying all Indians are smart, nor that all the Chinese are capable of is copying like some other people. But to say that you look down on Indians collectively because of their supposed lack of intelligence is pure trolling, because I know even you don't believe what you're saying.
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